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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.


Haven't read the run give us a rundown because it seems like that's what they did

That flash comes back, after losing Wally and Iris in an accident. He comes to take normal barry's speed and replace him to become what amounts to superior flash. He also is killing his bad guys.

It also gives Wally a better origin for his powers imo, He's caught in the middle of fight between two speedaters and he's hit with some stray speedforce energy.


Why would he not have anyone anymore? He's still Barry. If Wig Barry wanted to be a big shut-in mope that leaves a perfect spot open for some other Barry to fill.
Because after Iris got skewered, Barry pushed everyone away. He had nobody. Savitar was probably a time remnant created in an effort to stop Savitar after Iris death, but that failed. Actually, did Barry say when he made this remnants?


Because after Iris got skewered, Barry pushed everyone away. He had nobody. Savitar was probably a time remnant created in an effort to stop Savitar after Iris death, but that failed. Actually, did Barry say when he made this remnants?

Wig Barry pushed everyone away, but that doesn't mean any of the remnants he'd made would feel the same. I guess it all boils down to when he made the remnants, yeah.

Also, why does Savitar have a spike? Barry's bad enough at utilizing his existing godlike powers, why does he need to add a whole new inexplicable thing to his arsenal?


*sigh* This is where I get off, Flash-GAF. This episode was padded beyond belief and nothing makes sense.

-Why doesn't Savitar just kill Dr. Brand?
-Why would Caitlin stage a Mexican standoff when she knows that Team Flash would take Dr Brand back to Star Labs, a place she literally helped build and knows the security for?
-How would Savitar know exactly what's going to happen now when this is a new timeline created by Barry going into the future and getting the info about Dr Brand? This Savitar should know about her existence but shouldn't know how the events would play out... otherwise how did he get trapped to begin with? Or why wouldn't he kill Dr Brand in the 4 years between Iris dying and him being trapped?
-So just because Caitlin's their friend they destroy evidence again to cover up her crimes? But other metas that went crazy cause of their powers go to jail forever? Ok...

3 scenes with HR and Dr Brand having coffee. 4 scenes dealing with Joe's relationship with Cecile. 3 scenes of Julian and Cisco bickering. It's just way too much wheel spinning.

Hopefully things are better with a clean slate in Season 4. But I'm done wasting my time. It's just exhausting to watch at this point.

Am I the only who thought it was obvious (like the writers were practically holding up a giant flashing sign) that Future Barry was totally lying to past Barry? I felt it was implied that knowing that Savitar was himself was part of why he was distancing himself from his friends and disbanded Team Flash?

What the hell has Savitar been doing with his new-found freedom?? He escaped and... what? He hasn't done anything. You think he's just going out for groceries and coffee and shit?

Lol everyone saw this coming, if you are going to sit on a reveal for this long then atleast don't make it so obvious to viewers and at the same time make the characters completely oblivious to it.

And it comes back to what I said last week that we've only met this future flash once and then we get a reveal that he is Savitar. Unlike Reverse Flash and Zoom who we saw throughout the season. We saw Zoom terrorise two worlds while his alter ego was mentoring Barry. We saw Reverse Flash carry out parts of his plans while he was mentoring Barry.

On the other hand we see Savitar do fuckall for the entire season, the entire season has been about trying to prevent one death that Barry accidentally saw. And we've see this future flash for a grand total of like 5 minutes before this reveal. It's easy to see the problem here.

Also TWICE did Flash run into Killer Frost's ice beam in order to save someone when he could just as easily lifted/pushed the person away...just like he does the first time he saves someone from her beam in this episode. Y he so dumb?

Like I said the thing about foreshadowing is that it should avoid being so obvious that it feels jarring when the characters are clueless about it. And if it is that obvious then it should avoid dragging it out for a long time because then it makes the characters feel even dumber. This reveal should have been done 3-4 months ago.

How does this memory nonsense even work? That means this version of savitar is from this universe and not flashpoint right because it has to be collecting memories from it's past version here. Worse yet Abra Kadabra and Jay both knew who savitar was so does that mean this savitar is from the original timeline before any time travel at all?

Way way too many questions on how this works.

That wasn't really the story they told, though. Future Barry was so upset that Iris was killed by Savitar that he not only actively obfuscated his own investigation, but also went on to become Savitar? Future Barry was so shook he couldn't tell himself that he was Savitar, even though he should remember he figured it out the very next day anyway?

