any New Yorkers wanna give input on how accurate the locations are? looking forward to side-by-side shots.
Lifelong New Yorker and I will say this is the most accurate virtual NYC I've ever seen. While there are tons of inaccuracies (street signs facing the wrong way, alleways don't exist in NYC, stores not quite matching up with their IRL equivalents, streets being too wide, the subway being completely off, and what is up with the Chinese arch in Koreatown), the general architecture for each area is fantastically on point. For example
The area south of the your base of operations (the Farley Post Office IRL), does indeed have a few large apartment complexes.
Most buildings in the Chelsea area are indeed 3 story walkup apartments.
The High Line (elevated train/park just east of Hudson Yards) is amazingly close, down to locations of seating areas and ramps.
Even little things like in their "31st" street near the dark zone there are two buildings connected by an overhead connected passageway.
I could go on and on but its one of the things that makes want this game, though I'm not completely sold on the gameplay.