Whoever she is, she cute
Wonder if Kid Flash could get a spinoff show.
So your saying you want him on Legends?
Alternate take: Wally should do a few episodes on Arrow, and Arrow can send someone over in return. Diggle or Wild Dog are great in crazy situations. Ragman might get some people worth fighting. And Wally could really use a strict ass teacher to drill some discipline into him, just like Barry needed an arrow to the leg in season one.
Yes, why was no one asking this? He had crazy tech for a jewel theif.So where did Plunder get his weapon?
Yes, why was no one asking this? He had crazy tech for a jewel theif.
Iris... Oh Lawd ��
Yes, why was no one asking this? He had crazy tech for a jewel theif.
Barry "I don't know if i can change the future? Man everything is so messed up because I traveled back in time and changed the future."
#3.11 "Dead or Alive" Promo (it's kiss or be kissed)
"Whisper to a Scream" Trailer (1min teaser reel, mostly old footage)
AV Club Review B
Also the way they talk about Joe this episode... the future may want Iris to die, but Joe's the one waving those death flags.
Also the way they talk about Joe this episode... the future may want Iris to die, but Joe's the one waving those death flags.
What what is they saw about Joe in the future? I couldn't really hear it.
this is what i think:
Joe dies
Wally Betrays
Iris suffers the fate worse than death
That Asian guy is CUTE, he should join the cast.
He does look like he has no damn neck in the suitPffffftttttt.
Bruh what the hell is this.
Why dude look like he made a Flash suit for Halloween with some red cleaning gloves.
This dude's neck legit looks too short for his body in this outfit.
Bruh who the fuck dogdes anything like that is this a joke.
Bruh what the hell is this.
Why dude look like he made a Flash suit for Halloween with some red cleaning gloves.
This dude's neck legit looks too short for his body in this outfit.
Bruh who the fuck dogdes anything like that is this a joke.
Bruh what the hell is this.
Why dude look like he made a Flash suit for Halloween with some red cleaning gloves.
This dude's neck legit looks too short for his body in this outfit.
Bruh who the fuck dogdes anything like that is this a joke.
Killing Joe would be one of the worst decisions they could make. How about a season where someone close to Team Flash doesn't die?
I know I expected Grant/Barry to get a new suit by now considering Cisco had a limited number of them and it'd seem like running out of the old ones that weren't even made for Barry in the first place would lead to a good opportunity to change it.
I know, they're definitely dressing her to get you to notice her this season
Bruh what the hell is this.
Why dude look like he made a Flash suit for Halloween with some red cleaning gloves.
This dude's neck legit looks too short for his body in this outfit.
Bruh who the fuck dogdes anything like that is this a joke.
When Cisco and Barry were talking about there now being two suits but only one mannequin, I thought it was going to lead to Barry getting that cool suit ring that Thawne has. They'd only had to show him using it once and then we'd "get" how it works again. But I think that scene was just there to highlight Barry's insecurity in regards to Wallace. It's definitely time for a new suit INSIDE a ring next season, if you ask me.
So here's a theory for you: Wells realizes they can't change the future after all, so when they saw him with the gun in the future, it's because he's using some kind of hologram gun (based on the hologram technology from today's episode) to create the image of Savitar killing Iris. So the future Barry sees happens, it's just not real.
Except he holds Iris in his arms.
Bruh what the hell is this.
Why dude look like he made a Flash suit for Halloween with some red cleaning gloves.
This dude's neck legit looks too short for his body in this outfit.
Bruh who the fuck dogdes anything like that is this a joke.
Also given that clothing catches on fire at speed on a speedster, should Wally's hair also be singed or burning with his ridiculous open head gear?
There were a few pics on his Instagram of them making a new mold of his mask (I think right before Xmas?), so they may not be using the new mask yet.Wally's costume looks like it has old Batman problems. Can't turn his neck.
Oop, I missed laser beams on my list of what that magical, completely unexplained weapon could shoot. Sound waves, mines, automatic electronic fence, tracking bullets AS FAST AS THE MOTHERFUCKING FLASH .... and oh yeah, laser beams.