I feel like Barry messing with time impacts things way more than when Legends of Tomorrow messes with time.
I feel like Barry messing with time impacts things way more than when Legends of Tomorrow messes with time.
You are correct. Arrow (so far) is the only show at our current time in 2016.Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Flash (and Supergirl, which doesn't matter at the moment) are roughly 3 months behind Arrow (and possibly Legends?).
Reverse Flash dropped Barry off at Joe's house at the same time he left at the end of season 2.
This Season is off to a better start than Season one and two. What are you not feeling?Just watched episode 2. Not feeling this season so far. Feel like third seasons in the arrowverse may have a curse.
I think I'm just bored of the different timelines/worlds.This Season is off to a better start than Season one and two. What are you not feeling?
EDIT: I don't know if I just haven't noticed.. but Flash doesn't seem to get budget cuts each season like Arrow. I'd argue it gets increased actually. Though, I have no proof of either.
Oh, I feel you. I think this season isn't going to focus of that anymore other than seeing Wells and Jessie. I think these two episodes were just fixing what Season 2 ended on and that's it.I think I'm just bored of the different timelines/worlds.
But that's since it's usually all arbitrary, it looks like they are sticking with it here so maybe it will become more interesting. It can bounce back for sure. I think my general feeling for the later half of the second season is carrying over.
Barry's new lab partner is a nice addition so far.
The only change that I really cared about is Emo Cisco. I don't care about everybody else but why have sad Cisco?
I like how Rival straight up jobbed in two episodes back to back.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Flash (and Supergirl, which doesn't matter at the moment) are roughly 3 months behind Arrow (and possibly Legends?).
Reverse Flash dropped Barry off at Joe's house at the same time he left at the end of season 2.
EDIT: I don't know if I just haven't noticed.. but Flash doesn't seem to get budget cuts each season like Arrow. I'd argue it gets increased actually. Though, I have no proof of either.
Well in any case it seems like it at least is staying at the same amount. Season 2 did way more impressive CGI action than 1, and 3 looks like its on the same level, the fighting has seemed better thus far.You haven't noticed anything. Budget isn't getting bigger, that's for sure.
I don't think he did? Barry lived the three months of Flashpoint and was returned at an equal time later.
next week. Awwwww yeah. All my hype.Jessie Quick
next week. Awwwww yeah. All my hype.Jessie Quick
Shouldn't Barry also get the memories of a new timeline when he makes one? It happened like that in some other thing I watched or read.
next week. Awwwww yeah. All my hype.Jessie Quick
Agreed. Felicity should be Wonder Woman in Arrowverse.
next week. Awwwww yeah. All my hype.Jessie Quick
/actually if you think about the episode of Legends of Tomorrow the future Green Arrow is John's SON
/actually if you think about the episode of Legends of Tomorrow the future Green Arrow is John's SON
Well in any case it seems like it at least is staying at the same amount. Season 2 did way more impressive CGI action than 1, and 3 looks like its on the same level, the fighting has seemed better thus far.
/actually if you think about the episode of Legends of Tomorrow the future Green Arrow is John's SON
I don't understand why the current timeline is different than the original timeline. I mean, Barry as a kid couldn't have done something different to change the timeline. He was out of the house and Thawne killed his mother, he just said you aren't safe. Nobody saw this. So, Barry and everyone else would not be affected by this change. I remember Jay's explanation, but it doesn's seem logical to me. Any thoughts?
I don't understand why the current timeline is different than the original timeline. I mean, Barry as a kid couldn't have done something different to change the timeline. He was out of the house and Thawne killed his mother, he just said you aren't safe. Nobody saw this. So, Barry and everyone else would not be affected by this change. I remember Jay's explanation, but it doesn's seem logical to me. Any thoughts?
Did you remember what Thawne said at the end of episode 1 and the look on his face? It's pretty safe to assume that while in the Speed Force before or after killing Nora, he fucked with the timeline just enough not to attract the attention of the Time Wraith's and not to cause another Flashpoint.
Thawne is just that dude or dat boi.
This show needs Tom Cavanaugh.
Well, technically it could be because Reverse Flash never got stuck in time now so none of the events of S01 happened the way we saw them, but the real explanation is: speedforce.I don't understand why the current timeline is different than the original timeline. I mean, Barry as a kid couldn't have done something different to change the timeline. He was out of the house and Thawne killed his mother, he just said you aren't safe. Nobody saw this. So, Barry and everyone else would not be affected by this change. I remember Jay's explanation, but it doesn's seem logical to me. Any thoughts?
Is it though? The set up makes sense if she was supposed to die anyway. Jus in different way. Thawne sped up him becoming the Flash, so it's possible with his mother he also just made it come faster.Arrgh, it's so annoying when they hammer on that his mother dying is the 'way it should be'. It's not! The entire show is in an alternate timeline damnit.
Casual loop. Reverse Flash only exists because of the Flash. Therefore he has to kill Barry's mother in order to keep the timeline correct. Shit we even saw the consequences of messing with it in the S1 finale, with no Thawme the world falls apart.Arrgh, it's so annoying when they hammer on that his mother dying is the 'way it should be'. It's not! The entire show is in an alternate timeline damnit.
He's living in CWverse though. Important people age slower thereHow old was that actor? The episode took place in 2046, so Flashpoint having him replace Sara means that he's 31 there. Conner/Diggle jr came off as early to mid twenties to me.
If she was supposed to die, then she would have died in the other alternate timeline, but she was still alive. There were no time wraiths either. So I don't think that flies.Is it though? The set up makes sense if she was supposed to die anyway. Jus in different way. Thawne sped up him becoming the Flash, so it's possible with his mother he also just made it come faster.
That or it's the case of Legends of TOmorrow's time changes, where it's fluid only for some time and after a while the altered timeline sets in place so hard, it's get incredibly hardt to change successfuly.
That just makes it even worseCasual loop. Reverse Flash only exists because of the Flash. Therefore he has to kill Barry's mother in order to keep the timeline correct. Shit we even saw the consequences of messing with it in the S1 finale, with no Thawme the world falls apart.
Also, shouldn't Barry be losing his memories from the other timeline - this is another alternate timeline after all.
He doesn't need to kill Barry's mother for him to exist. Barry still became the Flash in the original timeline, just later.Casual loop. Reverse Flash only exists because of the Flash. Therefore he has to kill Barry's mother in order to keep the timeline correct. Shit we even saw the consequences of messing with it in the S1 finale, with no Thawme the world falls apart.
So now that RF didn't get stranded in the past, how are we explainining the first season not happening but everyone acting like it did.
The worst part of it all is Iris' stupid reconciliation speech. Like, they've had years and years of problems and issues (because they experience their lives as unchanged, never aware of the time-change) but apparently a simple speech about "we're not like this in another time-line" is enough to make them good ol' buddies again. It doesn't make sense.t.