It's not really hidden it's ignored I'd say, so many that can actually do something about it won't cause it don't personally affect them or those they know.It's about damn time we face the disgusting parts of our nation that have hidden in the shadows out in the open. They've been festering for well over two centuries.
Don't bother considering how badly you misread that sentenceErm, I know a number of white man living in USA, who, for some reason, are yet to become presidents of USA.
Searching for source for shocking quotes in this article I laneded on:
Did Donald Trump really say those things?
Still reading...![]()
This is most definitely not the case for a lot of white liberals.Absolutely, at least my own thoughts on the matter.
The last 8 months have shown if they do, it is so far down the list you need ropes and mining lights to find it. The editor at the Daily Kos heavy left site blamed POC when Arapio got pardoned. Like that was his first reflex, and it happens time and time again. Blaming minorities for bigotry systematic and otherwise
Your right. Those in power on the liberal side are centrists who are "the rich liberal elite". They are primary benefactors of the historical divide and conquer tactics of the white American rich. But there are huge swaths of progressive white young people who don't have much power, relatively little wealth, and much debt. They would truly like to see material change in terms of systemic racism, but they don't have the levers of power to do it.
An attempt, even if very misguided and slow moving, to deliver true equality to all people independent of race, religion, and status at birth. A true meritocracy.
The more we fail to live those ideals the more divided we become as a country and those divisions open wounds for social decay. The decline of the United States tracks in line with it's regression in the progress towards true equality.
Hang on a minute I'm not American, Obama actually presented his birth cert to placate those fuckin tools?! Fuckin hell.
The last 8 months have shown if they do, it is so far down the list you need ropes and mining lights to find it. The editor at the Daily Kos heavy left site blamed POC when Arapio got pardoned. Like that was his first reflex, and it happens time and time again. Blaming minorities for bigotry systematic and otherwise
Name one country that wasn't founded on genocide, racism and violence.
Trump demanded the presidents college grades (offering $5 million in exchange for them), insisting that Obama was not intelligent enough to have gone to an Ivy League school, and that his acclaimed memoir, Dreams From My Father, had been ghostwritten by a white man, Bill Ayers.
Not sure I would equate any of those issues to race. As Obama's actions on all of those issues such as climate change and justice reform I 100% have always advocated for all of my life as a white man. Its just sad to see Trump erase those accomplishments in a time when we need them the most. Not to mention Trump wiping his ass with laws regulating Wall St and laws forbidding collusion and bribery and worker safety and so many other issues that are of critical importance. But these are things conservatives have always been against at least since the Reagan administration. Its always been about raking in those corporate profits for them, consequences be damned. But great read though and cuts right to the truth of the Trump ascendency.
I strongly want to believe this is what America stands for, but it would be lying to say it's true.
At the very least, we must acknowledge the many, many people in our history who have succeeded in undermining this value (with no consequence).
Define true equality as it would relate to race, religion, and status at birth. Good luck.
Yes, only the south has racism, or voted for Trump. This is a part of the problem. It is NOT, in fact, only the south that needs to confront this.That's good...real good.
99% of the people in the south that would read that wouldn't understand what it is saying.
LMAO this guy is a MASTER projectionist. trump is very obviously stupid as fuck, and just bumbles his way through. He's like Leslie nielsons character from naked gun.
Lmao at the suggestion of a ghost writer when trumps own ghost writer is on CNN daily talkin shit about the goon. Godamn the irony is gonna literally kill me
After his cabal of conspiracy theorists forced Barack Obama to present his birth certificate, Trump demanded the presidents college grades (offering $5 million in exchange for them), insisting that Obama was not intelligent enough to have gone to an Ivy League school, and that his acclaimed memoir, Dreams From My Father, had been ghostwritten by a white man, Bill Ayers.
Yes, only the south has racism, or voted for Trump. This is a part of the problem. It is NOT, in fact, only the south that needs to confront this.
He's saying that since Obama is the one to put them in place, they are "Nigger Issues", just because that's how they rest in the minds of his uninformed, ignorant voter base when he points it out that Obama is the one to set them in motion. Black hands can't touch his money, or legislation, apparently.
At least give his Black Panther comic book a read.Coates is probably the best social commentator and writer today, I absolutely admire everything he writes. I feel bad I have yet to read his books, but his articles are borderline poetic.
The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes, charged the celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that were seeing now.
