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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT| Het Kos Dovahhe

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izunadono said:
Ewwww I had to turn off the blood in that game. Ewwww eww ewww ewww. How do guys like that stuff?


I hope shouts get better, I've only got the first one but it does absolutely no damage and slows the enemy down for less time than it takes me to draw my bow again so they always catch me up straight after.


GuiltybyAssociation said:
They're everywhere in my game, once I 'unlocked' them. I joked earlier in the thread that they're nearly as frequently encountered as bears. They started breeding like rabbits, I guess.

I've definitely encountered more dragons than bears in my game. I must have fought at least 20 so far. I made my Dragonscale armor a long time ago.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Anteater said:
My dragon scales armor (light armor) only took 2 hits from the dude :(
I'm not sure what I did wrong though, I could take hits fine from some enemies, but some would just one shot me with 1 attack.
If they one-shot you with a cutscene, I think those are criticals, which I think are only evaded by improving your stamina (which also makes you deal them out more often)


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Treemonkeys said:
Yeah, they are the new Oblivion gates. I just started running from them when I'm already focused on doing something else.

Sometimes if you've already been spotted by them, and you know there are some stronger enemies nearby, it's just best to lure them into the pile of enemies. I had seen a line of Thalmor Justiciars strutting down a road earlier and encountered a dragon, so I kited it back to the Justiciars who, despite not being quite able to defeat it on their own, distracted it long enough for me to put a dozen or so arrows into it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
scy said:
They're invincible to all forms of direct and indirect damage when kneeling from enemies. Exceptions being Lingering Damage effects on them prior to them kneeling and any damage you do. I spent a good hour or so having Lydia take nothing but Dragon breaths to the face when kneeling to no effect but later tests with poisoned weapons (e.g., Falmers), however, ticked away even after she kneels until she died.

Literally no direct attacks (targeted spells, melee attacks, whatever) or indirect attacks (area of effect from spells, persistent effects like the Spell Cloaks) will harm them from an enemy source. Any ally source will hurt them, however, and any Lingering Damage effect will continue to persist even in their otherwise godlike immunity kneel.
It sounds like them dying is a bug. I stopped running with companions for the time being, because I like using Storm Shout and I kept finding dead companion bodies afterwards.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
DarthWoo said:
so I kited it back to the Justiciars who, despite not being quite able to defeat it on their own, distracted it long enough for me to put a dozen or so arrows into it.
You should have let it eat them.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
TheExodu5 said:
I've definitely encountered more dragons than bears in my game. I must have fought at least 20 so far. I made my Dragonscale armor a long time ago.

I believe it. I don't necessarily mind them still, but they've long since lost they're 'wow' factor. :( I feel they should have made them less frequent and more challenging. They should feel like a real event.
GuiltybyAssociation said:
I believe it. I don't necessarily mind them still, but they've long since lost they're 'wow' factor. :( I feel they should have made them less frequent and more challenging. They should feel like a real event.

To be fair, I think the event is "Jeez, we sure do have a lot of f'n dragons around here...."

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Finally spent all my money to get a house last night. I killed 2 Dragons and dragging those bones everywhere killed my inventory. I now have no money, but I have a home.

I found a few shouts (same places I killed the dragons) too, so that's cool. People say they see a ton of Dragons but I've seen 3 so far, and all of them (outside of the story) were on mountain tops by shouts.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I've only seen 2 since I unlocked the random Dragons about 10-15 gameplay hours ago and have only killed one, both at the Riften stables.

I'd hate to face a dragon in Windhelm with all of those hideous narrow walkways between districts.


Gold Member
TheExodu5 said:
I've definitely encountered more dragons than bears in my game. I must have fought at least 20 so far. I made my Dragonscale armor a long time ago.

Can you craft heavy dragon armor? Or is it light?


Mindman said:
So today I tried to equip a ring, only to find out it won't equip. I can hear the equip sound in the menu, but it never equips. I cannot equip ANY ring at all for that matter. Necklaces and stuff are fine. Is this a bug, or something to do with my character..?? Any have any idea??



I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Dice said:
You should have let it eat them.

I think there was only one left alive after the whole fracas, whom I promptly dispatched myself. I may be an atheist, but I'll pretend to worship Talos if I damn well please, thank you very much.


So I was ready to apply some perks, and now I'm left very indecisive =(. Everything sounds useful, and some are sound like they'd really improve the game, but only have 19 points. I guess I'll wait a little longer, until after I've finished the Main quest or something.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
DarthWoo said:
I think there was only one left alive after the whole fracas, whom I promptly dispatched myself. I may be an atheist, but I'll pretend to worship Talos if I damn well please, thank you very much.
Religious genocide does nobody good, so I kill any of these Nazi bastards whenever I get the chance to do so without being caught. High-born my ass, I'm DRAGONBORN, motherfucker!


PumpkinPie said:
I hope shouts get better, I've only got the first one but it does absolutely no damage and slows the enemy down for less time than it takes me to draw my bow again so they always catch me up straight after.

