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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


Hey, I'm thinking about getting either this or Uncharted 3 for PS3.
If I were to say I want this more than uncharted 3 (but still want both), would the issues this game have with the PS3 tip the scale torwards me getting Uncharted?


Hey, I'm thinking about getting either this or Uncharted 3 for PS3.
If I were to say I want this more than uncharted 3 (but still want both), would the issues this game have with the PS3 tip the scale torwards me getting Uncharted?

No. This is still a better a game than UC3. UC3 isn't a bad game by any means, but it doesn't live up to the hype.

Also, Skyrim will give you hundreds of hours of gameplay, while you'll be lucky to get 10 or so out of UC3 unless you actually like the multiplayer or do multiple runs.


Man this is pissing me off. The game is so unstable on PC. I left my screen on the pause menu while I went to eat and I come back to a crashed PC. Sometimes after being in the skills menu, I back out into the game itself and it crashes. Crashes left and right :\


Man this is pissing me off. The game is so unstable on PC. I left my screen on the pause menu while I went to eat and I come back to a crashed PC. Sometimes after being in the skills menu, I back out into the game itself and it crashes. Crashes left and right :\

It ran extremely stable for me with only 2 crashes in 85 hours of gameplay on my own PC. Experiences differ depending on hardware and software installed on a PC, but I found the game to be well polished.


It ran extremely stable for me with only 2 crashes in 85 hours of gameplay on my own PC. Experiences differ depending on hardware and software installed on a PC, but I found the game to be well polished.

Yeah, the only time I have ever had crashes is while I was playing around with some mods that were still experimental. 120+ hours and not a single crash during my initial, nearly vanilla playthrough.


I'm at level 19, and finding the game too easy... it was the same for me when I switched to playing an Assassin/Thief character in Oblivion.

Sneak is really overpowered... as long as you are somewhat cautious you can clear pretty much every dungeon by sneaking and killing enemies one by one.

I just finished the Dark Brotherhood questline. I found it to be rather easy and very rewarding. I'm thinking of doing the Thieves Guild now because A) it makes sense for the character and the skills I've built up B) if it's like previous games, a lot of missions will require that you don't kill anyone C) My lockpicking/pickpocketing skills are rather undeveloped.

What do people here recommend? Which questline is seriously challenging (if any)?


I'm at level 19, and finding the game too easy... it was the same for me when I switched to playing an Assassin/Thief character in Oblivion.

Sneak is really overpowered... as long as you are somewhat cautious you can clear pretty much every dungeon by sneaking and killing enemies one by one.

I just finished the Dark Brotherhood questline. I found it to be rather easy and very rewarding. I'm thinking of doing the Thieves Guild now because A) it makes sense for the character and the skills I've built up B) if it's like previous games, a lot of missions will require that you don't kill anyone C) My lockpicking/pickpocketing skills are rather undeveloped.

What do people here recommend? Which questline is seriously challenging (if any)?

I never played on anything other than Expert (one character) and Master (all others). What setting are you playing on?

Stealth is indeed very powerful in Skyrim, which is one reason why I kept the difficulty higher - high risk, high reward.


I never played on anything other than Expert (one character) and Master (all others). What setting are you playing on?

Stealth is indeed very powerful in Skyrim, which is one reason why I kept the difficulty higher - high risk, high reward.

I'm playing at the normal setting... what does changing the difficulty mean? Are enemies just stronger or are the rewards better as well?


I'm playing at the normal setting... what does changing the difficulty mean? Are enemies just stronger or are the rewards better as well?

Only combat difficulty changes - enemies will have more health, and deal more damage. Loot and such are not altered.

I had some ES experience coming from Oblivion, so I bumped it up to Expert for my archer, and found that to be a happy medium (until my archer hit god-tier around level 40 or so). Master is fairly punishing, but satisfying.

I suggest bumping it up a notch if you are finding things to be too easy. Difficulty can be adjusted at any time, even mid battle, if you find it too difficult. I enjoy a good challenge and so kept my game at higher settings throughout.


