I had a total mutli-player Skyrim moment with my session last night. I spawned in on my EB toon and there were these other two dudes just riding up on their mounts.
"Hey, Quinn! We're going to Riften if you want to tag along!" they shout through the area chat.
I'm like, what the hell, why not? We are all severely under leveled for this (I'm 15, one of them 14 and the other 6, lol), but that was the charm of Skyrim. Just going wherever and doing whatever. So I grouped with them, and not only did we make it to Riften, but we made it all the way to Windhelm. Hit a bunch of Wayshrines along the way. Killed a bunch of level 32-42 enemies in a 3-on-1 scenario. We even tried a dungeon that we all knew was way too difficult for us, but we made it to the boss, so that had to count for something.
Good times! I love this game!