By fixing your keyboard first.How do yyou o chat on pc?
im on a phoneBy fixing your keyboard first.
Like, are there supposed to be NPC's in the Dark Zone to fight or....?
So , I spent some time in the darkzone, got some loot, extracted some loot, killed some people and ran around a lot in a very sparsely populated city.
There isn't really a great deal to do, and what there is to do isn't very interesting it's just a bit too sparse between fights.
Maybe to full game will have more to do?
Does any of the beta stuff carry over?
Does any of the beta stuff carry over?
Regarding the Dark Zone:
The developers have said, that inside the Dark Zone there will be 24 players at a time, because they don't want you to run into people around every corner.
I am extremely sure that right now,you only see so many people because those 24 are all inside the small area that is cordoned off inside the beta.
So once the full Dark Zone is there and people move further and further north as they level and such, you won't be running into players around every corner anymore.
There are definitely NPCs there to fight but they seem few and far between. You really have to just roam around and come across them.
Dark zone question.
What's the point of the red infected areas. I explore them, but there isn't shit in there.
Did a replay of the hospital mission on hard with randoms, really fun that way. Would recommend it for anyone looking to do some PvE stuff.
The ones that are there are often tough as nails though.
Do you get better loot on harder difficulties?
Of course. Enemies are level 8-9. Instead of 4-5.
The detail in this game is crazy. I'm pumped for launch.
Regarding the Dark Zone:
The developers have said, that inside the Dark Zone there will be 24 players at a time, because they don't want you to run into people around every corner.
I am extremely sure that right now,you only see so many people because those 24 are all inside the small area that is cordoned off inside the beta.
So once the full Dark Zone is there and people move further and further north as they level and such, you won't be running into players around every corner anymore.
How do you type chat on pc?
How do yyou o chat on pc?
What's the signature skill? Someone was trying to explain to me yesterday and I was too drunk to comprehend anything.
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actually my friend and I tested: enemies scale depending on your Level.
We did the Mission as lvl 5 on hard and all enemies were lvl 5 with purple health and armor
then we did it at lvl 7 and all enemies were lvl 7 with purple health and armor
on normal, they were all lvl 4 no matter our Level with red health and no armor
Major cities don't really empty like that though, especially with a quarantine going. A lot fewer people out and about but still a decent population.Isn't New York hit with some kind of a virus or something like that? I wouldn't expect a city that went through something like this to be very populated at all. Most likely everyone fled the city by now.
There's loot container and locked chest in there. If there isn't it was probably looted not long ago.
Agree with Levelcap in this vid. If you are Roque 5 you shouldnt be getting extra time to your timer if you shoot people. Because people will hunt you and see you on the map all the time and if you defend yourself you get extra time. Wich is abit stupid because you create a timer wich never goes away then.
Ohh, so those containers are shared across the whole server? How the crap do you get them then?
The ones that are there are often tough as nails though.
This, and even as it is now there are extraction points littered across the map. I just work my way around and find an extraction zone that has almost no one around and have had no problem with getting stuff out. Plus, you can always run and run...and run some more. It's not like your going down with one shot so if things go bad or a group shows up / goes rogue then trying to escape is always an option.
Once the full game hits and the whole Dark Zone opens up then it should be easier to find less populated extraction zones on a more reliable basis.
That said, having at least one with you and watching your back is a good thing but there is another feel to it going solo as well.
Ohh, so those containers are shared across the whole server? How the crap do you get them then?
I think you compete with the 23 other playing the Dark Zone. If a member of your team open it, you will also get loot from it. Some chest require a specific Dark Zone level to open, highest one are level 10. And some of them require Dark Zone key which you can loot by killing enemies, or enemy player. I think you can find some in the wild as well, I always was surprised getting to a chest, seeing I had a key, most of the time I had no clue where I found it.
Playing early in the morning yesterday on PS4 all the chest were unopened, my group and I went on a big looting spree.
While I completely agree with your point, I do think that (at least for the beta) they are more likely testing connection issues, matchmaking,etc rather than how many NPC are out and about the city. I do hope that once the game ships, the city will be more populated because as of right now,I can go a full 3-4 minutes without seeing a single soul.Major cities don't really empty like that though, especially with a quarantine going. A lot fewer people out and about but still a decent population.
Do console Players have the Options of customizing their HUD like we PCs do?
I've only gotten DZ Keys from killing enemies.
Noomi! You up for teaming up later?What's the signature skill? Someone was trying to explain to me yesterday and I was too drunk to comprehend anything.
press enter
Great game but man there is WAY too much HUD going on.
Great game but man there is WAY too much HUD going on.
This is exactly what our group was thinking last night when we got manhunted. Seems silly that you can't defend yourself at all. I could see not allowing you to fire first without resetting your timer, but why not in retaliation?I know going Rogue is supposed to be hard, but It would be more fun if you just had to survive for a period of time regardless of how much you shoot back. Right now you kill someone, take their loot, then run in circles away from people untll your timer runs out. If you shoot back your rogue timer keeps going up.
Would be cooler if everyone was gunning for you and you could fight back and try to survive for 2 or 3 minutes.
Like, are there supposed to be NPC's in the Dark Zone to fight or....?
Lets hope the beta shows Massive that some changes to the DZ settings might work better![]()