I have been playing a female imperial as a sneak/archer with a side of destruction, which I barely use anymore since the damage is terrible compared to my archery. When I go through dungeons it's pretty easy, I just take my time and make sure I'm not noticed and I can take everyone out without much trouble. When I have some problems is when enemies get on me, which it happens enough times for me to bring it up, I have to struggle to get some shots off point blank because I have no other way to deal with them. Dragons give me a really hard time, especially when they stay in the air and just breath fire on me, it hurts way too much and I can't do enough damage to them to beat them before I run out of mana healing myself. I don't know if I'm too low level or what but I'm seriously considering restarting and playing as something else that can handle itself better. Right now I'm level 13 150 magic, 160 health, 110 stamina and my skills are:

stealth 2/5
muffled movement
backstab (I don't even use this)
deadly aim

overdraw 3/5
eagle eye
critical shot 1/3

novice destruction
destruction dual casting

I guess my gear is pretty terrible, I'm using a leather set and an orcish bow I found recently. Seems like gear is hard to come by... I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.

In the main quest I'm at the part where I need to
gain access to Sky Haven Temple
so I'm probably not that far in.

Any tips or advice? Maybe I should try going melee? Maybe my character needs more diversity? I'm not sure, I really like the game but these setbacks are making me not enjoy it as much. That god damn blood dragon that appears on the way to where I'm at in the story keeps owning me.


Any tips or advice? Maybe I should try going melee? Maybe my character needs more diversity? I'm not sure, I really like the game but these setbacks are making me not enjoy it as much. That god damn blood dragon that appears on the way to where I'm at in the story keeps owning me.

Bow/Ranged is fine. There is a shout that will
force dragons to land when you use it on them, as well as interrupt their breath attacks
. You'll get it after doing a bit more of the main story.


Certain classes just can't go toe-to-toe with dragons. Only thing you can really do is find a follower with good heavy armor/block skills, get them some nice gear, then try and let them tank it. If the dragon focuses on you, just find something to hide behind to avoid its breath until your follower gets its attention again. If it lands near you, run away!

If you prefer to go alone, you can always send the follower home when you're going into a dungeon or whatever.

Dragon fights on my daggers thief were a huuuuuuge pain in the ass -- I basically had to do all of them with bow and arrows, which I had modest skill and only one or two perks in. Took forever, and death was basically instant if I was careless or impatient.


I wonder, what's a really strong and balanced class? A sword and shield heavy armor character with magic? A sword and magic user? I wonder because my thief is getting stale. I just tried to do a mission and I forgot to save before doing what I did, I didn't kill the guy quick enough and I got spotted and had like 5 dudes on me, couldn't handle it and died, was back in town. =\ I'm spoiled by games with good checkpoint systems.


I wonder, what's a really strong and balanced class? A sword and shield heavy armor character with magic? A sword and magic user? I wonder because my thief is getting stale. I just tried to do a mission and I forgot to save before doing what I did, I didn't kill the guy quick enough and I got spotted and had like 5 dudes on me, couldn't handle it and died, was back in town. =\ I'm spoiled by games with good checkpoint systems.

Mash F5. I quicksave all the time (pretty much after every fight). That's your check point system :p

It sounds like you need some crowd control. If you level up the abilities enough, you can get spells like fury and calm to the point where they'll work on higher level enemies. Then you can just cast that to save your ass in a pinch.


Mash F5. I quicksave all the time (pretty much after every fight). That's your check point system :p

It sounds like you need some crowd control. If you level up the abilities enough, you can get spells like fury and calm to the point where they'll work on higher level enemies. Then you can just cast that to save your ass in a pinch.

I'm gonna have to find those spells because I don't have them. Maybe that's what I need.


I wonder, what's a really strong and balanced class? A sword and shield heavy armor character with magic? A sword and magic user? I wonder because my thief is getting stale. I just tried to do a mission and I forgot to save before doing what I did, I didn't kill the guy quick enough and I got spotted and had like 5 dudes on me, couldn't handle it and died, was back in town. =\ I'm spoiled by games with good checkpoint systems.

Sword and board, with Destruction magic, would be pretty balanced. You'd have strong but not devastating long range, and powerful close range.

The opposite end is a sneaky archer with Illusion and Conjuration. Where you go, chaos and death follow.


personaly i think none of the illusion spells are good because you have to invest a lot of points into the skill tree, even with illusion maxed out, a lot of enemies are resistent to illusion spells like frenzy, the game simply says "x is too strong for y"(x=enemy, y=spell). the only good spell in illusion is invisibility. Strengthen oneself is better than weaken others. The only skill in illusion tree worth invest in is quiet cast. with impact from destruction, you can quietly take out enemies one by one without being spoted.

