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The First Descendant |OT| Co-Hop? Bunny Hop!


PS5 here :

- Performance mode looks kinda rough with artifacts galore during movement/character hair especially with FSR turned on.
Love to hear PS4/XBO impressions, as this is UE5 on last-gen.
Ps5 version was running horribly. Downloaded the ps4 version and it feels smoother.

Crazy that this is happening, that they still added past-gen despite the UE5 engine, and then that it actually can run cleaner. Makes sense in some ways though (the base engine of Unreal is solid enough across 4 and 5, and there are features of 5 that could actually benefit past-gen projects while other features could push too hard on current-gen machines despite their power and downscaling those platforms to remove these features might not be offered even though past-gen versions would have already cut them.) Some aspects of games made in UE5 cannot be cut down past current-gen (and we still don't have a great idea of the possibilities in developing entirely for Nanite/Lumen or RT is without the safety net of fallback approaches, most games still have to scale down to Steam Deck levels if they include PC releases,) but we still haven't come up on that bridge to cross it yet.

There are a few UE5 games coming to past-gen (or are coming to the meager Switch 1 platform, so either way,) and the compromises made to make that happen will be interesting, but in this case it's also interesting to see what gets compromised by the advanced current-gen aspects put in place.

...The Xbox One version still has to be wicked rough, though, right?
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Just spent 3 hours playing this with a friend. Enjoyed it. Bought the basic battlepass, same price as Division battle pass. Subsequent battlepass' will be cheaper once you get the coins from the previous battlepass. Decendants don't seem that grindy. Then again I've played warframe for 10 years. It's a walk not a sprint.
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Welp, my interest just plummeted.

Wish they'd released this as a 40 dollar game where you unlock the other suits by playing missions or using in-game cash or something. I realize they've done the math on this and they're better off chasing a few whales, but it does sting.
I was looking at the numerous packs in the cash shop, and they do offer essentially a "starter pick" pack that gives you (seemingly) most if not all of the materials to research a character of your choosing (ultimates aside). So that's about a 10 dollar buy-in for the game to start with who you want. The downside is that there doesn't seem to be a way to demo any of the characters, so you are left watching youtube videos or guessing based on reading their kits if you're going to enjoy playing them or not. Wish they had a demo stage you could go into with each character and try them out. Maybe they do have such a thing, but I haven't found it yet.
Sounds very similar to Warframe which I absolutely hated. That and how mastery worked and how you had to keep levelling different weapons but they don't give you enough storage to keep all those weapons.
I can tell you some things are 100% ripped from Destiny, so it wouldn't surprise me a bit if you said mechanics were lifted from Warframe too. I never played that game though, so I can't be sure. But yea mastery sounds similar. I wasn't familiar with it, but it seems that I leveled it up by using new weapons, so I think that might still be a component of it.
Just saw two things re: MTX'es on another site: maxing out your reactor slots would cost 25 dollars, and the weapon paints in the store are consumables (so, when you toss that gun for the next one, paint is gone).

That's pretty gross. This thing is staying deleted for sure. Too bad because there is something solid here.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Just saw two things re: MTX'es on another site: maxing out your reactor slots would cost 25 dollars, and the weapon paints in the store are consumables (so, when you toss that gun for the next one, paint is gone).

That's pretty gross. This thing is staying deleted for sure. Too bad because there is something solid here.
It’s Destiny filtered through the absolute worst of Korean game design.
Just saw two things re: MTX'es on another site: maxing out your reactor slots would cost 25 dollars, and the weapon paints in the store are consumables (so, when you toss that gun for the next one, paint is gone).

That's pretty gross. This thing is staying deleted for sure. Too bad because there is something solid here.
While that's not great, I will say you can level up weapon ranks and re-roll attributes, so there should be no reason to replace a gun unless you don't want it anymore.
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  • Fire
Reactions: Isa


Had a quick look on my lunch break.

