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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.


Lol, I was really talking about something I did in my first play

Haha what a coincidence

I said this before. It's a problem for all CW shows.

Okay I disagree with every CW show - Jane, Penn and Teller, Ryan and Colin on Whose Line - but certainly most.

Especially weird for fantasy shows. You can literally magically fabricate drama but they're like "nope secrets time". Even on Arrow they're sowing the seeds with Felicity lying to her boyfriend in the exact way Oliver did to her.

Damn, Reverse Flash has seen and done some shit hasn't he?



Gotham benefited a lot from cutting out villain of the week story lines and just focused on characters and honestly, Flash could do the same.

The villain of the week just feels like filler, I care more about the characters developing, how they grow and their interactions with everyone else than how another villain gets taken down by another bs speech or invention.

Also, I know people hated Wally when he was first introduced but I really like this Wally.


I hope they don't fuck up IrisxBarry. Just make it happen like how it is right now. Just have the comic couples be how they should and stop the needless stupid drama.
Okay I disagree with every CW show - Jane, Penn and Teller, Ryan and Colin on Whose Line - but certainly most.

Especially weird for fantasy shows. You can literally magically fabricate drama but they're like "nope secrets time". Even on Arrow they're sowing the seeds with Felicity lying to her boyfriend in the exact way Oliver did to her.

My rough definition of CW show includes: Supernatural, Vampire Dairies, Originals, The 100, Arrow, Flash, Legends, Supergirl, iZombie, Reign. All the genre stuff. No Tomorrow and Frequency might fall to the same issue. No Tomorrow will probably avoid it.


My rough definition of CW show includes: Supernatural, Vampire Dairies, Originals, The 100, Arrow, Flash, Legends, Supergirl, iZombie, Reign. All the genre stuff. No Tomorrow and Frequency might fall to the same issue. No Tomorrow will probably avoid it.

No one will ever convince me that iZombie is not perfection.
Gotham benefited a lot from cutting out villain of the week story lines and just focused on characters and honestly, Flash could do the same.

The villain of the week just feels like filler, I care more about the characters developing, how they grow and their interactions with everyone else than how another villain gets taken down by another bs speech or invention.

Also, I know people hated Wally when he was first introduced but I really like this Wally.

I don't know if it actually works for the CW type shows.
Gotham needed the procedural first season to set up the serial 2nd season.
also CW shows need full on heroics every single week but really you can't have 1 villain be the big bad of the majority of the episodes.
Reverse Flash situation is about as good as it gets.

Meanwhile Gotham can shift focus on almost every episode and still be serial.
We had episodes focusing on Gordon, Bruce, not-Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Galavan etc but they all move the main arc forward.

Kinda my problem with Season 3 as the Court of Owls aren't exactly shown as the main season plot just yet.


I don't know if it actually works for the CW type shows.
Gotham needed the procedural first season to set up the serial 2nd season.
also CW shows need full on heroics every single week but really you can't have 1 villain be the big bad of the majority of the episodes.
Reverse Flash situation is about as good as it gets.

Meanwhile Gotham can shift focus on almost every episode and still be serial.
We has episodes focusing on Gordon, Bruce, not-Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Galavan etc but they all move the main arc forward.

Kinda my problem with Season 3 as the Court of Owls aren't exactly shown as the main season plot just yet.

We can still have multi-episode villain arcs like what we got with Brick, those episodes were pretty good.


Except when it comes to Major.

The fuck is wrong with Major?!


We can still have multi-episode villain arcs like what we got with Brick, those episodes were pretty good.

On paper, having afew episodes dedicated to a villain at a time for a protagonist's own arc is plenty valid. Arrow just flubbed it with giving Laurel some rough material, Brick's plan being nonsense, those damn flashbacks, and Ollie's too-quick (and hilariously awkward) return.
Anybody else watch this on the 360 app? I Thought it would be cool so I don't have to hook up my laptop to my tv. (Since I work every tuesday, night) The quality is good but after around the 3rd set of ads the voices go out of sync and no amount of pausing or stopping put them back in sync. Also the way the episode comes back from ads, it does this weird back to the beginning loading thing that actually made one episode of supergirl I was watching go all the way back to the beginning again. Its incredibly disappointing.
Am I the only person thats almost completely over Barry at this point?
Like his Barry stuff is still somewhat fine but him as Flash is starting to become grating.
Like you can be an idiot and still a fun Flash but Barry is just an idiot.

We need the real Wally to show up.


Am I the only person thats almost completely over Barry at this point?
Like his Barry stuff is still somewhat fine but him as Flash is starting to become grating.
Like you can be an idiot and still a fun Flash but Barry is just an idiot.

I view Barry as a loveable buffoon that we all tolerate. I do not at all take him seriously. He has long since lost that right.

At this point, this show is more of an ensemble thing than anything else.

Mory Dunz

dang, that scene with Wally and Jessie was pretty painful. Having the two worst actors by themselves kinda stuck out. No offense to them, but...yeah. Wally's facial expressions and hand motions look robotic lol.

Iris and Barry....is not there. Not sure why. I used to think it was Iris, but now I think it's Barry. Iris's personality is pretty boring/flat, but she tried this ep. The Patty Barry thing had so much more chemistry even though I thought that relationship was worthless.

Wells was good in this ep. Wally still stupid. Villain was decent enough. The drunk father scene was pretty generic though.

overall good episode.
I said this before. It's a problem for all CW shows. They don't know how to handle them. These are dramas, so the writers aim for conflict. Outside of the romantic chase, which is a conflict in and of itself, they assume the relationship can't just be. They have to introduce secrets and false reasons to fight. See also: Sam and Dean on Supernatural.

