Don't forget to set up security measures for your guild bank, and make sure that not everyone has unlimited access to withdrawals by default.
The PC GAF guild had its bank ransacked by a GAF member. Some people just don't give a shit about their reputation.
About the security, everything that's in the guild bank is stuff people don't want.
AKA a bunch of junk that aint worth anything.
The stuff in the guild's bank is for anyone to take, for example:
crafting supplies
low level potions
junk gear
Aint no one gonna be very mad if someone cleared the bank out of that stuff.
It will be a very unwise decision, as doing an act like that, the guild leader and officers can see who take stuff out and put stuff in the guild bank, so they will get kicked from the guild, meaning no guild bank nor guild traders, and they will be reported to a gaf mod and possibly banned from neogaf.
They had better think hard before they do something so stupid for a bunch of junk that aint worth anything.
No one has access to the guilds funds besides the guild leader, and the three officers(im one of them). So the money isn't going anywhere. Most of the stuff that's of value in the guild is in the auction house, so no one is getting that stuff unless they pay up.
It's 3:30am right now. I just turned off the game. I am so hopelessly addicted to it, it's not even funny. My only issue is that there's no centralized auction house or what not. I hate that only guilds with 50+ members have the option to sell things. Every time I've asked to join a guild I hear nothing. Is... is it because I'm Breton?
Are you on PS4 North america(alliance irrelevant)??? We would gladly accept you.
From the outside looking in, the guild traders seems like a bad idea.
But from the inside looking out, it's a very unique and interesting idea. It actually has a lot of benefits many may not of thought of.
Mainly It give guilds a very important role besides being the biggest guild for PVP or Raiding, and gives guild funds a reason to exist. And there is guild wars, but not only physical, but financial too. As you try to battle it out with another guild over a guild trader, financially.
By having only a few guild traders and only a few guilds who have earned the privilege to sell, you chances of selling your items is quite high. Your not competing with every single player in the game for the price on an item like in a public auction house, only the local guild traders. and chances that each guild trader having the same item is slim.
well that enough rambling about that, but lets just say, once your in a guild that has the ability to sell items to a guild trader, you will then feel privileged to be in a guild like that as you have a feature that most dont.
Hi all.
Thinking of buying this game, but wondering if i should hold a few questioms for the more informed!
Is the game buggy much?
Is there enough variation to keep the game interesting?
Are there any patches or (free?) content due soon, so that i should wait to be available before i buy? (Ie, bug fixes or extra missions, gear, etc)
Many thanks!
the game was in some mess when it first launched, but this week, it's been running really smooth. Besides towns though. Still lags a bit in town because of the shear number of players wrecking havoc on your internet connection.
There's so much to do in this game, you may feel overwhelmed.
From what the devs said on a twitch stream friday, a patch is in the works for sometime next week.
Buying the game now is a great idea since the launch issues are now behind us.