The cash shop is pretty expensive, they missed the mark, so I suspect we will watch this die a fairly quick death.

Which is a shame because I love the aesthetic and enjoyed the betas enough. But Nexon is doing Nexon again. The betas where fun because the progression was fast, but this was boosted by freebies every level to give you fast access to new characters. Now that's gone and they are VERY paywalled in the shop, that's not good.
Is it as bad as Multiversus and its 40$ skins?
Performance has been pretty bad for me on PS5 performance mode. Doing the Magister Lab operation solo in Kingston and it felt like FPS dropping into the 30's. The frame generation option is greyed out so I'm assuming that is tied to having a TV that supports VRR?

I've also linked all my accounts (Nexon, PSN, Twitch) and I still haven't received the twitch drops in-game. Anyone else had any issues with this?


Not sure what they have done with the performance mode on PS5, getting frame drops into the low 20's during some missions, crazy considering they've had a beta and time to iron out problems like this

Greetings Descendants.

We sincerely apologize once again for the inconvenience caused by the issues that occurred during the opening day. As a token of our apology, we prepared a compensation.

We will continue to strive to provide a more stable service.

■ Recipients and How to Claim Reward

- All Descendants who login until 23:59 on 2024.07.07 (Sun) PDT will receive the compensation in their mailbox.

■ Mail Expiration Date

- Compensation Mail will expire at 23:59 on 2024.07.14 (Sun) PDT

※ Please make sure to claim the compensation before the mail expires.

■ Compensation Details

- Gold Gain Boost +30% (Duration 3 days)

- Kyper Shard Gain Boost +30% (Duration 3 days)

- Descendant EXP Gain Boost +30% (Duration 3 days)

- Weapon Mastery EXP Gain Boost +30% (Duration 3 days)

- 2 x Matte Red Paints

※ Boost items will be active immediately upon claiming them from the mailbox.

■ Additional Notice on Twitch Drops Reward Delay

Although the issue causing delays in Twitch Drops Reward has been resolved, we have identified an additional issue where some rewards are still not being delivered. We are currently in contact with Twitch to resolve this issue. Once it is resolved, we will notify you through a separate notice.

Thank you.
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Gold Member
Is it as bad as Multiversus and its 40$ skins?

Well the equivalent here you have to pay at least £80 here, so worse.

They cost 5000 magic money, and the only pack is 5000 (+850 free, wow amazing) for £79.99

They do have cheaper packs with cheaper skins but there within that 30-40 price range with strait up shit recolours being like £15 that's the issue with magic money it hides the actual price.
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Gold Member
So I've mained titty waifu so far. I'm level 18 and the next intercept is level 22.

The void fragments mean I need to switch to bunny I take it. But do I start with a level 1 bunny?


I played a lot last night and I really enjoyed so far, other than the Kingston area, the game played well on the ps5.

But the prices... I almost bought a Bunny costume... But fuck you Nexon.

homer simpson middle finger GIF

In hindsight, the good thing of everything being so expensive is that I won't spend a penny on this game. Again, FUCK YOU Nexon.

I will just play for as long as I am having fun and move on.


Playable on Deck.

All settings low, you’ll get between 30-40fps. Usually hovers around 35 so probably best to lock to 30.

But the game just has an all encompassing jankiness.
ill test on legion go. Played it on Xbox last night, just want to have a portable version even if it runs "Ok".
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Yeah I only played an hour or so, so I'm not ready to wipe it from my drive quite yet, but not a great first impression. I guess you're stuck with your starting character till you grind out more? Not a great feeling. Also in general the game is just very busy with micromanagement right from the start. All kinds of weapons and gear dropping, having to sort through it every five minutes, figure out what goes where, this is definitely one of those loot games that didn't learn the lesson that sometimes less is more. Having to constantly sort through junk to find upgrades gets tedious fast.

Yeah and those weird framerate issues (on PS5) were very annoying.

