Always played with first person on these games. 3rd is cool too just never feels like the correct way to play it.Why is that!
Always played with first person on these games. 3rd is cool too just never feels like the correct way to play it.
Always played with first person on these games. 3rd is cool too just never feels like the correct way to play it.
my best crafting daily so far (i got some equipment to destroy too)
Got a Nord racial motif and used it. Why are these things so valuable and coveted by other players?
Got a Nord racial motif and used it. Why are these things so valuable and coveted by other players?
So i had the mmo itch and decided to pick this up for xbone. Is there a guild of sorts that is running for the xbox one version or are people playing on ps4.
Anyone in thegaf guild on xbox mind crafting me some seducer light dragon knight armor?
it lets you craft armor and weapons from a particular race without your character belonging to that race.
So someone, like me, prefers Breton medium armor to Redguard and my character is a Redguard only way for me to craft in the Breton style is if I have the Breton motif. It's purely for aesthetics reasons but some races have hideous looking armor.
I have NO idea, its PURELY cosmetic.
All it does is change the LOOK of what ever you decide to craft, and dudes wanna charge like 100k for a single motif........
you can adjust the ui to take the whole screen and not leave gaps, specially noticeable with loading screens. not nitpicking, it's all good, just saying the option is there for anyone interested.
too bad you aint on PS4 because I can craft that set with just about every weapon and armor piece now.
You talking about adjusting the screen? That option has never worked for me. It just won't move from default.
3 times tonight the game booted me, not a server issue, but dashboard boot on PS4 issue.
What's the best way to go about that? Loot all of the containers/cabinets and then log out/log in?The bank in Auridon seems like a really good place to steal. Been using that instead of the ships in Daggerfall lately. There's mostly green treasure and sometimes you'll find blue. Also found a purple motif and some purple recipes including one that raises health, stamina, magicka.
What's the best way to go about that? Loot all of the containers/cabinets and then log out/log in?
you can adjust the ui to take the whole screen and not leave gaps, specially noticeable with loading screens. not nitpicking, it's all good, just saying the option is there for anyone interested.
Stealing things marked as treasure and selling them to the fences at the outlaw's refuge. If you're DC there are 2 ships in the northern docks of Daggerfall with no one on them and a lot containers to loot. If you're AD then the bank at Vulkhel's Guard is another good place but there a bunch of NPCs there so you have to be a bit more careful.What's the best way to make money in this game? I'm still dirt poor and don't have a mount. =(
Does the PS4 guild do any group activities or anything? Like dungeons or everyone getting together for PVP?
We need to get together for PvP it's like... I feel like missing out on 40% of the game and a good way to level up as wellDoes the PS4 guild do any group activities or anything? Like dungeons or everyone getting together for PVP?
So i had the mmo itch and decided to pick this up for xbone. Is there a guild of sorts that is running for the xbox one version or are people playing on ps4.
Oh, right then. Thanks! Seems a bit weird, but not unwelcome. Still don't get why some people so badly want them, though.
What are some good items to spend gold on?
I've got 100k. More bank and Inventory space than I really need, a horse, good gear for my level.
I've been hoarding all this coin and now realizing that I never buy anything especially since I can craft it myself or find it eventually. Also, I think its funner to find a great piece of loot rather than just buy it.
Does the PS4 guild do any group activities or anything? Like dungeons or everyone getting together for PVP?
Always played with first person on these games. 3rd is cool too just never feels like the correct way to play it.
Does changing the level of my crafting gear make me level up faster?
Like for my crafting writs, craft a few level 10-12 things instead of level 1? I know it uses more mats, but is it worth it?
Just sitting at level 5 clothier and feel like I'm going nowhere!
But yo, I found a fast way to level up your crafting skills that involves deconstructing.
It was taking me FOR EVER to level up my crafting skills before, but when I started doing a lot of stealing to make some cash to buy the next bankspace upgrade(38k) I noticed my crafting skills bar was up a lot higher than I thought they were.
While I was deconstructing, I noticed the bar moving up a lot faster. I thought it was the items level, but some items of the same quality and level, werent even moving the exp bar, and some were.
So I took a closer look at the items, then I noticed, ok, some are stolen, some not. "I wonder if that makes a difference", I thought.
Deconstructed two of the exact item, one stolen, one not stolen, the one not stolen, didnt even move the exp bar. The one stolen, VERY noticable boost in the exp bar.
By the time I got done stealing for around two hours or so, my blacksmithing went up almost ten damn levels...........holy shit. Went from 37 to 45 in blacksmithing. Went from 28 woodworking to 33. Went from 32 to 38 with clothing.
by pure accident, I noticed that deconstructing items that are stolen gives multiple times more exp than items found/scavenged in the world.
I'd have to deconstruct around ten or so items to get the same exp I got from deconstructing one of the same item that was stolen.
I've got a general question about leveling. Last night I log in, I'm level 6. I spent about 2 hours of what I consider to be high speed questing, and when I logged out I was only level 7. Is this basically the speed of which leveling occurs, or would I have done better to kill more enemies and earn XP that way?
Reading books helps, I got two levels of Woodworking just by reading books in Daggerfall mage guild.Does changing the level of my crafting gear make me level up faster?
Like for my crafting writs, craft a few level 10-12 things instead of level 1? I know it uses more mats, but is it worth it?
Just sitting at level 5 clothier and feel like I'm going nowhere!
Reading books helps, I got two levels of Woodworking just by reading books in Daggerfall mage guild.
I've got a general question about leveling. Last night I log in, I'm level 6. I spent about 2 hours of what I consider to be high speed questing, and when I logged out I was only level 7. Is this basically the speed of which leveling occurs, or would I have done better to kill more enemies and earn XP that way?