Wally was compromised, so I don't think it's too fair to judge his actions as fully his own this episode. Savitar was messing with his brain.
He's the future flash.Barry is his own monster.
If he's not Savitar I'm gonna be so bummed that they missed out on some serious poetry.
Savita was coming to him in visions and stuff but did he actually do something to mess with his brain? He chose to vibe Iris death, then call out the ring with Barry, then "handle" Savitar himself and beg Jessie to not tell Barry. That's all on Wally.
I think they've shown that people acting under Savitar's influence do things they wouldn't necessarily do otherwise, like the time Cisco opened the box because Savitar made him see his brother. While Savitar was fulfilling Cisco's desires in that moment, Cisco should otherwise know his brother is dead, right? But he's been made delusional, like a low-level psychosis.
Savitar was definitely in Wally's head from the start (or rather, the end of the last episode) and it left him shook and desperate and then, with the delusion of his Mother, full-on broken emotionally. He wasn't in his right mind, even if he only needed slight prodding from Savitar.
Good points. But they still need to stop using this Wally fucks up plotline, regardless of who is the root cause
Extended promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNNriDMDTPc
Looks likethe speedforce ain't coddling Barry anymore!.
I just hope it ties back to one of the past seasons or being a direct repercussion of Barry's past actions and not more future crud
I feel like they are making it super obvious who Savitar is.
Its surely Eddie right? I mean he talks as if he knows everyone. Says something about Barry doing something to him/not saving him.
It could be Earth 2 Wells. Hes sick, hes dying and maybe Barry caused that and hes mad. I dunno. I think it will have to be someone we know. Hell it could even be that throw away speedster that was at the start.
Remember ZoomWe're at episode 16 now, right? Is it time to start being worried about this season as a whole if they don't stick the landing with Savitar?
Oh god, what if they don't stick the landing with Savitar?
Watching back on Savitar's speeches. He sure rattles off a lot of nonsense.
Barry is kinda of a dick to keep asking this man to get mind fucked.
Where's Wallace, Savitar? Where the fuck is Wallace
Barry is kinda of a dick to keep asking this man to get mind fucked.
I was hoping the marriage angle was a legit surprise for Barry but nope, secrets.
Also if they vibed the future again shouldn't they be looking at if things have changed again?
Yep, I gave an audible "are you fucking kidding me Barry ?" at that.
I was going to say they're vibing Barry's memory, but HR was added the first time they vibed so I guess it really is the future? Maybe it hasn't changed? I dunno. Speed Force.
I feel like that might have written themselves into a different, arguably harder corner to pull off than last year.
They've kept Savitar almost a complete mystery this entire time, with no real clues or leads into who he or she is or what his or her motivations really are. At this rate it's going to have to be something insane, like a Future/Alt Barry, just to be satisfying. Some random dude from Flashpoint or some future adversary we have an episode to care about isn't going to cut it.
Wait... Future Barry said not to trust himself... Maybe Savitar is a dark Barry.Think this was the first episode that I felt like...damn, they are adding drama for drama sake.
But I do hope that savitar is just a future barry that has become cold and dark. Would be a nice change of friend turns to foe formula.
Barry interrogating Savitar next episode:
Bruh, I can't.Saw this on reddit -
Soon, we'll find out that the lightning was Barry's lightning throw.But when you really think about it, everything that happened in Season 1 happened because of shit Barry did in the future.
Barry fucking up everything even his own past.
A snowball of Ls
Soon, we'll find out that the lightning was Barry's lightning throw.
Saw this on reddit -
If I remember right, they did this in the comics as well and had Barry basically be the bolt of speed force lightning that hit him.
Barry interrogating Savitar next episode:
I called Savitar being trapped in the speedforce in the same episode they got rid of the stone. I mean, it's the most obvious thing ever.
I called Savitar being trapped in the speedforce in the same episode they got rid of the stone. I mean, it's the most obvious thing ever.
He knows where he is.