The amount of somewhat accurate reflective surfaces in the game is staggering... Walls, countertops, escalators.. You even see reflections of yourself on the vehicle you're taking cover with.Very good materials too on a number of objects (look at the metallic ribbon on the gift or how the cloth looks here).
When you say quests do you just mean the things on the map that say "encounter"? I can't tell if they are random every time you log in or once you do them they are cleared from the map for good.
When you say quests do you just mean the things on the map that say "encounter"? I can't tell if they are random every time you log in or once you do them they are cleared from the map for good.
My biggest complaint so far is that for some reason Rogue status sometimes applies to players who are defending themselves from attacks instead of the initial attacker. They really need to fix that.
Dark Zone is kind of the worst tbh. I feel like they want people fighting to take things from people but it's a barren wasteland where you get nothing. Fucking nothing. I ran around in there for like 3 hours and I got a bunch of garbage that was barely an upgrade so if someone takes it like...aight? I don't really care about anything I've ever gotten in there. It would make sense for the good gear to be sparse if you were killing NPC's a lot but there's practically no NPC's and then you get all green and white garbage.
They really need to work on making that stuff worthwhile because I can't imagine why I'd go in there when this thing goes live. I'd just feel bad about killing people for any halfway decent loot because they'd probably spent 8 hours to get it. I feel like only Satan himself would take pleasure in stealing a piece of good gear off the poor bastard's that put themselves through that torture.
I still enjoy the shooting and movement stuff though. That all feels very nice though I wish there were more options for shooting around cover as it sometimes very hard to get at an angle where you can pop and shoot around cover because there's a bunch of shit in the way. Like being able to pop AND to the side instead of one or there other based on where you are on the cover would be very much appreciated.
Uninstalled the beta atfer 5 minutes of gameplay. Not because it's bad, can't judge that.
First I hate games throwing you right into it without any menu or options screen. Game started in 4k... with 15fps. Then almost every graphic settings require a new start. Then the game was constantly crashing when turning the camera (new driver fixed this, but I did stick to the old drivers for reasons). Graphics are not even close to the first trailer we saw. And after switching from fullscreen to windowed mode a screen of the main menu popped up, sound was still in-game but the game itself didn't respond anymore. And the interface is unresponsive. Clicked "continue game" couple of times, no response, had to hover off and on again for the game to recognise the cursor.
I have no time for this.
That said, I did have a pretty awesome moment in the dark zone where I was able to steal another player's gear seconds before his chopper left and then vault over some walls and run away...that was pretty fun.
The reasons I would never game on PC.
Wait... so at which point is loot safe from theft? Can it be stolen right up until the chopper leaves?
You get the upgrade resources from activities in the city, which is all playable with friends.
Well,there is no "singleplayer" there is just "the game".
You can invite friends or randoms, even matchmake with them for both open world (or "free roam" as it's called in the game) and missions. You can play everything alone or with up to three others.
The Base of Operations is actually instanced for each player, since it is what governs the skills you can use. So if you walk in there, you are in your own base that can have different upgrades from your friend's who will be in their own version.
So you always upgrade your own base,not one base for everyone.
The current threshold is fine. If they tweak it anymore big firefights at the evacs will turn into awful clusterfucks.It's whole damage threshold thing. You need to do X amount of damage to another player before being turned into rogue. If your target returns fire instantly and is first to pass said threshold then he will get rogue status instead of you. I guess threshold is in place so players wouldn't get flagged as rogue from every accidental FF incident where you hit another player with 1-2 bullets, BUT same time system does give one more advantage into toolbox of healthy and growing up rogue. They already get advantages of timing, place, encounter distance [e.g. I saw few guys pushing right next to intended target with shotties, basically OHK and nothing target could do] etc, but now they even can bait you into attacking them first and/or chip away a lot of yours HP before being flagged as rogue.
Massive either needs to lower threshold so rogue status gets flagged a lot easier and sooner, not when target is already at 20% of HP and dies to next hit, or just embrace their PvEvP design and make it so that if you shoot another player you get flagged as rogue from first hit. Accidents happen and most of players know that, and won't execute rogue on sight if situation at hand shows that hitting another player instead of AI was accident.
The reasons I would never game on PC.
Do you have to push a button for proximity chat? I've yet to hear it, and it doesn't seem like anyone is hearing me.
you have to have it enabled and it has either voice activation or push to talk.
why is the health skill the same as th stciky bomb ._. shot some health at people and they opened up on me![]()
why is the health skill the same as th stciky bomb ._. shot some health at people and they opened up on me![]()
The current threshold is fine. If they tweak it anymore big firefights at the evacs will turn into awful clusterfucks.
The issue right now is that the spawn timers don't accommodate the high level of traffic in the beta. Everyone is in the Dark Zone because there's nothing else to do right now. In the full release, I think players will be spread out across the full DZ map as well as doing missions and content in the non-DZ map.
