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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.

Permanently A

Junior Member




who do you think you are

that's Max Mercury you're talking about

On top of
Kid flash
Jay Garrick
Jesse quick (probably)
That girl who got speed and then died last season whose name I forget

We don't need any more speedsters!!!


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
You guys are looking at it the wrong way: we need them to burn through more speedsters.

Then they'll finally have to give us:



We as people are shaped by our memories and experiences. In a sense if you erase those you erase who you are. Even if Barry was happy-ish in Flashpoint timeline he was also losing himself because his memory was in process of being erased. I would argue he was afraid of what he would become after losing all his memories and experiences from original timeline. Also his actions in Flashpoint timeline caused someone he cares about and loves to basically die, Wally's wound was pretty much fatal and he wasn't healing.
Forgot about Wally, but in any case, this timeline still seems better to me. Everyone is alive. Joe isn't that happy but eh. And it seemed very selfish of Barry to want to go back just because he'll forget the other timeline. I thought he did it for the other people in the first place.

Also how saving Barry's mother corrects timeline? Even in comics she has to die in order for Barry to become person that he is so he can become The Flash that world needs. Having her alive would drastically alter his life and experiences resulting in very different kind person which would mean very different The Flash or maybe he never would become The Flash in first place? Reverse Flash was always meant to kill her, but in original timeline RF got stranded into the past and in his desperate need to get back into his time he just hastened Barry's timeline by 5 to 10 years.
Because the normal timeline is the timeline without timetravel changing things. Eobard changed things by killing Barry's mother, ergo, Barry's mother not getting killed is the actual timeline. Killing Barry's mother is changing things, so the Barry that wants things to be the way they are in the timeline where his mother is dead, is actually a Barry from an alternate timeline.


Joe is a disaster, Wally is dead, and villains are running around with a FLash being able top stop them.


Does Barry actually fucking say "I need you to kill my mom"?

1) .....

2) how the fuck is that going to make things magically happen? Especially if you ALREADY EXIST WITH KNOWLEDGE IN THIS TIMELINE?

Eobard makes him say it.
I don't think this episode made much sense.

The dialogue was worse for me. I'm not sure why it bothered me this episode or if it was worse than before, but it felt really bad at times.

"I guess you really are the fastest man alive" is some "We really are the Last of Us, Ellie" material. Really weird.
Running superspeed loops on the outside of buildings etc makes no sense. If the curves were inward it would, but outward curves should send the speedsters flying off at the bend.

I noticed this especially duing the Wally/Rival and Flash/Revial fights for some reason and it bothered me.


Even tho the series have been good so far, the formula is getting tired. The only person in the series that have not developed and learn in the entire show is the main guy. If this doesn't change this season, this will be my last.

The high points of the show still keeps me going. The premiere was not really that impressive. Very standard safe easy episode. And where the guest outplayed the entire main cast. It is kind of sad.


I can't wait till mid-season when Barry decides he really really needs to go back in time.

Because he's totally going to do it again.
I'm firmly in the camp of #TooManySpeedsters

It wouldn't be an issue, if they'd make the encounters a little more creative. But instead they're sticking to the same old formula, three seasons in and it's really frustrating. I get that anything other than running around means a more expensive sfx budget, but it also means that Barry is learning all his tricks for shit and giggles, because he's going to use them once or twice per season. As a viewer, it's really frustrating.


They should make Barry basically be Macgyver with creative ways to take out villians every episode. Would keep it from going stale.


Peeps, the main villain won't just be Savitar or Rival (lol), Alchemy is there for some of you.

I hope, when the show ends, Reverse Flash comes back as the final villain, end where you started.


Dr. Harrison Wells: You're incredibly clever, Cisco. I've always said so.

Cisco Ramon:
You're him. The Reverse-Flash.

Dr. Harrison Wells: You and I haven't been truly, properly introduced. I am Eobard Thawne.

Cisco Ramon: Thawne? Like Eddie.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Let's call him a distant relative.

Cisco Ramon: The night that we trapped the Reverse-Flash, you almost died. There were two of you.

Dr. Harrison Wells: It's an after-image. A speed mirage, if you will.

Cisco Ramon: Joe was right. You were there that night, 15 years ago, in Barry's house. You killed Nora Allen.

Dr. Harrison Wells: It was never my intention to kill Nora. I was there to kill Barry.

Cisco Ramon: Why? You're his friend. You've been teaching him how to...

Dr. Harrison Wells: Go faster. I know, a means to an end. And I'll tell you why. Because I have been stuck here, marooned here in this place for 15 long years. And The Flash and The Flash's speed is the key to my returning to my world. To my time. And no one is going to prevent that from happening.

Cisco Ramon: I can help you.

Dr. Harrison Wells: You're smart, Cisco. But you're not that smart. Do you know how hard it has been to keep all of this from you, especially from you? Because the truth is, I've grown quite fond of you. And in many ways, you have shown me what it's like to have a son. Forgive me, but to me, you've been dead for centuries.
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