That black people, who have lived for centuries under such derision and condescension, have not yet been driven into the arms of Trump does not trouble these theoreticians. After all, in this analysis, Trumps racism and the racism of his supporters are incidental to his rise. Indeed, the alleged glee with which liberals call out Trumps bigotry is assigned even more power than the bigotry itself. Ostensibly assaulted by campus protests, battered by arguments about intersectionality, and oppressed by new bathroom rights, a blameless white working class did the only thing any reasonable polity might: elect an orcish reality-television star who insists on taking his intelligence briefings in picture-book form.
All politics are identity politicsexcept the politics of white people, the politics of the bloody heirloom.
This so much. It's always telling when I ask "economic anxiety" people why is it then that only white people overwhelmingly voted for Trump when everyone is hurting economically and other groups have sociopolitical hurdles to contend with on top of that, and they never have a fucking answer.
The dent of racism is not hard to detect in West Virginia. In the 2008 Democratic primary there, 95 percent of the voters were white. Twenty percent of thoseone in fiveopenly admitted that race was influencing their vote, and more than 80 percent voted for Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama. Four years later, the incumbent Obama lost the primary in 10 counties to Keith Judd, a white felon incarcerated in a federal prison; Judd racked up more than 40 percent of the Democratic-primary vote in the state. A simple thought experiment: Can one imagine a black felon in a federal prison running in a primary against an incumbent white president doing so well?
This so much. It's always telling when I ask "economic anxiety" people why is it then that only white people overwhelmingly voted for Trump when everyone is hurting economically and other groups have sociopolitical hurdles to contend with on top of that, and they never have a fucking answer.
Obama allowed that ”blacks in particular have been vulnerable to these trends"—but less because of racism than for reasons of geography and job-sector distribution. This notion—raceless antiracism—marks the modern left, from the New Democrat Bill Clinton to the socialist Bernie Sanders. Few national liberal politicians have shown any recognition that there is something systemic and particular in the relationship between black people and their country that might require specific policy solutions.
During Bill Clinton's presidential-reelection campaign in the mid-1990s, Hillary Clinton herself had endorsed the ”super-predator" theory of William J. Bennett, John P. Walters, and John J. DiIulio Jr. This theory cast ”inner-city" children of that era as ”almost completely unmoralized" and the font of ”a new generation of street criminals ... the youngest, biggest and baddest generation any society has ever known." The ”baddest generation" did not become super-predators. But by 2016, they were young adults, many of whom judged Hillary Clinton's newfound consciousness to be lacking.
Confronted with a young woman who hoped to become the second Latina senator in American history, Sanders responded with a parody of the Clinton campaign: ”It is not good enough for someone to say, ‘I'm a woman! Vote for me!' No, that's not good enough ... One of the struggles that you're going to be seeing in the Democratic Party is whether we go beyond identity politics." The upshot—attacking one specimen of identity politics after having invoked another—was unfortunate.
”You can't eat equality," asserts Joe Biden—a statement worthy of someone unthreatened by the loss of wages brought on by an unwanted pregnancy, a background-check box at the bottom of a job application, or the deportation of a breadwinner.
Observing a Trump supporter in the act of deploying racism does not much perturb Kristof. That is because his defenses of the innate goodness of Trump voters and of the innate goodness of the white working class are in fact defenses of neither. On the contrary, the white working class functions rhetorically not as a real community of people so much as a tool to quiet the demands of those who want a more inclusive America.
I think Coates is making an unfair generalization here, as most left wing whites are eager to tackle the issues of racism in addition to other related struggles, such as classism,
Absolutely brilliant, beautiful article. Does anyone know a way to contact Coates? I like to send personal messages showing my appreciation to writers whose stuff I truly enjoy.
I strongly disagree with you here.
I agree BUT- any policy targeted at erasing the gap between blacks and other Americans is politically toxic in the extreme. Obama was terrified to touch this. Even Bernie Sanders, comfortable with being labeled as a socialist, is terrified to touch this. I'd love to hear Coates' specific solutions. I know he's argued for reparations in the past. How can we sell that to the American people when they (as Coates points out) just elected a racist, wholly-unqualified white man to erase the entire legacy of the single black president?
That's clear. Essentially he said that Trump would not become president, if he wasn't white or male.
I don't really think so, and that's just my opinion, of course. I perceive Trump as an all out opportunist. He doesn't really stand for anything concrete, there is a goal and there are opportunities to use. Had he not been white, he would have used his skin color to his advantage. One could argue that racism in US would not have allowed him to become so popular, but there is Obama.
What I said was that being white or male doesn't really help you become a president that much.
pretty wack, honestly.