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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.


Savitar didn't have to be someone we already know...but it's probably what's going to happen.

The way Barry stressed on this episode to "show himself" and tried to get his helmet off it only means they are doing it because his face matters. Otherwise why would anyone care what he looks like lol.

My guesses are that it's future Wally/Barry or HR...I don't want them to do evil Wells once more, and especially not with HR since I like the guy.
I would love it if when they finally unmask him, he's just some rando we've never seen.

Won't happen, though.

Yeah that's what I actually want, lol.

Barry unmasks Savitar.

Bar: *in Conor McG's voice and accent* who da fook are you?!

Boom, ratings plummet and no season 4.


All this proves is that Thawne was way faster than any of these speedsters. I mean Zoom was portrayed as some amazingly superfast speedster but Barry was able to absolutely leave him in dust using Thawne's modifications that Thawne possessed all the time, and now he is able to sort of keep up with Savitar even without modification.

If we were to add then the villians have gotten progressively slower lol.

I've been saying this for a while. Prime Eobard was on par with a much more experienced Flash. He also never fought Barry seriously in season one until right at the end, at which point he beat him in something like ten seconds until Eddie stepped in.

Since Earth-2 and Flashpoint split it's hard to make exact comparisons. Thanks to the multiverse there's an infinite number of Barrys who've taken an infinite number of Ls.


Some really dumb dialogue and characters doing dumb shit with CW "drama" but damn if the last five minutes or so weren't hype to set up for the rest of the season.

Show is super inconsistent this year, low lows but high highs. Hopefully the highs will even out.



The future is immutable, except when Barry decides to run back in time and fuck up the timeline?

Are the writers just out of actual ideas?


What if there's a much bigger threat on the horizon and Savitar is just future Barry trying to scare younger Barry into getting gud because he failed and needs to become stronger. Would lead into season 4 pretty well too. Like at the end he's like "bro it was just a prank"


I'm starting to think the Savatar that kills Iris is actually a Savatar from the past, before he gets locked away. So likely there will soon be 2 of them.


I'm starting to think the Savatar that kills Iris is actually a Savatar from the past, before he gets locked away. So likely there will soon be 2 of them.

That was a potential reading. He also said he created himself, so maybe he's about to literally do that.

He also said he was sorry for having to kill Iris (not sure how sincere he was about that). And later he reiterated he had do it and Barry had to watch.

Maybe Savitar is stuck in a weird Reverse Flashpoint esque limbo where has to kills Iris so he continues to exist? Just like how Barry had to let his mother die at the start of this season.

Basically just spit balling here. It could be anything, Jay = Zoom was a stupid theory that the show asspulled with time remnants so literally any explanation is possible. Maybe Iris doesn't really die and gets flung forward to the 31st Century instead.


I think they're all shot at 1080p, but broadcast resolution would depend on your provider wouldn't it? What's a television?

I haven't actually checked Riverdale on Netflix, is that capped at 1080p or is there sweet sweet 4K?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Fios TV. The STB does 1080i only. There's no website that lists the res of television shows? I know Engadget HD use to do that but the site is defunct.

The max from FiOS (which doesn't compress the signal from your local broadcaster) is 1080i. This would be the same as if you put up an antenna.

1080p files, I believe, are available from Amazon and iTunes.

That's the max resolution you can get at the moment. I'm unsure the resolution these shows are filmed at.
So are we all guessing its going to be someone we know? I really hope not but you never know. Hopefully season 4 isnt another speedster as a main villain.


Big bad speedster threatening Barry as a bigger rival than Thawne or Zoom
Come on, show dont tell.

Future/Alternate Barry is the only way to make this interesting


I am Korean.
Yeah, Savitar has been trapped in the Speed Force the entire time. The stone was a way to summon him. They then threw the stone into the Speed Force. Some of us in here figured it out that Savitar was trapped in the Speed Force but some people never figured that out, some were speculating, and there was no confirmation until yesterday.

Savitar himself wasn't thrown into the Speed Force because he has always been in the Speed Force.

You know...

If throwing the stone into the speedforce keeps it away, from... Uh, where Savitar's trapped. (Which is the speedforce)

And the only way he got out was because Wally threw in the last bit of stone that Kaitlin was hoarding, it would seem to me that throwing the stone into the speedforce to keep it away from Savitar was a moronic plan from Jay.

Barry really shouldn't be taking his advice about Savitar.