Plus the whole arc of the future episode was redemptive. Future Barry was sketchy, but the episode didn't end in a place where Future Barry came off as purposefully becoming Savitar.

So what are the working theories here?

Is he Future Flash corrupted?
Flashpoint Flash trying to get back to his world?
A time remnant that was damaged?
Or some version of Barry that was corrupted by continuous usage of the Speed Force?

Because after Iris got skewered, Barry pushed everyone away. He had nobody. Savitar was probably a time remnant created in an effort to stop Savitar after Iris death, but that failed. Actually, did Barry say when he made this remnants?

Is it not a paradox to show yourself before your past self?

If Savitar Barry was created when Savitar Barry kills Iris, then how did Barry ever become Savitar in the first place and why did he kill Iris?

I don't get it.

1) Current Barry goes to Bad Future and meets Wig Barry, who says he doesn't know who Savitar is. He tells Barry to find Scientist, who helped him trap Savitar too late.
2) In the present, because Barry found Scientist, there's a Warehouse Showdown
3) During Warehouse Showdown, Caitlin knows exactly what happens because Savitar told her.

In order for Savitar to know what happened, Current Barry had to have been in a situation that (according to Wig Barry) never happened. If it was all predestined, Wig Barry would have to have known Indeterminate Barry was Savitar, as he'd already lived through Current Barry finally realizing it.

Indeterminate Barry seems scarred, so he'd need to be post-Wig Barry, I guess.

So either 1) Wig Barry lied to current Barry for no raisin and then got all scarred and became Indeterminate Barry or 2) the writers messed up.

All these questions, and you all already know the answer.



Ok but this reveal is redundant. We've had Barry do introspection with both Reverse Flash and Zoom as they were both twisted versions of the Flash. Having it be "dark, future Barry" is way dumber than either Eddie or Ronnie.

That was also literally the whole point of Zoom too.
What a load of shit.

Speedforce ain't gotta explain shit my ass. With broken or nonexistent rules there is no good drama, no stakes, it all just asspull.


While the reveal itself was good, it was so predictable. This needed to have happened the episode after Wally got chucked into the speedforce. They'd given us way too many hints and drawn the mystery out for far too long. This is the problem that comes with needing to shitty crossover episodes as well. There could've been numerous episodes on understanding how Barry turned into Savitar but now we only have 3 episodes to find that out and for our Barry to trap him before he kills Iris. It's going to be rushed.

Pretty funny that he will trap himself in the speedforce only to relive the moment his mother dies for an eternity.
Well that happened with no swerve, they did basically give away months ago but, bleeehhhh. It sucks how much this show sank after the first season, worse than Arrow IMO considering how high the first season was for the most part. It hasn't gotten as offensively bad as Arrow's fourth season but I hope they can turn it around it or it's going to be seeing those .5's and .6s like the rest of the CW DC shows next season.


And Patton agrees that Savitar's big identity reveal will rival (if not beat the) Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) twist from season one. "One of our best villain reveals was Reverse-Flash and we're always trying to live up to that," she tells THR. "And I really think that this is on par with that. Without giving away too much, fans are going to be shocked. I was shocked when I found out. I was wondering how they could do it and make it work and keep it a secret, but I think fans are going to be really surprised. You won't see it coming."
In hindsight this quote is kind of funny. I also remember another one saying how there won't be any big clues leading up to it either.

Also when is it okay to change the title to
|OT| It was me, Barry


^I think we agreed to wait a week to give people who have seen the last few episodes a chance to catch up since it'd ruin the reveal.

Captain Cold would have been a good Savitar. He absorbs so much time force at the moment of his sacrifice that it becomes his armor and lets him move at incredile speed and through time. He is driven somewhat mad by the event and hates Barry for leading him down the path to becoming a hero who would sacrifice himself in the first place. Kaitlyn trusts him because he's a cold villain and she feels a kind of weird kinship with him. I dunno, it kind of works.

Also, remember.



Yeah gonna wait a week on that OT title change for people on DVR/app/iTunes.

And boy this definitely explains why Barry recruits
Captain Cold to fight Savitar, who better to beat Barry than the guy who does it with ease?