My character is a stealth tank mage at level 81


personaly i think none of the illusion spells are good because you have to invest a lot of points into the skill tree, even with illusion maxed out, a lot of enemies are resistent to illusion spells like frenzy, the game simply says "x is too strong for y"(x=enemy, y=spell).
I actually like this, as Illusion spells are enormously powerful when they work. It takes a fair amount of investment to get them to where you're able to use things like Frenzy on more than half the enemies in the game (level 50, with level 70 getting you some really powerful perks). More so than any other skill I've used, it's taken time to nurture, but when it gets up to that level, you can do incredible things. I've had brawls of nearly a dozen people (and two horses) break out while I sat back and laughed. At level 70 I can use them on Briarhearts, bandit Chieftains, high level Falmer and all varieties of wildlife.

If you could make it much more powerful any earlier, it would feel broken.


I started using a spell I have, summons a flame atronach, works pretty well. That thing hits pretty hard, too bad it dies so fast. I don't have any illusion spells, I'll see if I can find any.

To get really good gear I have to get into blacksmithing? Or do I find some of the best gear?
I started using a spell I have, summons a flame atronach, works pretty well. That thing hits pretty hard, too bad it dies so fast. I don't have any illusion spells, I'll see if I can find any.

To get really good gear I have to get into blacksmithing? Or do I find some of the best gear?

Start making iron daggers. Easiest way to level up blacksmithing.


I started using a spell I have, summons a flame atronach, works pretty well. That thing hits pretty hard, too bad it dies so fast. I don't have any illusion spells, I'll see if I can find any.

To get really good gear I have to get into blacksmithing? Or do I find some of the best gear?

Start the Dark Brotherhood quesline. They give really good gear right at the start and the quests themselves are rather easy. If you actually complete the quests you get even more rewards (including
a horse from hell and a ghost follower
). I'm sure the other quest lines also give out similarly worthy rewards, although maybe not as tailored to a Sneak character.

I've reached the point where me and my follower can beat a dragon together rather easily. I spam him with poisons so that helps...

I'm currently invested in Sneak, Archery, One-Handed Weapons, Restoration and Light Armor. That's 5 skills. How many do people usually develop? I don't want to spread myself too thin.


Start the Dark Brotherhood quesline. They give really good gear right at the start and the quests themselves are rather easy. If you actually complete the quests you get even more rewards (including
a horse from hell and a ghost follower

I absolutely loved that questline because of that. The
ghost follower makes all kinds of amusing comments depending on where you go. The horse from hell can also gallop longer than the regular horse, I believe. It seems like it anyway.


Right now I'm doing the Mage College quests. It's pretty fun so far and I've learned a few spells. It seems like some of the more useful spells are going to be really expensive, I might have to invest more in magicka.

I'm downloading that better followers mod so I can get a decent one, give it some gear and not be so screwed when it comes to fighting these damn dragons. I've been running around with no follower for a while now. Should I make it so the followers can't die or is that too much? The mod has that option.


Should I make it so the followers can't die or is that too much? The mod has that option.

It's up to you, but I hate losing followers since you I never know when I might want one of them to come with me later. It spoiled my mood every time Lydia died and I had to reload from my last quicksave to get her back. Eventually, I just said screw it and let her die, but I would've kept her with me forever and ever otherwise ;_;


It's up to you, but I hate losing followers since you I never know when I might want one of them to come with me later. It spoiled my mood every time Lydia died and I had to reload from my last quicksave to get her back. Eventually, I just said screw it and let her die, but I would've kept her with me forever and ever otherwise ;_;

lol I'm kinda missing her now. Right now I'm working towards getting Jordis.

It's odd, I added the mod and made it so they can't die unless I kill them but I went and recruited some random merc so I could have some help until I got Jordis but he died. >_< Maybe I need to enable the mod somehow, maybe it didn't install correctly.


300 should be good then? Rest into Health? I doubt I'll mess with enchanting...

THis game is tough when you are new but once you get all the tricks it gets prety beatable in all situations.

