Unf, extra days. I'm okay with this.
That's mighty white of them.
Unf, extra days. I'm okay with this.
http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/67145/uhhh-it-s-asking-me-to-re-install-the-gameI downloaded and installed the latest patch and now I need to re-install the entire game. WTF. This patch process is screwed up.
Wants to "repair" with a 22 gig download.
I have 35 gigs upload/download monthly cap on my connection...
Unf, extra days. I'm okay with this.
That's mighty white of them.
So the full retail version truly turned out to be a polished game?
Not counting server problems, that's a separate issue and I can give them a pass on that. I'm talking about the gameplay and game engine.
So the full retail version truly turned out to be a polished game?
Not counting server problems, that's a separate issue and I can give them a pass on that. I'm talking about the gameplay and game engine.
So kind of them, giving us a free buck for having to deal with tons of issues. Or at least, I've had a ton of issues trying to play.
So the full retail version truly turned out to be a polished game?
Not counting server problems, that's a separate issue and I can give them a pass on that. I'm talking about the gameplay and game engine.
Launcher is downloading the full game again.... ?
edit: looks I'm not the only one:
lol this guy is fucked
My client had the "repair" button, I exited and then it was back to "play"
While the launcher is trying to download the 22 gig file:
Hit pause.
Use the game settings icon IN THE NEWS SECTION, choose cancel,
Using same icon choose repair.
Play after "repair".
Download speeds just went to shit. Hopefully this weekend is not a total clusterfuck.
Why am I downloading the entire game again? Is there away around this?
How is the performance? Better than the beta? Is anyone able to max it out on 1080p 60FPS?
It still needs work in this regards. I am running a Intel 3930x OC to 4.8 and 2xGTX Titans and at 1080p and every setting set to the max, I have had drops down to the 30's at times in some of the towns and a little bit of drops out in the open. Overall, it runs good, but could definitely be better as I should not be dropping at all with the rig I have.
I am going to disable SLI to see if it improves. I have had games in the past that caused more issues due to SLI. I also think there is no official driver profile, nor a SLI profile (Nvidia) as of yet.
Really depends on who you ask. For me, the game is okay, I enjoy it when it works right, but I have been dealing with all kinds of lag, as well as 5+ character rollbacks. It's ridiculous. It feels like beta to me.
It looks better than the beta did and there are no bugs (or few ones if you like). Whoever decided they would use old builds as the stress test (which is what everyone judged the game from) should be fired.
edited to say ha at the guy above me. I guess it depends then. me and a friend had no issue so far.
It has been a very smooth pre-launch. Actual launch, which is tomorrow, should paint a better picture. However, you can read many impressions, from IGN to Massively, that praise the game and its polish, thus far.
Obviously, there are bug quests and other oddities. Although, ironically enough, my experience so far has been less buggy than Skyrim launch.
Did anyone else buy from Gamestop? Trying to put in my retail key now and it says it's invalid? Are they not going to be active until tomorrow? My 5 day imperial edition early access key worked the other day and I can still play right now but I'm not trying to wait any longer if my key isn't good.
any guild spots left, War Macheen
also game doesn't look half bad maxed out, though some of the animations and hit detection are janky.
Hey guys, I'm considering an impulse buy, wanted a few opinions. I really didn't get into skyrim as much as I though I would. I did play a lot of Oblivion though. How is this game going in with no friends to play with? All my friends are on Dota and don't want to get it.
Holy crap does FoundryTacticalCombat improve the UI in the game
add @emenis
Everyone in the guild can invite. I'm not on at the moment. My laptop is breaking on me and I'm trying to fix that. ): lol
To be added do you need my Character name or just my username? I have a few alts that I made, not sure which I am going to run with mainly at first.
Fixed my retail code issues, Gamestop changed my product key automatically? completely different code scheme, too.
Has anyone noticed any performance dips since the new patch? Seem to be getting around a 10 fps hit.
Finally installed.
So uh.. Kinda doesn't run so well on my pc.
Any tweaks that might help?