Yeah gonna wait a week on that OT title change for people on DVR/app/iTunes.

And boy this definitely explains why Barry recruits
Captain Cold to fight Savitar, who better to beat Barry than the guy who does it with ease?
And you'll never expect someone who is dead
Yeah gonna wait a week on that OT title change for people on DVR/app/iTunes.

And boy this definitely explains why Barry recruits
Captain Cold to fight Savitar, who better to beat Barry than the guy who does it with ease?
Or you can just not put spoilers in a title and fuck over anyone not in NA or with VPN.


This season could've been so much better if they a) revealed Savitar's identity earlier in the season and b) have the season revolve around Barry trying his hardest not to become Savitar.


Guys, he's a time remnant from when Barry was trying to kill Savitar after Iris death and him abandoning everyone. Savitar didn't kill them all which is why he has that scar. This Barry turned evil because he didn't have anyone anymore. Future Barry probably doesn't even know he's alive which is why Future Barry doesn't know Savitar's identity.

So he really did create himself. That's actually a really interesting idea. It's just that they didn't have to drag out this entire season to get to it.
Is our Barry still that dumb to go and grab another remnant to fight Savitar? Why yes, yes he is.

Oh well.... At least this gives them a chance to develop Wally into a better character now, right?

I'm not trying to find out who this Future Flash is because my brain will explode. Speed Force ain't gotta explain shit.webm


^I think we agreed to wait a week to give people who have seen the last few episodes a chance to catch up since it'd ruin the reveal.

Captain Cold would have been a good Savitar. He absorbs so much time force at the moment of his sacrifice that it becomes his armor and lets him move at incredile speed and through time. He is driven somewhat mad by the event and hates Barry for leading him down the path to becoming a hero who would sacrifice himself in the first place. Kaitlyn trusts him because he's a cold villain and she feels a kind of weird kinship with him. I dunno, it kind of works.

Also, remember.

Almost literally everything we have come up with in this thread works better than what we have.
I was hoping it would be Joe's girlfriend. Or Jay Garrick.

I dunno. I was just underwhelmed.

So Killer Frost is okay to get along with DAMAGED Barry if it means beating friend Barry? Does that mean I can ship them?


Unconfirmed Member
Flash writing team stealing ideas from our game, haha. First thing that popped into my head when I watched it last night, wait, it's Kessler?
Ahhhh - this explains how time remnant Barvitar remembers what Barry has done even though it should be a new timeline. The time remnant gets updated memories.

But then how would Savitar be able to tell Caitlin the exact words Barry would say before he even said them? That's not a new memory until it happens.
Guys, he's a time remnant from when Barry was trying to kill Savitar after Iris death and him abandoning everyone. Savitar didn't kill them all which is why he has that scar. This Barry turned evil because he didn't have anyone anymore. Future Barry probably doesn't even know he's alive which is why Future Barry doesn't know Savitar's identity.

But then why did Savitar ever exist to kill Iris in the first place if Savitar in theory wasn't created until after her death in order to stop, well, Savitar?


Someone has to edit the scene where Barry is figuring out Savitar's identity to every instance where Savitar said "I'm the Future, Flash".


Someone has to edit the scene where Barry is figuring out Savitar's identity to every instance where Savitar said "I'm the Future, Flash".

With Lenny's head floating around him saying "Dental plan!", Marge's head saying "Lisa needs braces.", and Savitar's head saying, "I'm the Future, Flash."


Tagged as I see fit
Savitar is tied directly to our Barry. The vision of Iris being killed and the trip to Future Barry should be considered as one single possible future.

Savitar cannot exist without Savitar existing.

I'm just going to assume that Savitar cannot directly influence the past until Iris' death as that's his moment of birth, and that for every version of him to be trapped in the Speedforce culminate into one Savitar with all of the combined memories.

God I hate time travel. At least for RF he was creating a new timeline, as he came from one where Barry became the Flash 10 years later than the show.

Yup - this is it. Savitar's existence is a closed loop.


What a terrible season. I think it is worse than Supergirl. That show is just bland, this is actually insulting. If future me would have told myself that I was suffering through a Flash episode to watch a much more enjoyable iZombie after how good season one of the Flash was I would have told myself to gtfo.