By no means is this list comprehensive, but this is what I did to coast in this game, listed in order of the most help to the least and only the first two are spoiled for that reason:

you are allowed one follower and one summoned helper; but most people forget the follower is alllowed a summoned helper as well bringing your total to 4. NOt only does this army mean you are less likley to be attacked, but obviously things die WAAAY faster. THere is a quest "Night to remember" you get at the riften bar where you start a drinking contest with a mage...do it. Its fun, but moreover You get a staff that summons a dremora lord at the end who bashes shit to death for you (as well as shouting a tonne of one liners). GIve it to Lydia or whatever follower does not matter. THey will summon help and fight themselves, swithching between sword, bow and staff automatically. You can summon stuff yourself as you found with the flame atronach. Lots of choices for summoning, but since you are familiar with the mage quests. Start the one from a guy that asks you about dwarven shit and wants ot get a deformed sould gem. He turns into your personal ghost mage and electrocutes things with magic for you. RIght now I have a storm atronach to zap things and rarely have to use it....way too OP.

in order of importance, Enchanting, smithing and alchemy;BUT USED IN COMBO THESE ARE DEADLY. I read on this board a lot about "sticking to the character type and or skill" but I enjoy all these aspects of the game too much to let any sit. I must make my own concoctions which I can name anything, and must have my own bows that get enchanted with all sorts of things including soul trap etc. and of course get named appropriately. THis is half the fun of the game. Not only does this stuff quickly make you powerful, but you also get rich quick as well and can buy things that you may want to burn (disenchant) at the enchanter so you can make your own. Enchant a bow of fire, a paralyse bow, and a soul trap bow and tell me you still get killed at close range....combining bow prowess with sneak and posions makes you OP very very fast so that you rarely ever have to confront much face to face. ALso enchant stuff to enable you to cary more shit, as well as your follower! GIve them the same good shit you give yourself! Remember, certain items only do certain things but you have one ring, one amulet, one hat, one armour, guantlets, and boots...that's a lot of different things to enchant in different ways.

enchanting - buy grand/black soul gems, use the black star soul gem from the related quest and only use these on stuiff you wnat to use yourself. Use greater gems ot fiull your weapons and staves. Use petty soul gems on things you wish to sell for profit. A trick I use to gain money is to buy grand soul gems from mages at the University and then sell them black mage robes form all the necrtomancers you kill in the quests, you clean them out of their 500 gold and get your several thousand back from buying the soul gems from them. Buy or train first first to inflate their money supply, then take it all back.

Smithing - as mentioned the iron daggers are good but also leather bracers cost low numbers. Spam the creation of these for no other reason but to get higher skill. But the big score here is IMPROVING your existing weapons...USe potions and enchanted armour (found or made yourself is no different early on) to improve your shit to 'legendary' and you multiply your damage for weapons and you get impenetrable in a huhrry with armour..these three skills put together make you OP in a hurry.

Alchemy - make multiple effect poitions for resale...they do nothing but are the most expensive items to sell for least efffort. Make all the different potions..if you dont like wasting time with the puzzle aspect of it (I do but to a limit), just look up what you need online. in order to make a weakness to poison plus weakness to fire or frost plus poison damage poison I believe two key ingredients are the deathbell and imp rot.....just thinka hbout what I just wrote there....even if it all does not stack re-poisoning your bow three times in the 30 second window for the posion will kill a dragon fast....maybe six shots total. ON the potion side make a potion that increases enchanting and smithing or buy them from vendors..early onthe vendor's philters and draughts are better...the multiplicity and recombination of these three skills makes you pretty tough in a hurry. Of course the health potion is a staple...combining fortify health and restore health using wheat and one other ingredient I can't recall that has both will beat anything you find or can buy.

3.) SHOUTS - If the last two ponts don't do it, adding a few good shouts to your game will make you indestructible in a hurry. Many are useless. BUt MOst of the main useful ones come from the main quest line, but if you research a wiki you can find where they are at and get them right away. Breathing fire, whirlwind srpinting away from danger, or even freezing time is over the top OP, even if only able to use it once in a while (every 20 seconds or so depending.) I rearely am forced to use these but whirlwind sprint is necessary for lots of hidden chest on ledges etc so get it for sure either way. ice form and the one where you make the enemy weaker are OP if you still need more power and they work on demi bosses as well....Im too OP already so not sure how dragons fare with these shouts...my dual enchanted bow (fire plus shock with half magica drain) with weakness to poison while increasing fire damage poison kills most dragons fast so don't need these any more.

4.) GET ORGANIZED - Get the equipment from the thieves and brotherhood quest up front then do the rest of the at your leisure...... it seems like a small thing, but having your shit together literally is impossible unless you store things temporarily at a home. Start the thieves guild and brotherhood just ot get the shit then quit and Finish the mage quest line and live in the arch mage quarters...there are several doors to go through which is annoying but everything except smithing is there with lots of containers to separate all your shit. A safe was a nice touch...I htink I have a bout 50 of every type of gem in there right now millions of gold worth likely. FUn to have if never used. The house in Whiterun is also useful to store ore and ingots when doing smithing and then you can sell to the vendors there as well as the potion lady with your expensive potions. Make sure use your follower as a temporary storage unit although I'm sure Lydia has said it to all enough times that she carries your burdens.

