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The ending of Final Fantasy 7 is really confusing (SPOILER)


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
There are two parts that confuse me. Firstly, what does red mean when he says Holy is having the opposite effect. Does he mean that it is not working? Secondly, soent the lifesteam only appear when the planet is wounded and not when it is attacked?

I aslo wanted to know if Sephiroth was still alive, would his plan have succeeded or was meteor stopped before it reaced the planet (remember, it just destroyed the upper plate of meteor)


Holy actually tried to help Meteor destroy the human race. It was the lifestream(and Aeris, sort of...I think) that saved the planet.

I don't touch "if" questions regarding game plots. :p
I remember people calling me dense for not realizing that the human race was eradicted. Now AC is coming out, and I don't feel so stupid.


BobbyRobby said:
I remember people calling me dense for not realizing that the human race was eradicted. Now AC is coming out, and I don't feel so stupid.

I remember laughing really hard at those "everyone died" fucks and enjoying my interpretation of the ending.


Dice said:
*deep sigh*

Trust me, by your post I can tell you don't understand a lot more than just the ending. Here...

Educate yourself

Educate yourself :p

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Dice said:
Oops I fixed it before you posted that :p

No you didn't. It still doesn't work. If it loads for you, that's because it's in your cache. You can't direct link to GameFAQ-hosted FAQs.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Fine. Then go to Gamefaqs, look in Final Fantasy VII FAQ's, and look up the Plot Analysis FAQ.

Copy and paste the url, then, silly.
Thats what I did.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Ive done that. I dont see what is wrong with my question, apart from the fact that the game is really old


psycho_snake said:
There are two parts that confuse me. Firstly, what does red mean when he says Holy is having the opposite effect. Does he mean that it is not working? Secondly, soent the lifesteam only appear when the planet is wounded and not when it is attacked?

I aslo wanted to know if Sephiroth was still alive, would his plan have succeeded or was meteor stopped before it reaced the planet (remember, it just destroyed the upper plate of meteor)
1a. Red means that Holy is counteracting Meteor. The "opposite effect," thereby canceling it out.

1b. The lifestream appeared preemptively when the planet was attacked because the spirit of Aeris was in there and knew what to do. She dropped hints that she needed to sacrifice herself, etc.

2. Sephiroth's plan was foiled.


Then just download the ending fmv. What I took from it, it was the antibody to what was killing the earth, er, gaia: the makou reactors. The people were just collateral.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I find it as one of the worst video game endings I've ever seen for a game so focussed on story.


Obviously, everyone didn't die or there'd be no FF: Advent Children coming up. Just get that when it comes out; I'm sure it'll wrap up a lot of questions about the ending.


Sephiroth has been dead since before the game started. The character that you see the party fighting is Jenova using a modified version of his body to control the other clones while her real body recuperates in wherever. The final battle that occurs while Tifa is trying to pull Cloud up out of the pit is in Cloud's mind, as he's trying to expel all influences of the Jenova cells.

Plus if you remember what Bugenhagen said in like disc 1, the planet will try to expel any negative influences, so Holy "not working" is basically the planet trying extra-hard to get rid of Midgar (THE top source of environmental destruction on the planet), but Aerith/Lifestream intervenes to make sure that the reactors is the only thing the spell gets rid of. Meteor being destroyed is apparently some kind of after-effect of Holy being launched, since the spell's target seems to solely be the city.

Of course, it'd all be easier to understand if the game was translated right...


Funny i was going to replay this over the weekend...just forgot 100% how to breed the gold bird things.

God I have such an urge to go out and buy a PSOne so I can replay this and FFVIII, and maybe even IX, but I can't quite bring myself to spend the money.

ARGHHHHHHHH, if I had a job right now it would be so easy but I quit because I have pretty much all the money I need for college.


