Any good Templar builds out there?
Saw this on reddit and its been great for me (if you're going healer)
My tips for a templar healer.
First ability in the Aedric line (forgot name), that should be morphed to Puncturing Sweep, is your melee range AOE ability. The first ability in the Dawn's Wraith line, morph to the one that hits multiple targets, is your ranged attack. The last ability in the Dawn's Wraith when morphed to Radiant Destruction is your end-game ranged and execute ability. Nova is the correct ult. That is really all the offense you'll need to get into the vet levels.
For early game healing get the first ability in the restro line, morph it to Healing Springs. This is your AOE healing over time (HOT) spell. It will stack so try and to always keep it up during dungeon fights. Also get the first ability in the Restoring Light line, morph it to Breath of Life (BoL). This is your "oh crap" button. It is the best burst heal in the game. BoL is expensive so use wisely. These two alone will get you through most of the early dungeons.
I've got a v14 templar healer that I use for running some of the high level end game content. At this level I go with a restrorestro weapon setup. My bars are: Breath of Life, Puncturing Sweep, Healing Springs, Extended Ritual, Repentance, Ult: Nova and bar two is Breath of Life, Radiant Destruction, Luminous Shards, Syphon Sprit, Structured Entropy, Ult: Nova
Note, I've got BoL on both bars; you do not want to get into a "oh crap" moment and have to worry about which bar you have up. Also notice the second ability on both bars is my offensive spell, Puncturing Sweep is my AOE, Radiant Destruction (the Jesus beam) is my execute spell.
Armor: start with 5 light, 2 heavy till you get your character level up into the mid 40's, at that point switch to 7 light. When you are able to do some armor crafting, or can find someone to help, you'll want a 5 set of the Seducers armor. Great passives for a magic based build.
Attribute points should be a ratio of 2 magic to 3 health. Later on put 2 (total) into stamina for dodge rolling, etc. Note, the attribute distribution is what I needed at end game. As you level up put the points where ever they are needed.
Lastly, as a healer, your job in a group dungeon is to keep everyone alive. If you can toss in a little damage, great!. But, if you've used up your magic doing damage and cannot toss out some healing when needed your group could wipe and you'd have failed. So, heals is first priority, damage second.