5.) TRAIN BEFORE LEVELLING - you will alsways be one step ahead if you train your max before levelling. In ES games it is a sin to level without training something because that means the enemies get tougher yet you didn't increase whatever specific skill it was that you wanted to increase to stay current. Sure, you may have grinded on the smithing or whatever already, but with the traiinng it just makes you go up faster for less effort and keeps you skilled at the next level. I will stockpile levels until I get enough $$$ to train all five slots, one level at a time. You can find a sign stone that makes you level skills 15 % faster...no better stone in the game IMO as there are other ways to max your ability to be invisble and sneak etc. IIRC its on a cliff near the ocean up north. I hate grinding so the skills that I use training on are normally enchanting, smithing, and alchemy. I suppose archery is another. THe perks you get at the end are OP but choosing which to get first is the fun of the game. HTe others level enough with use lockpicking, pickpocket speech etc.

I realize that there are other ways to make this game easier but these are what I do and I really found the game easy with the exception of the first couple dragons and several early wraith bosses. ONce I had the
dremora staff
I never had much problem with anything to be honest. THis item can be acquired right after helgen, but the strenghth of the
is higher depending on level when you do the quest. One final tidbit is I never do heavy armour as light armour is enough and well, keeps you lighter, which is worth it.


300 should be good then? Rest into Health? I doubt I'll mess with enchanting...

if you dont enchant, then you have to put all points into magica, and I doubt it will be enough. not only that, you will be squishy as hell, you will die all the time.
if you gonna enchant gears, then 300 is enough, destruction spells will be 0 cost, the 300 magica is for other spells such as conjuration, restoration and alteration if you need them. rest points should be put into HP.


how can you say no to enchanting?


For some reason the "No Stone Unturned" quest vanished from my quest log. I had only collected 14 of the stones. What gives? Is it a bug?


if you dont enchant, then you have to put all points into magica, and I doubt it will be enough. not only that, you will be squishy as hell, you will die all the time.
if you gonna enchant gears, then 300 is enough, destruction spells will be 0 cost, the 300 magica is for other spells such as conjuration, restoration and alteration if you need them. rest points should be put into HP.


how can you say no to enchanting?


I will enchant... lol

How much of a time sink is that? I don't feel like being in the damn crafting thing for hours.


I will enchant... lol

How much of a time sink is that? I don't feel like being in the damn crafting thing for hours.
Just sprinkle it into your playtime. I got into a routine where after every trip back from a quest or dungeon, I'd do this:

1) Head to the smelter/blacksmith for some smithing, to make or improve what I had on me.

2) Head to an enchanting table to disenchant or enchant what I could.

3) Sell the loot.

I'd go up 1-2 levels in enchanting each run, which kept it roughly at pace with my major combat skills. No grinding/iron daggers needed, and just 5-10 minutes added to each play session.
if you dont enchant, then you have to put all points into magica, and I doubt it will be enough. not only that, you will be squishy as hell, you will die all the time.
if you gonna enchant gears, then 300 is enough, destruction spells will be 0 cost, the 300 magica is for other spells such as conjuration, restoration and alteration if you need them. rest points should be put into HP.


how can you say no to enchanting?

  1. How do you have 3 enchantments on one item?
  2. How are two of those enchantments for the same benefit?
  3. How did you get one of those enchantments (destruction) past the 25% mark? I can't reduce the cost any more than that and I'm at 100 in both enchanting and destruction.


  1. How do you have 3 enchantments on one item?
  2. How are two of those enchantments for the same benefit?
  3. How did you get one of those enchantments (destruction) past the 25% mark? I can't reduce the cost any more than that and I'm at 100 in both enchanting and destruction.

1). It's really 2 enchantments. The first destruction mana decrease is one enchantment, and the second mana decrease and the magicka regen is the 2nd. Some robes have these duo enchantments on them. Fiery spell trap is another good one.

2). See above.

3). I don't know if there are items that increase the enchantment skill, but if there are, then that and potions that buff enchantments can let you make really good enchantments.
1). It's really 2 enchantments. The first destruction mana decrease is one enchantment, and the second mana decrease and the magicka regen is the 2nd. Some robes have these duo enchantments on them. Fiery spell trap is another good one.