Funny, I just completed the game yesterday with all the Weapons defeated. The last boss was too easy compared to the Weapons (my Cloud was level 99 with Knights of the Round summon= HP Absorb, Counter=Mime, Final Attack=Phoenix, HP Plus Materia). Can't believe you only required 6 materias to defeat Emerald Weapon :\

Ranger X

Belgurdo i think your version of the ending is the right one but i still think game had a bad ending (i mean, with big fat errors that destroy everything)
1- Everything that is bad will be destroyed. That's why humans have been destroyed. But Red13 seems to survive (means he don't have any bad in him). If Red13 is participating on our quest all along, he's now logically dirty and he's suppose to die with us = first error.

2- Red 13 is having childrens or so it looks like it. It then implies that Red13 is hermaphreudite or can reproduce with rocks or something. That's bad because he looks like a mammal and his self-reproducing qualities aren't mentionned anywhere. And how the fuck a self-reproducing animal can be in extinction????..... i call this whole issue the second error.

3- The small childrens of Red13 does have a tatoo!!!!! It means i'm supposed to get the tatoo of my mother when i'm born --- yeah right. ( I know it's because they used the same 3D model but shrinked it but in a high budget game and with a little detail so easy to remove, there's no excuses --- its total lame.)


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
belgurdo's explanation is probably the closest one to being correct. I hope advent children can explain it properly. btw, does anyone know when advent children takes place and when does it come out?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
psycho_snake said:
belgurdo's explanation is probably the closest one to being correct. I hope advent children can explain it properly. btw, does anyone know when advent children takes place and when does it come out?

Advent Children takes place 2 years after the end of FFVII and I think it is suppose to come out sometime this Fall in Japan.


Wyzdom said:
Belgurdo i think your version of the ending is the right one but i still think game had a bad ending (i mean, with big fat errors that destroy everything)
1- Everything that is bad will be destroyed. That's why humans have been destroyed. But Red13 seems to survive (means he don't have any bad in him). If Red13 is participating on our quest all along, he's now logically dirty and he's suppose to die with us = first error.

2- Red 13 is having childrens or so it looks like it. It then implies that Red13 is hermaphreudite or can reproduce with rocks or something. That's bad because he looks like a mammal and his self-reproducing qualities aren't mentionned anywhere. And how the fuck a self-reproducing animal can be in extinction????..... i call this whole issue the second error.

3- The small childrens of Red13 does have a tatoo!!!!! It means i'm supposed to get the tatoo of my mother when i'm born --- yeah right. ( I know it's because they used the same 3D model but shrinked it but in a high budget game and with a little detail so easy to remove, there's no excuses --- its total lame.)

Yeah, the ending has plotholes all over the place. How can Red be "pure" when all of his fucking people died in a WAR where they ultimately helped humans commit genocide?

Ranger X

I guess even the guy who wrote the fucking scenario at Squaresoft didn't had a clue how to finish the thing so he sew something up in a couple of minutes and claimed "look at my open-ended scenario" for an excuse...
I kinda figured it was a happy ending just I have a few lingering questions which I'll just keep to myself as to not start a flame war where all my questions are anwsered with the fanboy cop out "Cause your stupid"

Oh and sephroth was dead before the game began...you see it happen in a flashback


2- Red 13 is having childrens or so it looks like it. It then implies that Red13 is hermaphreudite or can reproduce with rocks or something. That's bad because he looks like a mammal and his self-reproducing qualities aren't mentionned anywhere. And how the fuck a self-reproducing animal can be in extinction????..... i call this whole issue the second error.

I always figure he mated with a human. Hojo seemed to think that Aeris and Red 13 could have a kid when you go to the shinra building for the first time.

Ranger X

zarkand said:
I always figure he mated with a human. Hojo seemed to think that Aeris and Red 13 could have a kid when you go to the shinra building for the first time.

Those children would have looked a bit human at least.... and they woudn't be born after the human race is dead...

Anyhow, we just learned today that FF7 has been mentionning (incitating?) young Japanese and other players onto BESTIALITIES!!!!!!!

SCANDAL someone? lol
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