Could have sworn Kreisberg recently said it'll be a long time before Wally and Jesse become speedsters on the show, if ever.
Of course, that could have been misdirection on his part.
Could have sworn Kreisberg recently said it'll be a long time before Wally and Jesse become speedsters on the show, if ever.
Of course, that could have been misdirection on his part.
Zoom's last scene in this episode:
KEVIN SMITH DIRECTS With Barry (Grant Gustin) gone, the team must figure out a way to handle the return of an old enemy Girder (guest star Greg Finley). Realizing Girder is retracing his steps from his last attack, Iris (Candice Patton) volunteers to act as bait to trap him in S.T.A.R. Labs. Meanwhile, Barry fights to return to his old life.
Is the next episode the one directed by Kevin Smith?
Is this next week? Or after? The last part of that quote has me hyped if it's not next week
Zoom's last scene in this episode:
Is this next week? Or after? The last part of that quote has me hyped if it's not next week
Damn shoreu, maybe they will do what we wanted! Barry definitely went somewhere. Possibly into the speed force or a new world. Exciting times ahead.
Zoom very happy at the end there lol.
I honestly didn't expect them to erase Barry like that though. Caught me by surprise. I just thought they would burn Barry instead of erasing him!
Oh, must have missed this.
Thread title update for Kid Flash and Jesse Quick?
Zoom's last scene in this episode:
Their not gonna go full on crisis Wally is not gonna be the main character. I expect Barry to be back with a powerup..
How the hell are they gonna bring him back? He turned in to energy, his matter pretty much evaporated, im eager to see another BS explanation
How the hell are they gonna bring him back? He turned in to energy, his matter pretty much evaporated, im eager to see another BS explanation
I bet the real Jay Garrick always blurred his face so that's why Hunter was able to take over his identity.
Lol, I know. And yes Barry is going to come back with a new mindset about how to use the speed force. I expect the budget to go crazy for the last two or last episode with Barry parading around Zoom.
Will he get a temporary suit when he comes back? Just to show people where he's been or how long he's been gone?
Lol a new costume would be dope grant could also beef up a bit if were trying to bring him closer.
LmaoDat body shaming.
holy shit. that episode. that ending. that preview.
And I'm still laughing at everyone overreacting at that bad trade episode two weeks ago.
Their powers probably won't manifest themselves until season 3 or as cliffhangers to end this season. Don't want to 1up Barry Allen yet or something along those lines.
Lol I didn't know this was a thing
Their powers probably won't manifest themselves until season 3 or as cliffhangers to end this season. Don't want to 1up Barry Allen yet or something along those lines.
Next episode looks like it's going to focus mainly on Barry and we'll see the two of them likely being treated. They might be given the coma treatment that Barry had to compound the drama and to stop Henry and Joe from killing Harry since Jessie is hurt as well.
I see Barry coming back at the end of the episode and then we get what should be a two part finale. If Wally and Jessie do get to show off their powers I think we might get a three vs one situation against Zoom.