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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


Worships the porcelain goddess
Looks like my time with Skyrim is at an end. My HDD freaked out, causing a reinstall of Windows. This also erased my game saves. =/


I think he just swapped around the model for the Werewolf? When he's a bunny, the people are running away from him, and he starts gnawing on one.

Yeah, but for things like the dragon I couldn't fly or use any shouts, and the camera was stuck at the feet. He got everything to work properly somehow


How do I go see the Jarl in Markarth? There is always a guard telling me I can't go further, otherwise he arrests me.

Wish i could take a full map screen. I'm starting to feel a bit burnt out
I can not marry every NPC? Because I saw this woman on the streets on Markath and she didn't react, even though I'm wearing the amulet.


Ah, Lydia has just died. Anyone know any good companions and there location? Thanks.

Conjuration > Companions

Especially for my stealth build, since I can creep around picking people off and then if ever I come across a sticky situation, I can still get a few cheap potshots in before conjuring up some fire atronachs or Dremora Lords, and going in with my ward and dagger that absorbs health.


I just came across the strangest thing in Skyrim just a moment ago...
a Ninroot farm
(...and of course I took it all).

Hah, I ran into that a few days ago as well. Mine, all mine.

There are lots of little details in the game that I love, but one of them was a skeleton my daughter found way up north, on a high snowy bluff.
It was the remains of an explorer in his bed roll, a flag planted next to him...and his detached skeleton hand still gripping the flag. I laughed, hard.

I decided to clear out some of the partly completed Misc. tasks I had on queue. I've done three now - and all three led to full-blown quests. Ack! This isn't working!

The first of the three was In My Time of Need. I've learned that I'm too trusting.
I believed her, and then believed him. In the end, it's all about the gold anyways, and I'm all for a little betrayal thrown into the mix. I do like these quests that zig and zag a bit.

Question about the main quest:

If I complete it, are dragons still in the world, or do they go away, like the Oblivion gates in that game? I like having them around.


Hah, I ran into that a few days ago as well. Mine, all mine.

Question about the main quest:

If I complete it, are dragons still in the world, or do they go away, like the Oblivion gates in that game? I like having them around.

You'll be seeing that farm again ;)

I haven't seen any dragons since I have completed the main quest, I chose not to make the kill, I believe they do stick around if you adhere to Esbern's request


OK so after spending around 20 hours in skyrim i am having a issue.When i continue game it says something like the current save is oudated[0] latest is [8].
and when i manually load any of my save it say that save file is corrupt.
any solution ??

Self quoting if any one else has same problem.
starting new game then loading old save helped


Just did the cannibal quest. Felt like crap after so I murdered those scum and threw the
down the waterfall. Lost forever.
Hah, I ran into that a few days ago as well. Mine, all mine.

There are lots of little details in the game that I love, but one of them was a skeleton my daughter found way up north, on a high snowy bluff.
It was the remains of an explorer in his bed roll, a flag planted next to him...and his detached skeleton hand still gripping the flag. I laughed, hard.

I decided to clear out some of the partly completed Misc. tasks I had on queue. I've done three now - and all three led to full-blown quests. Ack! This isn't working!

The first of the three was In My Time of Need. I've learned that I'm too trusting.
I believed her, and then believed him. In the end, it's all about the gold anyways, and I'm all for a little betrayal thrown into the mix. I do like these quests that zig and zag a bit.

Question about the main quest:

If I complete it, are dragons still in the world, or do they go away, like the Oblivion gates in that game? I like having them around.
I've probably encountered more Dragons since finishing the main quest than before. But then, that might be because I have the strong scent of their blood all over me.
Just did the cannibal quest. Felt like crap after so I murdered those scum and threw the
down the waterfall. Lost forever.
I know how you feel. I tried to use him as bait, to gather every one of them in one room and when he laid down, I attacked her and killed everyone. Including him. Damn, that was bad. Now I'll reload and it looks like I don't have a choice.


What are some poisons I can make with (somewhat) common ingredients?

I got a recipe for damage health, but it lists troll fat and ectoplasm, which aren't exactly the easiest of ingredients to get.


You'll be seeing that farm again ;)

I haven't seen any dragons since I have completed the main quest, I chose not to make the kill, I believe they do stick around if you adhere to Esbern's request

They remain.

I've probably encountered more Dragons since finishing the main quest than before. But then, that might be because I have the strong scent of their blood all over me.