That's why Laurel was annoying in the first season, because she was the love interest and that demands drama. When did she improve? When you drop the romantic conflict and just let things happen. That's why Olicity bottomed out; not because there's anything wrong with the characters being together, but because they have to be in a relationship full of conflict. They just can't be two great characters who happen to be dating.

Iris and Barry will work if they just let it happen. Barry doesn't have to keep secrets from her. Iris doesn't have to have a problem with Barry being the Flash. They can have conflicts and those conflicts don't have to be with each other. You have a whole supporting cast. Let them have romantic problems. Or hell, avoid those types of issues altogether. Vampire Dairies had a moment in the sun where they finally said "Fuck it" and just let Elena/Damon ride.

all this. You know whatever drama they introduce next will be like: -_-


Soooo how long do you think until we return to Flashpoint? Much like Earth-2, there's no way we aren't returning there to see what havoc has been wreaked in Barry's absence.


Soooo how long do you think until we return to Flashpoint? Much like Earth-2, there's no way we aren't returning there to see what havoc has been wreaked in Barry's absence.


The only way to go back to that would be to go back and save his mother again. I don't think there's enough room in that house for all those Flashes.



The only way to go back to that would be to go back and save his mother again. I don't think there's enough room in that house for all those Flashes.

Something something vibe shifting between timelines something something I dunno. It kind of seems like Alchemy can do it to some extent.

Does Dr. Alchemy sound like the narrator of Darkest Dungeon to anyone else? It's all I can think about when I hear him talk.


I haven't been taking the cast seriously ever since they were okay with Barry changing the past in the season 1 finale. Just stop with the regurgitated motivational speeches.
This show has too many speedsters. This is my problem with some comic universes. One speedster leads to another speedster. So we have Flash vs Reverse Flash in s1, Flash vs Zoom in s2. Now there's the Flash with the helmet, that guy from earlier this season who was killed, Kid Flash, and now Wells Flash. It's like almost every episode now is about some person having speed abilities. It's getting fucking ridiculous. It's like when Toriyama made every main character in DBZ a Super Saiyan or Naruto and eyes. Fuck.


This show has too many speedsters. This is my problem with some comic universes. One speedster leads to another speedster. So we have Flash vs Reverse Flash in s1, Flash vs Zoom in s2. Now there's the Flash with the helmet, that guy from earlier this season who was killed, Kid Flash, and now Wells Flash. It's like almost every episode now is about some person having speed abilities. It's getting fucking ridiculous. It's like when Toriyama made every main character in DBZ a Super Saiyan or Naruto and eyes. Fuck.

Worse than arrow with all the archers.


Worse than arrow with all the archers.

It makes even less sense for arrow as at least Flash has the excuse that you need speedsters because they make legitimate threats without making Barry an idiot. Though fFlash didn't turn its entire cast into vigilantes.


It makes even less sense for arrow as at least Flash has the excuse that you need speedsters because they make legitimate threats without making Barry an idiot. Though fFlash didn't turn its entire cast into vigilantes.
There are now more main characters with powers than without on the Flash.


They did go way to hard into speedsters for it only being the beginning of season 3.

They really should have spread that shit out.


I don't know if it actually works for the CW type shows.
Gotham needed the procedural first season to set up the serial 2nd season.
also CW shows need full on heroics every single week but really you can't have 1 villain be the big bad of the majority of the episodes.
Reverse Flash situation is about as good as it gets.

Meanwhile Gotham can shift focus on almost every episode and still be serial.
We had episodes focusing on Gordon, Bruce, not-Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Galavan etc but they all move the main arc forward.

Kinda my problem with Season 3 as the Court of Owls aren't exactly shown as the main season plot just yet.

The joy of Reverse Flash is that the time travel means we never know which version we'll get or when. Plus the different actors keeps it fresh.

I'd love to see Tom C as RF again though. He's so, so good.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Huh, interesting. So chances are pretty high that Wally continues to be obsessed with getting powers and starts having Alchemy induced dreams about his Flashpoint life as Kid Flash. That seemed to be what they were alluding to in this episode.

I don't know. Some stuff worked like Barry and Iris having an awkward date since they're transitioning into a new relationship. Other stuff like more Speedsters and a meh villain of the week just didn't work. I honestly have no interest in any of the Alchemy plot, just seems like another villain who will slowly sprinkle Metahumans of the Week across the season, and then we'll get some big identity reveal in the second half of the season. Which is the exact same formula as last year.

This season doesn't seem like they're attempting to anything different. And I don't mean new powers or characters, just with how the show is structured. Mix up the formula a little. Heck, even just play around with the chronology or framing of the events in an episode. They started doing that last week with Barry telling Felicity about all the changes...but then dropped it.

On a positive note, Joe had some good lines and Snow actually got to have a personality that was in contrast to everyone.


The villain of the week shit is really getting old. Only good thing about this one is how it ended with her being good at the end. But man. Same ol shit
I don't mind the Speedster's. My issue will be what they will be doing with these Speedster's. On the subject of Wally, we just want the best Flash and Wally is the best Flash. Let him get his powers fast and not waste the last episodes of this season dealing with Wally. The sooner they get it out of the way, the better.


I hope they dont wait till the end of the season to give wally his powers, that will annoy me. Its only Ep 3 and Wally is starting to get agitated.

Wally's agitation and jealousy will probably make him a targeted recruit for Alchemy. Then you have a whole "kill your friends!" thing, whether it be under duress or mind-control (don't forget, Grodd is showing up).


I'm curious if they'll ever play with the fact that Barry, Wells and Jessie's memories of the past year are different than everybody else's. Maybe minorly different, but all three remember the original universe.

When it was just Barry who knew the original timeline, whatever. But now you have three characters who all remember that timeline.
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