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The Expanse |S2| You guys look like shit - Wednesdays on Syfy


Holy shit, what an episode again. Amos back at it again and that speech of Avasarala was amazing.

As a non-book reader I was really surprised by the unknown assailants at the end, I guess they are the aliens who fired the protomolocule into the system?


I've been reading the first book and (not spoilers) Chrisjen isn't even in the first book. Naomi is very tall, described as "towering" over Holden. I guess they couldn't have a tall woman looming over the lead? Also, Amos curses a lot. A LOT. I do appreciate all the work the show did in getting the characters-mostly-right.

Episode 5 is the end of the first book .right?


Naomi is very tall, described as "towering" over Holden. I guess they couldn't have a tall woman looming over the lead?
It's not like the industry is flush with towering women.

It's amazing they were able to get someone anywhere close to Bobbie's stature.
- The Churn Episode 5: Tensions are high and loyalties tested in 'Paradigm Shift'
Welcome to Episode 5 of The Churn, our post-show podcast about The Expanse.Each week during Season 2, The Expanse creators Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham (who you all know as James SA Corey) and Syfy Wire's resident The Expanse superfans -- Fangrrls Managing Editor Cher Martinetti and Editor-in-Chief Adam Swiderski -- take a deeper dive into the latest episode.

Still reeling from Miller's sacrifice, the Roci crew begin the process of moving forward. Holden questions his role as a leader, Alex gets some TLC, and Naomi makes an executive decision unbeknownst to anyone else. We break it all down with Ty and Daniel and then everyone's favorite dubstep-loving Belter, Andrew Rotilio, joins us to talk about Diogo's journey.


I've been reading the first book and (not spoilers) Chrisjen isn't even in the first book. Naomi is very tall, described as "towering" over Holden. I guess they couldn't have a tall woman looming over the lead? Also, Amos curses a lot. A LOT. I do appreciate all the work the show did in getting the characters-mostly-right.

Episode 5 is the end of the first book .right?

Most Belters will tower over most Earthers. Martians can get pretty tall too. The show can't be full of giants. lol

If you think Amos has a potty mouth, wait until you get to Avasarala. :p And yeah, she doesn't show up until book 2.

Yes, ep5 is the end of book 1.


I heard that Christen in books swears a lot and in the first season of TV show she didn't really do that but it seems to have changed a bit this season.

Anyhow I do not understand why this series isn't popular? It's certainly one of the most unique sci fi universe out there and has a story full of suspense and great moments. I wonder if it's simply because people don't like sci fi and space stuff these days, since most sci fi shows/movies in recent years have been pretty grounded with them being set on earth in near future and concerned itself more with philosophical questions than anything else.

Edit: I did not get the point of them showing Epistein drive's origin, it went nowhere and was kind of random.


The whole Epstein thing is a breakthrough because they only had fusion drives and were limited by that speed. So I think they pretty much went as far as Mars for colonizing, due to how long it took for travel.

With the drive, it allowed them to reach the belt, the outer planets, etc.


Regarding the Epstein scenes, I agree with AV Club's comment on it.

The origin of the Epstein Drive, which apparently cost Solomon Epstein his life, isn't really necessary from an informational standpoint, but the reminder of the human cost of innovation, and the way that innovation expands outward from itself, is important thematic material. It also fits perfectly with the show's mood—the characters aren't always the most nuanced, but there's a fascinating empathy at work here in showing how systems of repression and dominance develop, and how ”progress" shapes lives in ways that can only be predicted in retrospect.


The whole Epstein thing is a breakthrough because they only had fusion drives and were limited by that speed. So I think they pretty much went as far as Mars for colonizing, due to how long it took for travel.

With the drive, it allowed them to reach the belt, the outer planets, etc.

Yes. But why does that matter for the post-Venus story in this episode? It does not.

BTW, show is more and more moving away from the books.


I'm guessing it was to emphasize the strife between Earth and Mars because Epstein was hopeful for all the things it would do for Mars' future. Obviously that didn't happen.

It was also brought up during the UN council meeting.

Chris R

Yes. But why does that matter for the post-Venus story in this episode? It does not.

BTW, show is more and more moving away from the books.

It worked for me as filler. Just view this as a bridge episode from "season 1" to "season 2" like I kinda am.


Oh yeah, the Epstein scenes also give more context to the risk the crew was taking by trying to follow Eros in the previous episode.


Why were The UN's ships attacking Mars? It looks like they were taking down some large satellite

I think it was the Mars ships opening fire on a communication satellite? Then the UN fired back. Well one of them started firing at the satellite lol. They thought they were being attacked, and communications were being jammed.


From an acting point of view I felt like this week's episode was rough. Everyone seemed to be playing caricatures of their roles, and Avasarala's scorched earth speech in Errinwright's office was really, really bad.


From an acting point of view I felt like this week's episode was rough. Everyone seemed to be playing caricatures of their roles, and Avasarala's scorched earth speech in Errinwright's office was really, really bad.

I kinda tuned out during that speech. I'm just not a big fan of that actress--think it stems from an awful SVU episode she did way back.


Why were The UN's ships attacking Mars? It looks like they were taking down some large satellite

I dont remember exactly what happened in the books. But in the show those little drone thingies that were "unidentified" got shot at by the martians. maybe they attacked the martians, the martians fought back and the UN got involved or the martians preemptively attacked the UN ships after getting attacked by the drones or fired at the UN after the UN soldiers entered the DMZ zone shooting (something).