Shooting itself seems serviceable enough. I like the hook thing for traversal. But overall feels generic and "been there done that" - I'll give it another hour or two and see how it goes.


Played for nearly 10 hours yesterday and about to go back in. Really enjoying it. Haven't bought anything yet but I will if it holds my attention over the next couple of days.
  • Fire
Reactions: Isa


Gold Member

How do you know which guns have the energy type on them to take down the shields? Like I'm titty waifu and she is ice. But we was fighting an electric shield, none of my guns have an energy type like Destiny.

Or do I have to get lucky and hope I get a Bunny in the group for her electro abilities?


Is it any good?
Gameplay-wise: I think so.

The combat is solid, each character has different abilities and there is some customization on builds.

The graphics are good, the animations are well made and the art style is interesting.

There are issues, specially on how normal bosses work, which are quite simplistic (hit them until they activate a shield, destroy the shield, do that two more times and that's it). The open wod missions can get quite repetitive too, but on this type of game it is expected.

They copied Destiny and Warframe a lot, so for anyone that dislikes both games, this one sucks a lot more, since it has way more expensive microtransactions and the grind seems to be bigger.

Just don't spend money on it and try to enjoy the gameplay, it might be a solid 20 or 30 hours game... Otherwise it might be extremely frustrating, since every extra thing is behind a pay or time wall.



How do you know which guns have the energy type on them to take down the shields? Like I'm titty waifu and she is ice. But we was fighting an electric shield, none of my guns have an energy type like Destiny.

Or do I have to get lucky and hope I get a Bunny in the group for her electro abilities?
I'm no expert, but a few of those gun mods I've gotten give an element to a gun. It might also be one of the random rolls in a purple or above tier weapon I think. I don't think the weapons inherently have elements like Destiny, but I don't have any of the "exotic" gold-tier weapons yet, so maybe they do. I'm running all purples.



How do you know which guns have the energy type on them to take down the shields? Like I'm titty waifu and she is ice. But we was fighting an electric shield, none of my guns have an energy type like Destiny.

Or do I have to get lucky and hope I get a Bunny in the group for her electro abilities?
If you are talking about the void shards thing, you will need a character with the same element to unlock them. Only abilities can hit them. It is bullshit and another way for Nexon to make people spend money.

So yes, you need Bunny or someone to help you with that. Luckily Bunny quest is easy, but I can see this being a barrier for other characters.


Fuck the game is a mess even on a 4090 and 7950x3D

Unsure if it's server hitches or rendering performance, but yeah lots of stutter at 4K Ultra + Ultra RT even in DLSS Quality (still some even in Balanced), and Frame Gen doesn't seem to work well because of it.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Crazy that this is happening, that they still added past-gen despite the UE5 engine, and then that it actually can run cleaner. Makes sense in some ways though (the base engine of Unreal is solid enough across 4 and 5, and there are features of 5 that could actually benefit past-gen projects while other features could push too hard on current-gen machines despite their power and downscaling those platforms to remove these features might not be offered even though past-gen versions would have already cut them.) Some aspects of games made in UE5 cannot be cut down past current-gen (and we still don't have a great idea of the possibilities in developing entirely for Nanite/Lumen or RT is without the safety net of fallback approaches, most games still have to scale down to Steam Deck levels if they include PC releases,) but we still haven't come up on that bridge to cross it yet.

There are a few UE5 games coming to past-gen (or are coming to the meager Switch 1 platform, so either way,) and the compromises made to make that happen will be interesting, but in this case it's also interesting to see what gets compromised by the advanced current-gen aspects put in place.

...The Xbox One version still has to be wicked rough, though, right?
Based on the visuals, i get very much BLOPS3 X360 vibes out of it. As in, it looks like the game, except it looks incredibly blurry. There are UE4 games that look better.

Still, its impressive that Xbox One with its 7790-derived GPU can run this somewhat decent at 720p30. Atleast this looks like it has some budget assigned to it compared to all the other last-gen UE5 efforts.

