I did Markath's Jarl a favor, he allowed me to purchase a home and yet I can't. Is there something else I need to do?
The shocker was seeingI know how you feel. I tried to use him as bait, to gather every one of them in one room and when he laid down, I attacked her and killed everyone. Including him. Damn, that was bad. Now I'll reload and it looks like I don't have a choice.
I'm just messing with you. Enjoy the game however you want.
At this point I don't even have to sneak anymore lol
I know, but I just have a better item that I was hoping to replace the enchantment with. I also have an item with a 25% increase, but I already have the buff that only has %8.
I know you know this, but just to be clear to him, it's also the strength of the filled Soul Gem when he actually does enchant. Petty < Lesser < Common < Greater < Grand.The strength of enchantments you create is determined solely by your enchant skill and perks.
As a 1 hand/shield user with heavy armor I don't sneak at all haha.
I'm saving that for my next play through when I roll a thief most likely.
I used to sneak and 30x backstab fools but I don't need to anymore, I can easily dual wield through any situation now
Hilarious. What's the real story behind it though?
Hilarious. What's the real story behind it though?
I was playing a stealthy archer and it's way more fun than my 2H "i'ma just fuck shit up" character.
Man every video on YT for skyrim has been gold.
Doing the imperial questline, this general asked me to accept this blade "as a gift and a symbol for your new rank", then he gave me a steel shield...
I think Tullius is honoring that age-old Imperial tradition of doing Skooma when in command.
This is the first time Tullius reminds me of Caius Cosades, but now I can't unsee.
I'm playing stealth/heavy armor/one blade
should I focus on magic or fight or stealth or can I still go this way on this mix of stealth and fighting? I'm level 12 btw.
I've been messing with the console again :3
fun facts about enemy levels:
Wolf - level 2
Ice Wolf - level 6
Spriggan - level 8
Bear - level 12
Cave Bear - level 16
Snow Bear - level 20
Sabre Cat - level 6
Snowy Saber Cat - level 11
Troll - level 14
Frost Troll - level 22
Mudcrab (large) - level 3
Don't they scale?
Interesting!(most) Enemy stats and levels don't scale. You may encounter more higher level enemies when you are at a higher level though.
I am fighting a dragon that is flying backwards the whole fight.
Continued Game Updates This week we released update 1.2 across all platforms, and well be releasing an incremental update next week. We anticipate it will be up on PC first, and then hit PS3 and Xbox 360 later in the week. Among other things, the update will fix issues like magic resistance not calculating properly and the rare, amazing backwards flying dragon. Once the update is released, well share the full release notes.
After the holidays, well continue to release regular updates for the game through full title updates, as well as incremental gameplay updates to fix whatever issues come up along with rebalancing portions of the game for difficulty or exploits. We plan on having a lot of these, not just a few. Overall, you should expect updates to be hitting the PC and Steam earlier and more often, as thats a process we control. Console updates will follow, as they must be certified and processed by those manufacturers.
We all know this is a huge game, and everyone has a different experience. Well continue to do everything we can to make the game better and better for as many people as possible every day. Weve also realized that with the millions upon millions of people playing Skyrim, we need to treat our updates with greater care. If we get too aggressive trying to fix a minor issue, we run a risk of breaking something larger in a game like this. To be safe, we are prioritizing code side fixes right now over data fixes. Quest and balance issues are usually data, and those will start rolling in a large way with the January updates.
(most) Enemy stats and levels don't scale. You may encounter more higher level enemies when you are at a higher level though.
The level and stats of each species of enemy don't scale. You won't see a level 50 wolf.Doesnt the second sentence of this post contradict the first?
I am fighting a dragon that is flying backwards the whole fight.
Here's what I did to get more souls than I could possibly use. Legit method, not an exploit.
Get a companion, give them a weapon with soul trap on it. Mace of Molag Bal works amazing here if you have it.
Give them a few soul gems to recharge the weapon, not sure if they actually use them but my companions weapons never needed recharging.
Give them a ton of empty soul gems, bought, found or stolen.
Now just go adventuring and raid a few dungeons, after a few hours of normal play I actually had to take the Mace away from my companion because they were getting more souls than my character could reasonably carry.
Also Dwemer ruins are filled with soul gems, all of the mobs down there are powered by them and they drop frequently.
You aren't getting it. The enchants you learn don't "remember" their original strength--they're just different effect types that you learn. Even if you had not already learned the enchantment, learning it from the 25% item would not improve the enchantments you create. The strength of enchantments you create is determined solely by your enchant skill and perks.
In other words, you have not missed any opportunities--the enchant you've learned is the best version you can possibly get.
I did Markath's Jarl a favor, he allowed me to purchase a home and yet I can't. Is there something else I need to do?
Doesnt the second sentence of this post contradict the first?
The enchant you learn is pretty much the "base" enchant, the actual power on any item you enchant is determined by the quality of the soul you use to enchant it.
I'm at level 48 or so and have only just realised the importance of enchanting, I really wish I had put points into it sooner 'cos now it's taking me days just to get a single level up.
as well as your enchanting skill level and what perks you have in the enchanting tree.