Are guild stores the only way for me to purchase turpen/mastic*/rosin? im not in a guild but would like to be able to purchase them somehow.
Nope. You get those items from Refining Materials. The RAW Materials you find out in the world you take to a Wood Working/BlackSmith or Clothier. You then refine the raw materials into material, when you do this, there is a chance you will also get resins, turpins etc.
You can also get them by deconstructing items in the different crafting stations as well. When you break down items, you get a chance at also uncovering these specialty items.
You can also get them by hiring a hireling, which is in the skills menu and you use a skill point and a hireling will every 24 hours find materials for you. It is random, but at times you do get those rare items.
Lastly, you buy them from other players. You do not have to be in a guild to buy from a guild store. In most towns guilds have hired NPC's that are traders for the guild. These are open to anyone and you buy what you want. It is worth checking several before buying to find the best price, but also those items usually cost a lot of money since they are rare, especially the higher rated ones.