it took 70 hours to encounter my first backwards dragon. my life is complete.
so, who's your favourite companion?
I wonder if this is the new patch doing: to fix the wedding issue.Lydia died 20 something hours ago and showed up randomly in Whiterun. what the fuck
Master level conjuration. TBH, I was quite disappointed by it, I rather had more epic summons with time limits than just the same summons. I wonder if it's possible to add more higher level summons with mods?How do you get permanent summons?
Dammit, I hope Beth finds a way to fix this texture bug. Even items I take a look at in my inventory will have incredibly low textures from time to time, but appear fine on other occasions. And the weird thing is that it only affects certain items: right now the Imperial armor I have in my inventory looks incredibly low-detail (looked fine yesterday) but the Winterhold Guard armor looks nice and clean.
Screw you guys - there is no way I'm killingPaarthurnax
360/PS3? That happened to me a lot on the PS3, but on PC it has yet to happen.
My thoughts exactly. Hopefully someone makes a mod that makes theScrew you guys - there is no way I'm killingPaarthurnax
Screw you guys - there is no way I'm killingPaarthurnax
Enjoy waiting then lolSo I walking back into the DB Sanctuary, happily whistling after a murder contract, when suddenly a naked, dead hunter drops from the sky. It's a bit creepy, because in my life dead women don't suddenly fall from heaven.
So a half hour later a dead frost dragon falls to the ground! It's still there in fact, not bones, but body and all. I have to push it to the side to get into the Sanctuary (I can walk through it, but it moves while I do so it leaves the impression that I'm pushing it aside like "move motherfucker, I got bizniss").
(and yes, I'm forcing the 1.0 "unpatch" on, as I'm waiting for them to fix ALL the issues before I let Steam patch).
So I walking back into the DB Sanctuary, happily whistling after a murder contract, when suddenly a naked, dead hunter drops from the sky. It's a bit creepy, because in my life dead women don't suddenly fall from heaven.
So a half hour later a dead frost dragon falls to the ground! It's still there in fact, not bones, but body and all. I have to push it to the side to get into the Sanctuary (I can walk through it, but it moves while I do so it leaves the impression that I'm pushing it aside like "move motherfucker, I got bizniss").
(and yes, I'm forcing the 1.0 "unpatch" on, as I'm waiting for them to fix ALL the issues before I let Steam patch).
Hate how with glass armor something flaps up in front of your face when you jump or shout.
edit: so yesterday I posted how there was a mysterious blood dragon underneath solitude. Turns out it is following me around. Here it is at Dragon Bridge, already looted (no gold) with the same armor and bones left on it's corpse, undissolved.
Sorry if already posted:
Skyrim trailer lyrics revealed
Skyrim : 2500 Cheese wheels rolling off a mountain.
Christ, this whole page is just bugs! Remember when this game first came out and we were all thinking it might be different than their other games after the first few hours?
Anyone else have trouble with the Blood on the Ice quest in Windhelm? I'm trying to find Viola Giordano, but she's nowhere to be found. Is this a bug or something?
Christ, this whole page is just bugs! Remember when this game first came out and we were all thinking it might be different than their other games after the first few hours?
Fightingand I can't damage him at all? Looked him up on UESP and stuff but there's no report of a bug like that. Anyone have any ideas?Odahviing
Christ, this whole page is just bugs! Remember when this game first came out and we were all thinking it might be different than their other games after the first few hours?
This game really needs a hardcore/realsm mod that:
-Makes dungeons pitch black (unless they are already inhabited by bandits, smugglers, etc)...but you can light torches on the walls along the way (in tombs at least), or drop torches on the ground in dungeons to create a trail.
-Disables fast travel, except for the wagons.
-Slow Stamina drain on running and Faster Stamina drain on sprinting
-Makes Food and cooking Necessary
-Autosaves only (when sleeping in a bed, or upon entering a dungeon)
-Makes sleeping necessary
Thats all I can think of for now.
Other than dark dungeons, you can gleefully force yourself to play that way without hampering others that would rather not.
Win win.
So I've had this spell stuck at my feet for a long time now. Everything I tried to get rid of it didn't work. I tried :
-Changing into a werewolf
All of them work until I switch into first person view, then it's back. Really annoying.
This game really needs a hardcore/realsm mod that:
-Makes dungeons pitch black (unless they are already inhabited by bandits, smugglers, etc)...but you can light torches on the walls along the way (in tombs at least), or drop torches on the ground in dungeons to create a trail.
-Disables fast travel, except for the wagons.
-Slow Stamina drain on running and Faster Stamina drain on sprinting
-Makes Food and cooking Necessary
-Autosaves only (when sleeping in a bed, or upon entering a dungeon)
-Makes sleeping necessary
Thats all I can think of for now.
This is my first time in an Elder Scrolls game, and i'm having a hard time deciding how to play it. I've played about 2 hours so far with a battle mage, using flame in one hand and a sword in the other. But lord is it hard. Is it even a viable strategy? I am having a really hard time beating the overlord guy after getting my first shout. So, how am i suppsed to play a char like that?
Also, i'm curious about playing an archer, but how do you tackle dudes in close combat as an archer?