2). See above.

3). I don't know if there are items that increase the enchantment skill, but if there are, then that and potions that buff enchantments can let you make really good enchantments.

Ahh...I didn't realize that there were dual enchantment robes as well as the dual enchantment perk. And I never wear enchantment buffing equipment either, so that explains it.



How did you get one of those enchantments (destruction) past the 25% mark? I can't reduce the cost any more than that and I'm at 100 in both enchanting and destruction.

step 1, enchant a set of gear that fortifies alchemy
step 2, equip your gear set and make enchanting potions
step 3, using the potions make another set of crafting gear (obve 3 steps can be repeated but wont boost much, about 1% and less as more you repeat. if you decided to stop here, then dont forget to add fortify smithing to your gear set)
step 4, equip your second or final set of crafting gear and make enchanting potions then enchant your combat gear set.
step 5, make fortify smithing potions and smith your combat gear set.

key things to know:
alchemy can be fortified only by equipments
enchanting can be fortified only by potions
smithing can be fortified by both equipements and potions

Similar to the Ancient Shrouded Cowl, the Falmer Helm also allows for equipping of a second headgear (enchanted or not) of types: Dragon Priest Masks: can be equipped while the Falmer Helmet is equipped
Ebony Helmet: can be dual equipped with the Falmer helmet by equipping the Falmer Helmet, then equipping a Dragon Priest mask, then equipping the Ebony Helmet
Execution Hood: same process as for the Ebony Helmet
Circlets: can be dual equipped with the Falmer Helmet by equipping the Falmer Helmet then equipping the circlet, this also works with the Penitus Oculatus Helmet.
I am wearing 2 piece of helmets at sametime to boost my crafting even further.

with this strategy my first character (archer, dual sword) was doing 1000 damage every swing, every arrow without going stealth, I kill dragon like two hits on master difficulty. it was way too OP so I deleted her and started second character as a mage.


I have all the Shouts but I'm missing 3 voices...I use to go
to the monk guys over at Hotghar(this is the french name,sounds like they could of kept the same name in English,I think you guys know where this is,talk to one of the Monks and he would mark a location on the map and give me a secondary quest to grab them,but now that I finished the main quest,they aren't there anymore...

Is there another way in game that can point me to the last 3 I need?


I have all the Shouts but I'm missing 3 voices...I use to go
to the monk guys over at Hotghar(this is the french name,sounds like they could of kept the same name in English,I think you guys know where this is,talk to one of the Monks and he would mark a location on the map and give me a secondary quest to grab them,but now that I finished the main quest,they aren't there anymore...

Is there another way in game that can point me to the last 3 I need?

did you kill
, if you did, then the monks will not interact with you anymore.


No I didn't,that's why I am wondering why they are not there anymore...

Hrothgar is a big place, they could be in the yard meditating, they could be in their bed sleeping, the could be sitting in the conference hall. did you check these places?

if you are on PC, bring up the console and type: player.goto 886B3
this should teleport you next to Master Arngeir. if he's not next to you I guess the game glitched on you and you are SOL.
i seriously wanna get back to skyrim.. but all this enchanting and smithing is making my head hurt. :( my weapons and armor look like poo poo compared to the ones i see here. :\

where do you guys get your loot? :|

and seriously, is there any video for smithing or enchanting for noobs? :(


i seriously wanna get back to skyrim.. but all this enchanting and smithing is making my head hurt. :( my weapons and armor look like poo poo compared to the ones i see here. :\

where do you guys get your loot? :|

and seriously, is there any video for smithing or enchanting for noobs? :(

That's basically how I feel lol

Boss Man

Well, you can basically just find a weapon from a vendor with the Banish enchantment and then be set. After you disenchant that and start putting it on Iron Daggers or whatever you've essentially got infinite gold and from there it's just a matter of running between (or resetting) vendors and spending time enchanting/smithing stuff. You can also spam Ungrien in Riften to get your Speech to 100 easily, at which point you can sell whatever you're making to any vendor (and they have a lot more gold to buy it from you- they'll need it).

Just keep in mind that the more you try to break the game the more you risk losing some of the fun in it.
Just keep in mind that the more you try to break the game the more you risk losing some of the fun in it.

This is super-duper important. Don't overtrain the secondary skills because a) they'll fuck you in the short-term when everything outlevels your combat skills in a big way and b) it'll fuck you in the long-term when you're waaaaay overpowered.
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