That first one is the first tier of that one (Unrelenting Force, right?). When fully upgraded to tier three, it will send guys flying. And this is ignoring some of the later ones. I just found one that
is called Kill. Tier one, it puts a massive debuff on armor and hitpoints on a target. I do mean massive. Tough guys become pushovers.


izunadono said:
So I was ready to apply some perks, and now I'm left very indecisive =(. Everything sounds useful, and some are sound like they'd really improve the game, but only have 19 points. I guess I'll wait a little longer, until after I've finished the Main quest or something.

What?? I don't understand why some people do this..
Salaadin said:
So do dragons ever attack the main cities that you have to zone into...places like Whiterun, Solitude, etc?
Ive seen them attack the little patch towns and stuff scattered about but none in the main cities yet.
Yeah, I fast traveled to the blue palace and a blood dragon attacked Solitude best random attack I've had in the game.
2 questions

1. What is the point in wearing gear that says "lockpicking/archery are 20% better"? Isn't the only plus side to having a higher skill to access better perks?

2. In the thieves guild quest line
I just killed mercer and got the skeleton key, should I just keep the key as to unlock all chests really easily, or is there a reason for me to complete the return the key quest right now?


Heh, just accidentally used Unrelenting Force in Shor's Stone and got a mini-quest out of it.
I guess it's going to lead me to a word wall.


Helmholtz said:
Interesting. I finished Witcher 2 a few months ago, and I didn't find its combat to be particularly compelling. I actually think it might have been something of a step back from the first game. If you compare skyrim's combat and animation to oblivion's, it's insane how much better it is. I honestly think it can be described as 'good' now. Graphics look great to me on ultra; of course they're not as good as Witcher 2's, that game has possibly the best graphics in any game yet. The Witcher 2's world is also far less open and expansive.
Of course you're entitled to your opinion...I just find myself disagreeing with a lot of it. I LOVED Witcher 2, but I've been absolutely floored by Skyrim. There's just so much to do, and almost all of what I've seen so far (20 hours in) has been great. I'd recommend you stick with it a bit longer.

So hard to compare these two in my mind because the only real similarity is that theyre fantasy RPGs. They set out to do different things and they both do it very well.
The Witcher 2 is better compared to DA2, imo.

Id be intrigued as hell if Bethesda decided to put together a smaller scale fantasy RPG similar to The Witcher and vice versa with CDPR doing a large scale, open world RPG.


Need help with the main questline:
I'm at the Jarl of Whiterun's great porch and supposed to use the Call Dragon shout to lure a dragon into a trap. I use the shout but nothing happens. I've used it several times now, but nothing.


arts&crafts said:
2 questions

1. What is the point in wearing gear that says "lockpicking/archery are 20% better"? Isn't the only plus side to having a higher skill to access better perks?

2. In the thieves guild quest line
I just killed mercer and got the skeleton key, should I just keep the key as to unlock all chests really easily, or is there a reason for me to complete the return the key quest right now?

1) i'm pretty sure it makes lockpicking easier, and i assume it gives you a 20% damage increase for archery.


arts&crafts said:
2 questions

1. What is the point in wearing gear that says "lockpicking/archery are 20% better"? Isn't the only plus side to having a higher skill to access better perks?

No, there's a direct correlation to skill level and effectivenss... it's just not explicitly spelled out. Higher points in archery give you more damage with bows (which is why you may weapons increasing in damage over time without taking perks), higher points in lockpicking make the range bigger on locks, (it's slow though, so it's hard to tell), higher points in enchanting give a bigger resulting enchant strength (it's how the enchant/alchemy loop works)
Thieves Guild quest pissed me off!

Having an invincible lockpick in the Skeleton Key is way nicer than any of the blessings I get from that quest! Boooo. ;(


arts&crafts said:
2 questions

1. What is the point in wearing gear that says "lockpicking/archery are 20% better"? Isn't the only plus side to having a higher skill to access better perks?

All skills have some bonus tied directly to their level. In this case, Lockpicking success range widens ever-so-slightly with the level of it and Bow damage scales with Archery skill. That said, isn't the Archery enchant Bows do +20% more damage? Maybe there is a flat +Archery skill one though.

As for the other question, don't know but I will say that
an unbreakable key isn't that great with how common Lockpicks kind of are


Zeliard said:
One of the reasons I traded Marcurio for Dark Elf Conjurer lady (I keep forgetting her name) is because the dude was just tearing shit up and robbing me of skill-ups.

Fucking guy's a frag hog.
Hah, thanks for this post. After reading all the Mercurio posts I thought I'd give him a try. He was destroying everything!

I had no clue where you got your conjurer lady, so I just kept on playing the game.

Then I think I accidentally found the one you're talking about in
the College of Winterhold, that lady being one of the apprentices who follows you after you helped her out with a funny quest
. Much cooler now, since I'm a conjurer too :D

With Mercurio I couldn't train my heavy armor and one handed at all.
webrunner said:
No, there's a direct correlation to skill level and effectivenss... it's just not explicitly spelled out. Higher points in archery give you more damage with bows (which is why you may weapons increasing in damage over time without taking perks), higher points in lockpicking make the range bigger on locks, (it's slow though, so it's hard to tell), higher points in enchanting give a bigger resulting enchant strength (it's how the enchant/alchemy loop works)

alright thanks, I was debating wearing Krosis face or 20% bow damage for my archer, I am guessing bow damage is better than 20% to archery nvm just wore them it is equal


Follower pathfinding is strange sometimes.

