I am on mobile so i am sorry if it is gonna be too brief for you but yes i believe yoy will find similar issues like Destiny if you play solo. I played a few hours today and i can imagine that you will get bored soon if you do so. But also after some time i formed a group and then the game became x10 times more fun.
Is it a desert type beige one? I think I may have the same one, it makes it look sensational.
Anyway I'm with you there, I'm definitely going to find one as quick as I can come final release too. I wonder what other DMR/Snipers they'll have in the full game?
heres a video I found about the invisibility
Ubisoft Please Fix! The Division - Beta God Mode Glitch (profanity)
though in this viddy they think it has something to do with fast travel
You guys really have to stop expecting "endgame content" with this game. Endgame is farming the dark zone.
That's a bit disappointing, but thanks a lot for the info.
I have not found any color option pickups for my guns yet.
I have not found any color option pickups for my guns yet.
I've had a couple of red under grip things.
I've totally solo'd the beta and love it.More so than Destiny which I thought was pretty good for the first 20 hours.
Can anyone tell me, how do you leave a group once you are match made?
I joined a group in the DZ via matchmaking, and they all kept going rogue. I just wanted out, but only way I could, was to log out.
Any ideas?
Can anyone tell me, how do you leave a group once you are match made?
I joined a group in the DZ via matchmaking, and they all kept going rogue. I just wanted out, but only way I could, was to log out.
Any ideas?
Goddamn you FIVE-O!!!
"It will take you around 21 minutes to walk across The Divisions beta map"
Did you do the mission on Hard? That's where it fell apart for me. The elite enemy AI is just garbage when you're playing solo - it's clearly designed for a squad. Otherwise, enemies have no problem walking up to your face with guns blazing.
Destiny was much more manageable (and fun) solo, IMO.
Stealth takedowns were a thing at some point but they were cut.I wish they would add a melee weapon slot, or make it an option for your secondary.
Yeah have the same feeling. It looks great, but the missions in the 'story' were really standard affair... 'go there, use this system to reveal clues' and you go from waypoint to waypoint without much else than some small encounters. Shooting is OK, though the camera and cover mechanic sometimes fight with each other. So when the story mission abruptly ended it told me to go to the dark zone, so I did, after a stroll through a part of town I hadn't visited yet, shooting some shots for the screenshot thread here and entered DZ. I'm playing solo and it felt rather empty. There were some people there, I picked up some loot, but it wasn't nailbiting exciting. Some guy decided to go rogue and that was fun for 30 seconds, but it felt a bit like an excuse to deal with friendly fire.I wish I played the same game as you guys. It was fun for a bit but quickly got dreadfully boring. I really hope the city is packed with interesting things to see and do in the final game because wandering around collecting gloves and hats won't keep my interest for more than a few hours.
Stealth takedowns were a thing at some point but they were cut.
The elite enemy AI is just garbage when you're playing solo - it's clearly designed for a squad. Otherwise, enemies have no problem walking up to your face with guns blazing
Has Massive discussed the end game of this game at all? I love the beta, but I'm really curious about what there will be to do at higher levels.
Also, I'm wondering what the high level loot will be like. Will it just be different paint jobs or unique effects on the guns we have now or will they invent their own guns?
No real talk about end game. I think it safe to assume their will be raids.
Just paint for the loot. This game seems to be doing the whole this m4 does 300 this one does 398 model.
Not really. Some weapons have built in "powers" sort of like Legendary Items in Diablo 3. I don't know how fleshed out it will be but it's more than just a dps race.
I doubt this.
I tried it last night and almost feel asleep, it is boring.Generic was a bad choice of word sorry.
Boring/uninteresting was more in line with how i felt. Im going to have another go in bit with my mate. When playing a beta i normally get hooked quite quickly if its going to be a game il enjoy.
Same. I'm slightly off level 8 (one more side mission/activity will do it) yet I've completed everything on my map, aside from the stuff you discover through exploration.Man, there's nothing to do on my map, except collect parts I can't seem to get to. Did side missions and encounters and don't want to bother with Dark Zone. Do I have to use situation board to refresh new activities?
Aren't the powers just number buffs. I know i had one that just was 15% more crit
Stealth takedowns were a thing at some point but they were cut.
I tried it last night and almost feel asleep, it is boring.
It's trying to be a shooter and an rpg, for mei does neither well. The world feels empty and repetitive.