I wouldn't mind a sci-fi FPS with UE5 on XBO. But its really a bottom-o-barrel experience.


Gold Member
(Update) # PDT 2024.07.03(Wed) 11:15 – We have found that Connection issue is mainly due to MS Network error and we are waiting for MS to recover. We will make notice once it’s recovered

For those who can't stand the monetization, I get it, but why not play the game anyhow? You have an entire free game here, with four selectable character classes that you can pretty much take your pick from at the start (three choices, and then Bunny who you unlock soon after), and a campaign with loads of content. Why not play that, and never give the developer a dime, if you don't like their monetization? If you get to the end of that content, and the new characters end up being easier to unlock than you thought, then you just got even more value from the game. If they instead are all held behind massive grinding requirements, then that's another reason you can be happy you never bought anything.

I've found a number of things I'd criticize about this game, but the micro transactions are pretty far down the list for me personally.

Good 1st character to start with? Before Bunny :)

Viessa if you like attractive female characters, crowd control, and ice powers. Ajax if you like tank characters and shields. Lepic if you want to stand out in a crowd, because almost no one seems to have picked him. That, or you like the idea of playing as a DPS solider who throws fire grenades and does lots of AOE damage.


Before being disconnected I was able to finish Freyna and level up her to level 10.


She seems quite good against bosses and the items to get her are quite easy, also, to unlock a character for free, after farming the items, it takes 16 hours for the character to be playable. So, if anyone's wants her, it's better to start getting her items as soon as possible.

To see which items and where to get them, just go to the journal, select the character and check the requirements.

Some blueprints are dropped from world map quests, while most are dropped from anomalies from the bosses on the void intercept battles. Also, anomalies must be farmed on specific quests. For example, to get Valby blueprint, you will need the anomaly 09, after getting that on the specific quest, you will need to defeat the correct void intercept boss (in this case stunning beauty), then use the anomaly 09 on the globe that appears after defeating the boss and hope that you will get the blueprint you want (Valby blueprint has 30% drop rate chance).
For those who can't stand the monetization, I get it, but why not play the game anyhow? You have an entire free game here, with four selectable character classes that you can pretty much take your pick from at the start (three choices, and then Bunny who you unlock soon after), and a campaign with loads of content. Why not play that, and never give the developer a dime, if you don't like their monetization? If you get to the end of that content, and the new characters end up being easier to unlock than you thought, then you just got even more value from the game. If they instead are all held behind massive grinding requirements, then that's another reason you can be happy you never bought anything.

I've found a number of things I'd criticize about this game, but the micro transactions are pretty far down the list for me personally.

Viessa if you like attractive female characters, crowd control, and ice powers. Ajax if you like tank characters and shields. Lepic if you want to stand out in a crowd, because almost no one seems to have picked him. That, or you like the idea of playing as a DPS solider who throws fire grenades and does lots of AOE damage.
I usually play the female characters for these type of games, so Viessa will probably be who I start with and maybe even main. Bunny for sure....because why not :)


Before being disconnected I was able to finish Freyna and level up her to level 10.


She seems quite good against bosses and the items to get her are quite easy, also, to unlock a character for free, after farming the items, it takes 16 hours for the character to be playable. So, if anyone's wants her, it's better to start getting her items as soon as possible.

To see which items and where to get them, just go to the journal, select the character and check the requirements.

Some blueprints are dropped from world map quests, while most are dropped from anomalies from the bosses on the void intercept battles. Also, anomalies must be farmed on specific quests. For example, to get Valby blueprint, you will need the anomaly 09, after getting that on the specific quest, you will need to defeat the correct void intercept boss (in this case stunning beauty), then use the anomaly 09 on the globe that appears after defeating the boss and hope that you will get the blueprint you want (Valby blueprint has 30% drop rate chance).
Ty, Varby is who I want to get next, but seems you gotta be at least level 22
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