Awesome, thanks guys.
Is discerning the transmundane broken for anyone else? I gave septimus the blood samples but he just stands at the book and I can't read it or talk to him.
Hah, I ran into that a few days ago as well. Mine, all mine.

There are lots of little details in the game that I love, but one of them was a skeleton my daughter found way up north, on a high snowy bluff.
It was the remains of an explorer in his bed roll, a flag planted next to him...and his detached skeleton hand still gripping the flag. I laughed, hard.

haha, i remember a similar scene around the shores near Solitude.
a shipwreck and a skeleton hugging a chest with about 20 golds, lol


If I don't help Madanach in the mine and kill him, will I still get my items back afterwards?

Not entirely sure (though I would have to think there is a way) but be careful because that quest bugged the entire city of Markarth for me. Cant go anywhere in that town without the entire city guard coming after me with no way to stop it (cant pay bounty, go to jail, or persuade my way out of it). I think by killing him you avoid the bug (I stupidly did not kill him) but definitely make sure to not attack a guard once you get into the city.

Yeah, still way bugged for me. It's causing Vilkas from Whiterun to chase me around like he's a guard, only he just opens up his own dialog automatically. I didn't kill Madanach either specifically because the other dudes in the jail would wipe me out in a second, and I figured even using a shiv would get them alerted. I was able to avoid the guard's constantly bothering me (even though I have nearly 30k bounty on my head), but Forsworn Conspiracy is seemingly forever botched.

I tried but two other dudes come in and kill me, and the guy shoots magic and all.

edit: Ok I got him somehow. I guess using the shiv is more silent than a pickaxe:p

So how has Markarth been working out for you? No Shrine of Talos issues?


Wish i could take a full map screen. I'm starting to feel a bit burnt out
My map isn't anywhere near that level of explored, yet I have 130 hrs and have been doing everything I run into. i can't imagine what I've yet to see. I'm excited but like you said, seems overwhelming for a completionist.



What is more concerning is that, if Bethesda was aware of this issue, why did they choose to release the game for the console which such a major problem being left unsolved? Since the game costs the same across all platforms, this is unacceptable. We hope Bethesda comes up with a solution very soon, otherwise this isn’t going to end well.

Why do people ask questions like this when they know the answer?

It's easy to sit behind a computer monitor and say things like "Well why didn't they just delay the game until the problem was fixed?". Probably because Zenimax isn't Activision or Valve, where they don't have a constant stream of money coming in and their developers can't afford to take all the time in the world to make sure a game is absolutely flawless before release.

I'm sure it has everything to do with the entirety of the development and marketing team being inhuman money-grubby assholes and nothing to do with the fact that they have stock-holders and investors that need the game to come out so Zenimax can make a a profit. Look, I'm not defending Bethesda releasing a broken product, but people need to put aside the knee-jerk rage for a second also bare in mind that Bethesda aren't evil, you're not being oppressed.

I will agree 100% that Bethesda's silence on the PS3 issues has been complete bullshit and they need to say something about it, but it's likely that the reason they haven't said a whole lot about it is because, as that article indicates, there's probably not much they can do about it. So I guess they can either come clean and piss people off, or they can say nothing and piss people off. Looks like they chose the latter.


Just a quick question about enchanting. I noticed that once you disenchant an item and get the buff, you can't disenchant similar items that have greater or lesser bonuses. Like I have a fortify stamina for +20 in my menu, but I cannot disenchant an item that has a greater bonus.

Is there a way to get a greater buff for the particular enchant (like getting my skill up or something) or am I stuck with what I have.


Just a quick question about enchanting. I noticed that once you disenchant an item and get the buff, you can't disenchant similar items that have greater or lesser bonuses. Like I have a fortify stamina for +20 in my menu, but I cannot disenchant an item that has a greater bonus.

Is there a way to get a greater buff for the particular enchant (like getting my skill up or something) or am I stuck with what I have.

The enchant you learn is pretty much the "base" enchant, the actual power on any item you enchant is determined by the quality of the soul you use to enchant it.
I think my mage college quest is bugged, very early mage quest spoilers
The chick was showing me around when a dragon attacked so it got slaughtered, but now it seems to have messed up the quest and she just walks around without giving me the 'tour'. Any way to fix this?
Why do people ask questions like this when they know the answer?