Leaving the top of some dwemer ruin, I walk a few feet out onto the snow. Lydia promptly turns around and tries to find her way back through.. i ended up having to lead her out and then fast travel to get her to walk that one foot.


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Wallach said:
Yeah, I don't know yet what the fortification required is to hit 0 magicka in a school with the perk. I don't really use Destruction magic though, and actually getting to 0 in one school doesn't really sound as useful as getting down to trivial costs in multiple schools.

On the topic of mages, I need to figure out a better solution to the head slot than
Might just have to make my own, I'm not giving up so much armor just for that.

You can get down to 0 spell cost in two schools of magic with 100 enchanting perk, which is more than enough. Only a couple of schools you would use enough times in a short period that you'd need more than the perk reductions in the first place, destruction being one of them. And of course you'd plan ahead to not put the half mana perks into these two trees since they will cost 0 regardless. That's a pretty sweet deal.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Is there some secret stats on dragon armor to make it good?

Cause the heavy armor at least is worse then Daedric despite needing more skill to craft.
webrunner said:
No, there's a direct correlation to skill level and effectivenss... it's just not explicitly spelled out. Higher points in archery give you more damage with bows (which is why you may weapons increasing in damage over time without taking perks), higher points in lockpicking make the range bigger on locks, (it's slow though, so it's hard to tell), higher points in enchanting give a bigger resulting enchant strength (it's how the enchant/alchemy loop works)

Unfortunately Destruction is not included in this list for some odd reason.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap


webrunner said:
Follower pathfinding is strange sometimes.

Leaving the top of some dwemer ruin, I walk a few feet out onto the snow. Lydia promptly turns around and tries to find her way back through.. i ended up having to lead her out and then fast travel to get her to walk that one foot.

My Lydia is such an adorable tardmuffin when it comes to doors. Much to my detriment half the time.

I think she's programmed to try to get me killed.

xelios said:
You can get down to 0 spell cost in two schools of magic with 100 enchanting perk, which is more than enough. Only a couple of schools you would use enough times in a short period that you'd need something like that in the first place, destruction being one of them.

I just wish the School & Magicka Regen Enchant wasn't so useless when you do it. -25% Cost and 125% Regen on Robes? Sweet! When you use it? -15% Cost and 10% Regen! Fuck you game.

Edvardelis said:
Unfortunately Destruction is not included in this list for some odd reason.

Destructon spell cost goes down since it deals full damage from the get go; the Weapons are all scaling up to their full damage.


Firstly, amazing opening menu. The music. Wow.

Guys please help me decide between Nord and Imperial. I like to be a bit of an all rounder with swordplay, bows and magic. Love herding items, earning money but also carrying a lot and exploring everywhere. Including mountains, lands etc. Anyone have a deeper understanding of the differences between these two races?


Are you guys clicking on the waypoints on those maps located in the Jarl's strongholds? Like the one in Whitehold. I debated doing so but it's just going to clutter my map up... I almost want to discover things on my own.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Salaadin said:
So hard to compare these two in my mind because the only real similarity is that theyre fantasy RPGs. They set out to do different things and they both do it very well.
The Witcher 2 is better compared to DA2, imo.

Id be intrigued as hell if Bethesda decided to put together a smaller scale fantasy RPG similar to The Witcher and vice versa with CDPR doing a large scale, open world RPG.

I think they both would FAIL.
PumpkinPie said:
I hope shouts get better, I've only got the first one but it does absolutely no damage and slows the enemy down for less time than it takes me to draw my bow again so they always catch me up straight after.

Make the first Companions quests.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
moop1167 said:
Are you guys clicking on the waypoints on those maps located in the Jarl's strongholds? Like the one in Whitehold. I debated doing so but it's just going to clutter my map up... I almost want to discover things on my own.
I resisted doing it. I like exploring on my own.
50 hours in, Level 29 and using a save thats 9MB. Framerate still dips but it pretty much entirely disappears using my system of exiting the game and deleting my autosaves every hour.
moop1167 said:
Are you guys clicking on the waypoints on those maps located in the Jarl's strongholds? Like the one in Whitehold. I debated doing so but it's just going to clutter my map up... I almost want to discover things on my own.

Well, it isn't like you can fast travel to those places, so you still have to seek them out. Finding paths through all these mountains is annoying the shit out of me, so I'll take all the help I can get. Which is odd, since I loved dicking around the canyons and hills in New Vegas to find stuff.


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scy said:
I just wish the School & Magicka Regen Enchant wasn't so useless when you do it. -25% Cost and 125% Regen on Robes? Sweet! When you use it? -15% Cost and 10% Regen! Fuck you game.

Yeah that's a shame but with the 100 enchanting perk and while I was using an alchemy potion I could put -28% cost and +70% regen on one item.

Then I said, what the hell do I need regen for? And proceeded to make two schools of magic cost 0% instead. Haven't ever needed regen during battle again.
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