Played it last night and I was pretty disappointed. The opening video said it was an RPG but it's clearly a Destiny clone. Way, way too much like Destiny. I'll give it another shot tonight but right now it's not looking like I'll be picking this up.
I think not and here's why. We know that they have 24 man instances and it's to be assumed that this will probably try to match people to around the same level. It would be kind of weird if it didn't. We also know that zones are broken up by level so in practical reality people will mostly be playing in their levels zone which is your zone. That means that people are still gonna be jammed in like sardines if they want to do content appropriate to their level.
Additionally, I'm telling you what I experience in the game and you say well we know it's not like that but it is because many people are reporting that. The "high level" play videos are of streamers playing controlled content. We have the beta in our hands and we can see what's actually happening.
This is a significant issue in the beta and if you don't believe that they need to figure out a way to address that and do believe that it will never ever be an issue again then I don't know what to tell you. It needs worked on. There's simple ways to fix it like a sliding spawn rate base don how many people are in the zone. But just blowing smoke and ASSUMING it'll be all ok is naive. The issue needs to be trumpeted from the rooftops so it gets worked on.
Haven't gone into DZ yet but how does grouping up work in there? Can you group up with random people easily?
Played it last night and I was pretty disappointed. The opening video said it was an RPG but it's clearly a Destiny clone. Way, way too much like Destiny. I'll give it another shot tonight but right now it's not looking like I'll be picking this up.
Wait until you are Level 8 to join the Dark Zone. You will get into a different instance with a bunch of yellow enemies to Kill. They drop really good gear and weapons and it is a lot more fun. If you are Level 1-7 the Dark Zone will be pretty empty (only players roaming around).Dark Zone is kind of the worst tbh. I feel like they want people fighting to take things from people but it's a barren wasteland where you get nothing. Fucking nothing. I ran around in there for like 3 hours and I got a bunch of garbage that was barely an upgrade so if someone takes it like...aight? I don't really care about anything I've ever gotten in there. It would make sense for the good gear to be sparse if you were killing NPC's a lot but there's practically no NPC's and then you get all green and white garbage.
They really need to work on making that stuff worthwhile because I can't imagine why I'd go in there when this thing goes live. I'd just feel bad about killing people for any halfway decent loot because they'd probably spent 8 hours to get it. I feel like only Satan himself would take pleasure in stealing a piece of good gear off the poor bastard's that put themselves through that torture.
I still enjoy the shooting and movement stuff though. That all feels very nice though I wish there were more options for shooting around cover as it sometimes very hard to get at an angle where you can pop and shoot around cover because there's a bunch of shit in the way. Like being able to pop AND to the side instead of one or there other based on where you are on the cover would be very much appreciated.
The Division features PBR, so no surprise there, is this generation graphic advancement (together with higher resolutions on PC), it does look sweet indeed and definitely makes a huge difference in realism!The amount of somewhat accurate reflective surfaces in the game is staggering... Walls, countertops, escalators.. You even see reflections of yourself on the vehicle you're taking cover with.
Yeah, I think my friend and I did like 8 encounters, 3-4 side missions?
You guys need to go to the situation boards and talk to the JTF officers. They show you stuff on your map and unlock it.
You also get XP for walking into new areas, even if they are behind the red wall of beta death.
I would love to just hip fire but they remove the reticle until you start shooting which makes it hard to line up shots without ads
Dark Zone is weird. Can't seem to leave, no idea how the PvE/contamination concept works, and shooting back at people seems to flag you as rogue no matter what.
Single player/story seems fun though.
It still doesn't take long.....I had alpha done....which is beta done in a day. That included ALL the side missions. It's not hard at all to do everything in the beta within a one day period. You can do most side missions in under 5 minutes outside of the water well one.
Yeah they can get pretty tough.
I picked up a piece of blue body armour in the DZ and from that point on I was just sweating and went immediately to extract it. I think I went round and round all the extraction points a couple of times before I found the perfect conditions. Shot the flare when I was sure I was alone and no one would spot me then just legged it away to hide in the alleys until the clock got to, like, 5 secs. Then I ran back and attached it at the last second. It's a cowardly strategy but it works ha ha.
I would love to just hip fire but they remove the reticle until you start shooting which makes it hard to line up shots without ads
pretty weird to have a 3rd person shooter with no "crouch/sneak" button. i keep instinctively trying to do it and its giving me a headache.
xbox one beta code
quote to see
Guys, the Dark Zone changes when you reach Level 8. Before that the Zone is pretty much empty and it seems like there is nothing to do there besides killing players. When you get to Level 8 that's when the fun begins. You will begin to see lots of hard enemies to kill there, mostly yellow, with lots of good drops to extract later. Do not judge the Dark Zone until you get to Level 8 on your character.
The moment you finished to fill the bar to put the container on the hook,your loot is safe.