Remember when Zoom was going to collapse the multiverse on itself? Good times.Multiverse needs savin.I think the speedforce is prepping him for COIE.
Remember when Zoom was going to collapse the multiverse on itself? Good times.Multiverse needs savin.I think the speedforce is prepping him for COIE.
Iris was destroyed at the end there.
I can, for the first time, fully admit Barry messed up.
In defense of Barry, dude just wants space so watching Iris die hurts less. He's accepted fate.
"Take me Peter!"
"Nah - I'm Spider-Man!"
Dear god Barry is a fucking savage.
Or am I misinterpreting this situation?
The Iris & Barry thing is a Peak CW Drama moment. Undoing their engagement in one episode is so obnoxious. This show just feels directionless. There isn't any growth for the characters.
Oh, Barry got over his mom..wait no he didn't
Oh, Barry finally moved out and got his own place...wait nevermind
Oh, Barry and Iris' relationship is stable..wait nevermind
Oh, Caitlin has to come to terms with her new abilities...oh, Killer Frost is literally another persona and she isn't responsible.
Oh, Jesse decided her feelings for Wally were worth staying on Earth Prime...wait nevermind
Like I'm looking back and thinking, what was the point of spending so many scenes on their relationship if you're writing Jesse out again an episode later. What's the point of arguing over the engagement if Barry is just gonna walk away?
It feels like it's a show being made without anyone actually taking the time to look ahead. Like they thought, "Hey, let's bring Jesse back and give Wally a love interest!" But then, a few episodes later, they realized they now had too many speedsters on the show and decided to write her out.
It feels like it's a show being made without anyone actually taking the time to look ahead. Like they thought, "Hey, let's bring Jesse back and give Wally a love interest!" But then, a few episodes later, they realized they now had too many speedsters on the show and decided to write her out.
"Sorry Wally, I can't be with you. Even though Earth 2 is where I'm from, for some random reason I need to abandon it in favor of Earth 3. Garrick's world matters more than mine, my dad or you."[/spoiler]
I'm also getting increasingly annoyed at how Cisco is becoming a plot device.
"Hey, Cisco! We have a problem that only this piece of tech can solve. Can you invent one, really quickly?" "Sure!"
If he's that much of a genius inventor, why can't he come up with something to subdue Savitar? Oh, because the season would be over, that's why.
Out of all the illogical shits on tonight episode. This might have made the most sense (not that is saying much).
She sees that Jay was willing to sacrifice himself to save Wally and H.R. comment while insensitive made her realize that her being there isn't much help to the team right now. That her powers may be more of use in Earth-3 until Jay is rescued. It's not a great reason and created purely for drama purpose but at least it make sense.
Also fuck the CWness of the drama and Fuck Barry, Fuck Savitar for being dull, Fuck making saving Iris a huge plot point..
Earth-2's biggest problems are the gorillas aren't they? Didn't they lose most of their metas in the penultimate episode of season two? Plus Harry is protecting that Earth, he's got a lot of money and resources.
Also, I can't really tell going by this thread (which I've admittedly read very little of), but do many here actually like Wally? I can't tell if it's soley the material handed to him, but I find the actor to be the least talented and most annoying person on the show, by far. He's worse than Carl on The Walking Dead to me. And that's saying a lot. I almost laughed out loud with what happened to him last week, but didn't, because I knew the reprieve would be short.
I'm also getting increasingly annoyed at how Cisco is becoming a plot device.
"Hey, Cisco! We have a problem that only this piece of tech can solve. Can you invent one, really quickly?" "Sure!"
If he's that much of a genius inventor, why can't he come up with something to subdue Savitar? Oh, because the season would be over, that's why.
HR hasn't suggested to Cisco that he build something to stop Savitar or steal his speed yet. We have to wait for the season finale for HR to make that suggestion to Cisco.
Gonna be pretty awkward when Iris catches him singing songs with Supergirl a week after he says he needs space!
Different universe...does it still count as cheating?
Can Barry run fast enough to fuck himself from the back.
That's all there is for Wally's imprisonment? Ugh.
Man when Jesse said she gotta go to Earth-3 I was just... so confused. Complete "wait what why" moment. Sure Jay left E-3 without a Flash... but Jesse left E-2 without a Flash... and it has you know, her dad in it.
Man when Jesse said she gotta go to Earth-3 I was just... so confused. Complete "wait what why" moment. Sure Jay left E-3 without a Flash... but Jesse left E-2 without a Flash... and it has you know, her dad in it.
What would be interesting is if Savitar was like Impulse 1 Million. Impulse 1 Million was a piece of the speedforce that became self aware after absorbing the random and stray thoughts of speedsters.
Now what if Savitar was Barry's self doubt, and other baggage given form?
And we don't do interesting anymore this season.That's way too interesting of a story to actually happen.
Man when Jesse said she gotta go to Earth-3 I was just... so confused. Complete "wait what why" moment. Sure Jay left E-3 without a Flash... but Jesse left E-2 without a Flash... and it has you know, her dad in it.
I definitely got that vibe too. Like last episode, they were already having to write excuses why Jesse, Wally, or Barry wouldn't be somewhere ("Jesse is busy with the ring...") So now this episode chucked Jesse and benched Wally.
Shows are about drama and conflict. I get that, I accept it with all my CW shows. But this show spends an insane amount of time on "Hey, [Insert Name Here]. Can we talk?" scenes. And then ultimately none of them matter cause 1 episode later, they hit the reset button
Then what's the fucking point of it being a secretThere are really no secrets or hints leading up to to it.
I'm going to keep watching this show, but "dramatic" nonsense like tonight really makes me question why I do. I know it's a CW staple so I should expect it, but "person looks down at floor and walks offscreen" dramatic moments are really trying my patience. And the mess between Barry and Iris at the end of tonight's episode is just another thing that makes me scratch my head. Flash is the last CW show I still watch after giving up on Arrow at the midseason break when Felicity got paralyzed, and I really hope they don't keep killing my interest with stupidity.