Yes and on PS4 a PSN subscription.
actually, believe it not, you DO NOT need a plus subscription for Elder Scrolls Online.
My friend told me about it, said his sister plays it and she doesn't have a plus account. So i was like, "nigga you bullshittin."
So I made a whole new account on my PS4, signed it up for a PSN account(not plus) and holy shit, it fucking worked.....loaded the game and played a few minutes in the prison and saw other players and everything I was like WHOA.
I dont own a Xbox so i have no idea about that.
But yo, real talk, does this shit happens to anyone else because its been happening to me A LOT and its really pissin me off.
The fucking boss battles would just randomly reset the battle right when they are about to die. I have to fight some bosses multiple times because they keep resetting when they are about to die.
And don't even SPEAK to me with that bullshit about being too far from the boss. You got eyes, you see those gifs.