You know...

If throwing the stone into the speedforce keeps it away, from... Uh, where Savitar's trapped. (Which is the speedforce)

And the only way he got out was because Wally threw in the last bit of stone that Kaitlin was hoarding, it would seem to me that throwing the stone into the speedforce to keep it away from Savitar was a moronic plan from Jay.

Barry really shouldn't be taking his advice about Savitar.
But they didn't know he was in the Speedforce
You know...

If throwing the stone into the speedforce keeps it away, from... Uh, where Savitar's trapped. (Which is the speedforce)

And the only way he got out was because Wally threw in the last bit of stone that Kaitlin was hoarding, it would seem to me that throwing the stone into the speedforce to keep it away from Savitar was a moronic plan from Jay.

Barry really shouldn't be taking his advice about Savitar.

Yeah...... I wonder if they'll address that down the line. Jay is also the only other speedster who has heard the legend of Savitar. I wonder if Barry will seek out Thawne to see if Thawne has heard about Savitar?


But they didn't know he was in the Speedforce

Except remind me didn't he say he was trapped there.

Well..... Savitar didn't explicably say he was trapped in the Speed Force (unless I missed it earlier this season which I might have). All they knew was that the Philospher's Stone had something to do with Savitar. So their best course of action was to throw it in the Speed Force. They never figured it out until last night that that was a bad idea.


Except remind me didn't he say he was trapped there.
They were under the assumption that he was tied to the stone and nothing else, so throwing the stone into the Speedforce would trap him there, when in reality he was phasing in and out of the Speedforce.
Good episode. Can I just say I neeeeeed a season 3 soundtrack because Savitar's theme is so awesome.

Savitar has to be either Wally or future Barry at this point. I feel like the writers want us to think it's Wally because they left too many big hints in this episode: "I create me" right before Savitar throws Wally into the Speedforce. It's just too much of a neon sign that Wally is Savitar and it's some sort of destructive loop they're stuck in.

Because if I understand the timeline correctly:

-Savitar first person with speed/god of speed
-Doesn't interact with Barry until well into the future
-Future Barry kicks Savitar's ass and traps him in Speedforce
-Savitar is trapped and goes insane until Barry creates Flashpoint
-Savitar reveals himself in present day after seeing Wally as Kid Flash because he can be fast enough to replace him in the Speedforce
-Savitar gets Wally to replace him by tricking him into becoming fast enough
-Savitar kills Iris
-Present Barry does something to Savitar to make him Future Barry's problem?

So there's no way Savitar can be Wally in this particular loop. Either Barry rescues Wally so Wally isn't in the force anymore, or the solution to getting rid of Savitar is switching him with Wally again, which once again prevents Wally from being in the Speedforce long enough. My final guess is Future Barry/Flashpoint Barry. Of course I was expecting Zoom to be Earth-2 Barry so what do I know?


The max from FiOS (which doesn't compress the signal from your local broadcaster) is 1080i. This would be the same as if you put up an antenna.

1080p files, I believe, are available from Amazon and iTunes.

That's the max resolution you can get at the moment. I'm unsure the resolution these shows are filmed at.
Really all TV (OTA or cable) in the US is delivered at 1080i or 720p.

I'm sure all these shows are shot on digital at 1080p though, and you can get that from download services or Netflix.
What is up with CW's video player? I'm trying to watch this show and it took it a minute to pause it and now I can't get it to unpause. I wish I could've watched this on tv.


I am Korean.
Well..... Savitar didn't explicably say he was trapped in the Speed Force (unless I missed it earlier this season which I might have). All they knew was that the Philospher's Stone had something to do with Savitar. So their best course of action was to throw it in the Speed Force. They never figured it out until last night that that was a bad idea.

That solution never really struck me as a good one though even if they don't know where Savitar's trapped. (Though really where else would Barry turn?)

Every single speedster has access to the speed force. Barry wasn't trapped when he got sucked in. There's no reason to assume that throwing something into what is a common resource for all speedsters would protect against another speedster getting a hold of it.

Would've been better had they had Cisco fling it into an alternate reality where entropy had set in fully or something.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Really all TV (OTA or cable) in the US is delivered at 1080i or 720p.

I'm sure all these shows are shot on digital at 1080p though, and you can get that from download services or Netflix.