I think it was the Mars ships opening fire on a communication satellite? Then the UN fired back. Well one of them started firing at the satellite lol. They thought they were being attacked, and communications were being jammed.

that was no commsat, it was a solarpanel/mirror thingie for the fooddomes and it looked like it was collateral damage while firing at the drones


Why were The UN's ships attacking Mars? It looks like they were taking down some large satellite

I think it was the Mars ships opening fire on a communication satellite? Then the UN fired back. Well one of them started firing at the satellite lol. They thought they were being attacked, and communications were being jammed.

Those large satellites are orbital mirrors for focusing sunlight on Ganymede's crop domes. As for why people started shooting, we know as much as Bobbi. Shit went down and everybody just went for it.
Just started and well behind - only finished E3 the other night.

I'm very impressed at how well they adapted the books to screen. I hope it holds up.


From an acting point of view I felt like this week's episode was rough. Everyone seemed to be playing caricatures of their roles, and Avasarala's scorched earth speech in Errinwright's office was really, really bad.
Agreed. It happens sometimes on this show... It's overall excellent, but sometimes it's like they went with the first rehearsal take with no reshoot. Naomi had a few pretty rough scenes in the last episode too, where it sounded like she was just reading off a cue card so they could wrap the scene up and go to lunch.

At least Alex and Amos were on point this episode. Well, OK, the fact that Alex' martian-texan accent comes and goes as it pleases is never on point but I like him anyway.

I kinda tuned out during that speech. I'm just not a big fan of that actress--think it stems from an awful SVU episode she did way back.
I think her acting and emoting is great, she just struggles very heavily with english intonation and emphasis. It's not an accent thing, really, she just always emphasizes the wrong word and pauses in the wrong places and it sounds wrong.

She simply could not pull that speech off and the director should've recognized it and gone for scheming, calm anger rather than bombastic rage. Avasarala is equal parts of both as a character, but on the show they have to use what they have and focus on an actor's strengths and weaknesses and they're not doing that with Shohreh at all.


I think it was odd how little focus there was on the creature when it was shot at

and yes, Avasaralas speech was way over the top
Just started and well behind - only finished E3 the other night.

I'm very impressed at how well they adapted the books to screen. I hope it holds up.

Same, I caught last night's episode and it was damn good.

Though like someone said, they cheaped out on the Ganymede attack.
They..really are moving away from the book.

I'm really curious as to where that's gonna lead. So far i don't think they're even gonna get to Prax, but they seem to be hinting at some foreshadowing for Book 5 related events. Could they be skipping out on books 3 and 4, or condensing them down into one season?


They..really are moving away from the book.

I'm really curious as to where that's gonna lead. So far i don't think they're even gonna get to Prax, but they seem to be hinting at some foreshadowing for Book 5 related events. Could they be skipping out on books 3 and 4, or condensing them down into one season?

Book 2 and 3 Spoilers
I think they have to. I certainly don't want to watch 20 episodes of corridor fighting


Yes. But why does that matter for the post-Venus story in this episode? It does not.

BTW, show is more and more moving away from the books.

The inclusion of the Solomon Epstein story is meant to mirror the discovery of the protomolecule. Both directly relate to the title of the episode "paradigm shift". The last great leap forward for humanity was the Epstein Drive. The technologies that will be brought about by the protomolecule are also going to be an enormous leap forward for humanity.


I don't see how the show is moving away from the books? Aside from not getting everything exactly the same. Hell, they even included the short story (Drive) in this episode. lol

They..really are moving away from the book.

I'm really curious as to where that's gonna lead. So far i don't think they're even gonna get to Prax, but they seem to be hinting at some foreshadowing for Book 5 related events. Could they be skipping out on books 3 and 4, or condensing them down into one season?

You can see Prax in one of the trailers for this season. They also brought up Clarissa Mao in this episode.


She simply could not pull that speech off and the director should've recognized it and gone for scheming, calm anger rather than bombastic rage. Avasarala is equal parts of both as a character, but on the show they have to use what they have and focus on an actor's strengths and weaknesses and they're not doing that with Shohreh at all.

Agreed. I think that entire scene would have worked far better if it was the two of them sat down together across a table, rather than her standing there, appearing to throw a tantrum. She is a great actress, but her accent is so strong that it's hard to understand what she says when it's blurted out at speed.

Still decent episode and I'm looking forward to how they progress it next week.

Also, Amos once again demonstrates he is the shows MVP.


Can't remember if Naomi hid the sample in the books from Holden or not like that?

Great episode again, show keeps delivering. I don't think Avasarala's speech was over the top, she's been playing the waiting game and has been ready to unleash for a while now. She clearly has the upper hand now with the whole Mao situation and is asserting her dominance and is also really really ticked off that Earth was put in danger. That was as much directed at dudley douchebag (can't remember his name) as it was the Mao family. Remember the whole conversation with her husband, she laid out her whole plan there.

Amos continues to be some great comedic relief. "Isn't that a brothel?" "Yeah"

Expecting a flashback for the Ganymede section, but that thing looked awesome with it's camouflaging with the stars.

Quite enjoyed The Drive story, more so than then Fred Johnson's novella from Season 1.
Wow what a fantastic show.

I thought series 1 was good but its like season 1 was a tutorial level and season 2 is the show.

So good that end of episode reveal. Huge Mass Effect feeling moment there
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