It's easy to sit behind a computer monitor and say things like "Well why didn't they just delay the game until the problem was fixed?". Probably because Zenimax isn't Activision or Valve, where they don't have a constant stream of money coming in and their developers can't afford to take all the time in the world to make sure a game is absolutely flawless before release.

I'm sure it has everything to do with the entirety of the development and marketing team being inhuman money-grubby assholes and nothing to do with the fact that they have stock-holders and investors that need the game to come out so Zenimax can make a a profit. Look, I'm not defending Bethesda releasing a broken product, but people need to put aside the knee-jerk rage for a second also bare in mind that Bethesda aren't evil, you're not being oppressed.

I will agree 100% that Bethesda's silence on the PS3 issues has been complete bullshit and they need to say something about it, but it's likely that the reason they haven't said a whole lot about it is because, as that article indicates, there's probably not much they can do about it. So I guess they can either come clean and piss people off, or they can say nothing and piss people off. Looks like they chose the latter.

It's still bullshit, because past history has shown that this problem didn't have to exist (Oblivion on PS3). Bethesda has been lazy towards PS3 ports ever since, and they need to be held accountable. Stock holders and investors are no excuse for knowingly releasing a broken product, especially a product that requires a lengthy time investment.


Just a quick question regarding the Companions...

Are there any negative consequences with becoming a Werewolf in the Underforge? Will I be super weak to silver weapons? Will people fear/not trade with me? I'm just thinking of when I impulsively became a vampire in Oblivion and regretted it lol


Just a quick question regarding the Companions...

Are there any negative consequences with becoming a Werewolf in the Underforge? Will I be super weak to silver weapons? Will people fear/not trade with me? I'm just thinking of when I impulsively became a vampire in Oblivion and regretted it lol

The only real penalty is if you
transform in front of people, and that's just a bounty
. Other than that, it's nothing but positives, really.

Well, Guards make the occasional comment about you but nothing that alters gameplay.


Just a quick question regarding the Companions...

Are there any negative consequences with becoming a Werewolf in the Underforge? Will I be super weak to silver weapons? Will people fear/not trade with me? I'm just thinking of when I impulsively became a vampire in Oblivion and regretted it lol

The only downside is that you can't get the well rested bonus.
Just a quick question regarding the Companions...

Are there any negative consequences with becoming a Werewolf in the Underforge? Will I be super weak to silver weapons? Will people fear/not trade with me? I'm just thinking of when I impulsively became a vampire in Oblivion and regretted it lol
No rest bonuses when sleeping. beat


The only real penalty is if you
transform in front of people, and that's just a bounty
. Other than that, it's nothing but positives, really.

Well, Guards make the occasional comment about you but nothing that alters gameplay.

The only downside is that you can't get the well rested bonus.

Cool, thanks guys. Couple extra follow on Qs...
1. Is there anyway to cure yourself after the fact? Only mention this because
the older dude mentions how he kinda doesn't want to be one anymore

2. What is it like when you use it?
Do I just get melee attacks but super buffed HP and stamina? Can I just destroy everyone like the dude did when I did my trial?



Well it's also based on your Enchantment skill level: the higher it is the higher the bonus you get.

I know, but I just have a better item that I was hoping to replace the enchantment with. I also have an item with a 25% increase, but I already have the buff that only has %8.
I've decided my gear is already uber-powerful and I have enough gold so I'm only collecting things that are interesting to me so I can just get through all the quests I want to do so I can go back to Battlefield 3 and start on Batman and Zelda lol


I've decided my gear is already uber-powerful and I have enough gold so I'm only collecting things that are interesting to me so I can just get through all the quests I want to do so I can go back to Battlefield 3 and start on Batman and Zelda lol

You're doing it wrong.


Sanguine Rose + Wabbajack + A town full of NPCs = Madness.

I love it. I saw the freaking Jarl of Solitude having a fight with a mudcrab.


Oh my god, just got to Falkenrath and started the dog quest, was not expecting
Talking dog, and that voice he has, oh how I love these Daedra quests

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
After starting a new character about six times and redoing the first set of quest in and around the Riverwood/Whiterun region so many times I should be sick of the game (I'm not), I finally tried something new. I made a high elf sorceror.

Extreme focus on magic: destruction, restoration, conjuration while dabbling in one-handed, heavy armor and smithing. Holy shit is magic fun in this game. I rarely ever go with magic in rpgs but it's just been so satisfying and fun to use and upgrade that I think I've finally settled on a character for the long haul.
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