Yeah, definitely. Some CW affiliates broadcast as low as 480i (depending on whether they're in a market where they are broadcast as one of a few subchannels), with 720p and 1080i being more common (depending on whether they are the secondary subchannel or the main channel on a feed respectively).

This of course is leaving out the more important bits: what bit-rate the video is broadcast at.

My CW, for example, is the main feed on a stream with 2 channels (the main 1080i CW feed and a 480i feed for a game show network). Those two channels have about 20mbits/s to share on their feed. The CW gets the higher allotment, roughly 15mbits (~2MB/s) or so, and the gameshow feed is set to be variable, but for the sake of discussion, let's say it takes no more than 5mbits (~500KB/s). This is important as this is what is re-transmitted by my local cable companies, Comcast and Verizon Fios. Verizon re-transmits an exact copy of the over the air signal I pick up from the antenna because their network is newer and has more bandwidth available to it. While I don't know what Comcast does in my area, they often have to compress their feeds to fit the number of channels they have to deliver, which would theoretically be worse than my OTA signal.

Okay, home stretch: the bitrates for the shows downloaded from iTunes and Amazon are most likely even higher than the bitrates I've mentioned so far. So, for example, I believe a 1080p episode of the Flash is approximately 44mbits (~5mb) a second, or effectively double the bitrate of a broadcast signal. This does not take into account the codecs used on iTunes, as broadcast TV is usually transmitted in MPEG2.


I'd laugh my ass off if Savitar ends up being the white Wally West.

Lol. I felt bad that the first thing I thought about when Wally got sucked into the breach was "What if the breach spits him back out later in the season, but he's the white Wally West?"
In hindsight, it is funny how the 'one to betray you' was actually saving your ass.

Well, hindsight also shows Savitar was pretty much goading them to follow a particular path. In fact, it even looks like Barry's efforts to prevent Iris death are pushing things even more in Savitar's favor.


Just watched the new ep. Savitar is either Wally or HR. Savitar spoke of Barry like Wally did when he first arrived. He gave Wally his powers, so he gave them self the powers. Or HR fucks around and accidentally gives himself Savitar powers. That's why HR lives, its like the same as the Reverse Flash shit where killing HR would have him cease to exist. Also he calls him Wallace.


I think Barry, Wally, HR and Julian are the suspects. I actually wish they'd done Savitar's original origin and had him have history with Max or Jay or someone. But his history is from the future.

Savitar doesn't seem like to HR very much at all. If you needed any evidence he sucks.


I still can't get over the fact that both Jessie and Barry just stood there and watched. Jessie didn't even bother going with Barry to help. She's here here specifically to be with this dude yet can't be bothered to step up when it matters. Smh.


I still can't get over the fact that both Jessie and Barry just stood there and watched. Jessie didn't even bother going with Barry to help. She's here here specifically to be with this dude yet can't be bothered to step up when it matters. Smh.
It's the damn ring again.


I still can't get over the fact that both Jessie and Barry just stood there and watched. Jessie didn't even bother going with Barry to help. She's here here specifically to be with this dude yet can't be bothered to step up when it matters. Smh.

Ain't no speedster gonna fuck with that Speedforce.

Barry seeing Wally slowly getting sucked into the Speedforce: "Nothing I can do here. Goodluck Wally!"

Barry after getting guilt-tripped by Joe and f̶i̶a̶n̶c̶é̶e̶ Iris: "FINE I'LL GO"


Solid episode, a good bit of emotional tension, some good human fallibility on all fronts.

I feel like they're brazenly setting up Savitar to be Barry from the future who had his Iris die. Don't forget, the newspaper back from Season 1 said The Flash disappeared at some point... what if it's because he became Savitar? I mean this is a JJ Abrams-like Star Trek universe that was altered from the start because of Reverse Flash.

Also my guesses for the season finale/set up for Season 4? Barry goes into the speed force and frees Wally by taking his place. Season 4, Wally has taken the mantle of the Flash for atleast the first few episodes, while setting up a rescue of Barry.
near the end of the episode, immedialty thought about this :

I'd laugh my ass off if Savitar ends up being the white Wally West.

I made a joke post about that a couple of pages back, lol. But I wasn't talking about Savitar but black Wally. Wally is stuck in the Speed Force and comes out of the Speed Force the White Wally West. Something something the Speed Force messed with my dna something something I got faster and stronger something something Speed Force ain't gotta explain shit.

Inb4 Savitar is Daniel West from another timeline or from Flashpoint.
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