At this point the writers should just copy Person of Interest and have the next episode intro (My name is Barry Allen ... I am the Flash) replaced with evil Future Barry narrating his origin story (complete with snippets of scenes shot purposely for this), ending with "I AM SAVITAR".

Cause with 3 episode left I really doubt they left themselves any room to do a Savitar origin story.


But then how would Savitar be able to tell Caitlin the exact words Barry would say before he even said them? That's not a new memory until it happens.

Savitar probably just told Caitlin "I'll probably say a bunch of dumb platitudes. Just make up the most inane 'you're better than this' crap and odds are that's what I'll say."

"Also, if I know me, I'll probably tell Cisco to use his powers that allow him to quickly teleport to another location to hide in the rafters or something."


I thought that they would explain SaviBarry was going to be pre-flashpoint Future Barry, where current Barry basically killed off his timeline and SaviBarry survived as a remnant not before being hit hard by Black Flash or Time Wraiths, hence the scarring.

As for SaviBarry getting the memories of current Barry, I thought that could also be explained like how Current Barry was assimilating the memories of the flashpoint timeline, he had memories of both.

Why the suit? Stops him from taking normal damage and maybe masks himself from the Time Wraiths and Black Flash

But I dunno

Savitar = Pre-flashpoint Future Barry pissed at current Barry for ruining his life and erasing his timeline, scarred by Black Flash for being a time remnant.


Rewatched the reveal just now.

Yeah, it's a little predictable, but the scene was really well done. Awesome music, lots of emotion. Had lots of heart.
Savitar probably just told Caitlin "I'll probably say a bunch of dumb platitudes. Just make up the most inane 'you're better than this' crap and odds are that's what I'll say."

"Also, if I know me, I'll probably tell Cisco to use his powers that allow him to quickly teleport to another location to hide in the rafters or something."

No way. They specifically had Cisco call that spot out for being so specific on what he was going to say. The made a big deal of Savitar somehow knowing Barry's exact words.


No way. They specifically had Cisco call that spot out for being so specific on what he was going to say. The made a big deal of Savitar somehow knowing Barry's exact words.

I know, I know. I was being facetious. :)

If Savitar Barry is Our Barry's future (which he basically has to be, as he has exact knowledge of that conversation), either:

A) Everything is predetermined - Everything that's happening has already happened, with no way to change it.
B) Barry has free will - Barry will realize he only becomes Savitar because Savitar kills Iris, and he doesn't want Iris to die or to become Savitar, so he can just kill himself or tie himself up or even just decide "I'm not going to become Savitar", and then he doesn't become Savitar and the whole thing corrects itself.
C) He proposes to himself, because he noticed SaviBarry wasn't wearing an engagement ring.


Savitar exists from Savitar killing Iris.
Savitar already exists however cannot change the course to Iris dying hence needing KF and Alchemy to do the dirty work.
Even if Barry prevents Iris from dying, Savitar from the future still exists cause speedforce.

Basically: the only solution is to completely remove Savitar from time itself


Savitar exists from Savitar killing Iris.
Savitar already exists however cannot change the course to Iris dying hence needing KF and Alchemy to do the dirty work.
Even if Barry prevents Iris from dying, Savitar from the future still exists cause speedforce.

Basically: the only solution is to completely remove Savitar from time itself

Have we established any characters that are "outside of time"? I can see them doing a big Deus Ex Machina at the end with a character who exists outside the timeline being able to change it because they're not technically in it.


1) Cold? They could asspull this by having Barry grab him from a different time, and grabbing a dead time traveler from a different time creates a weird paradox.
2) Rip Hunter? Rip left the Legends at the end of the season, I could see him showing up to help Barry out, especially after Future Barry was the one who sent him the message saying not to trust Barry.
3) Reverse Flash? Reverse Flash already shouldn't exist, so he'd fit as someone who could modify things.
4) Black Flash? Maybe trick Savitar into doing something that would create a paradox, then Black Flash or the Time Wraiths come after him (although this would be a big repeat of Season 2).


Savitar exists from Savitar killing Iris.
Savitar already exists however cannot change the course to Iris dying hence needing KF and Alchemy to do the dirty work.
Even if Barry prevents Iris from dying, Savitar from the future still exists cause speedforce.

Basically: the only solution is to completely remove Savitar from time itself

Where was it explained that Savitar exists from Savitar killing Iris?
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