Lol. It's safe and fine (mostly).
I honestly cannot come up with anything anymore. I'm just drained from reading all of Flash-GAF's theories and shit.
Last night's Savitar is a version that wasn't the one we saw earlier and this one is also one that had very intimate knowledge of
this timeline therefore this Savitar has to have lived through this timeline even though this timeline is also very new because this timeline is different from the earlier Savitar's timeline. My brain hurts again......
Also that this Savitar may be a Time Remnant since the Eobard Thawne on LoT had intimate knowledge about a timeline he shouldn't have known since that Thawne was one that we don't know whether is the one from post/pre-Flashpoint but it has to be the Thawne from pre-Flashpoint because he still remembers working with Team Flash but then he remembers what happens to his LoD mates. My brain hurts again.....
Thus meaning any Time Remnant can and will absorb the memories of multiple timeliness even the ones that have been fixed and destroyed. But this doesn't explain current Savitar since he knows too much about this timeline and is also from the future in which he needs to go back to kill Iris and fight current Barry. But then we also know that 2024 Barry fought
a Savitar and has trapped that Savitar in the Speed Force with the help of Time Remnants thus meaning at least one remnant somehow turned into Savitar?
Soooo in essence, it's a infinite timeloop because there needs to be someone who turns into Savitar. If there is no Savitar then the world will implode on it's flatness. So this means that Savitar lived through this all, somehow developed his armor from his fights with his version of Savitar, came up with Savitar due to his fights with Savitar, and then he repeats it because if he doesn't then time will go kaboom.
Grodd Dammit Barry. What the fuck have you done?!