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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.


Didn't they literally just have a villain who was way faster than flash who looked freaky and talked weird last season?

Yeah but this one is way faster to the point that even Barry is like "the hell is that?"
Which brings me to the question of what Alchemy is even trying to do if he has someone like that who could take out the Flash at anytime really.


We all thought the Hunter Zolomon Earth-1 reveal was way too obvious to make Jay = Zoom, so we played ourselves there. I mean his Albert is Alchemy's name, it's either him or some twist.

Alchemy is Albert, but that's just to throw off of the tracks of the true reveal. Savitar is
Eddie Thawne with comics Zoom/Hunter Zolomon power set. Barry messing with time brought him back: hence, Eobard existing again. But Eddie was trapped outside of time after his body was pulled into the wormhole. That was until Barry made a massive mess of time with Flashpoint. That's why Alchmey knows about metas from Flashpoint. He's being led to them by Eddie who exists outside of normal time.


Maybe Draco only becomes Alchemy when he sleeps? Hence why he wants to be a meta but doesn't remember.

Team Flash solution: Turn Draco into an insomniac.

Alchemy has a split personality in the comics so I'd say something like that is incredibly likely.
Draco is a new recurring character with a speaking part, of course he's alchemy.

Barry wants his approval. That's the common thread.

Wells was his scientific idol
"Jay" was a more experienced Flash
Julian is the one guy at work who doesn't like him

Next season Oliver will be the villain.

... and a speedster.


So the editing was clumsy, it felt like the Cecile and HR arcs were just filling the time until the final scene. But I think it'll come together now that we have gotten to the big villain reveal.

Caitlin needs more than the Star Wars Episode III motivation of "I'm afraid I'll become evil". Where did she get her powers? From the particle accelerator? From Alchemy? Why is she so afraid that she'll turn evil? Is there more to the powers than just freezing stuff or does it have some kind of damaging effect on her personality? This hasn't been sold to us very well, and makes the part about keeping it a secret make no sense.
I just fucking found out that Julian was Malfoy. I'm mind fucked. It never crossed my mind.


but seriously, I guess there's a difference between an adult malfoy and preteen malfoy lol


Julian with a split personality that's Alchemy is fine. Don't build it up or drag it on and people won't get pissed.

The mid season reveal works a treat. Merlyn, Deathstroke and RF. It's expected but it works perfectly for pacing. Zoom went on too long, not to mention they writing themselves into corners.
Yes Alchemy reveal is ep 9.


Hunky Nostradamus
I've never seen Supergirl before, so to prepare for the crossover do I need to watch any of the other episodes or is the Invasion! one the only one I need to see for it to all make sense?


I've never seen Supergirl before, so to prepare for the crossover do I need to watch any of the other episodes or is the Invasion! one the only one I need to see for it to all make sense?

You won't even need to watch Supergirl really. She's a standalone addition to the crossover. It's basically a three show crossover, and she just joins the team at the end of her episode.


HR and the Caitlyn/Cisco plot was the best thing about this episode. Overall this season has been mega disappointing.


What an absolute waste of Shade. I'm just going to pretend the real Shade exists on another Earth, because that was a disgrace to the characters name and legacy.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I thought this episode was dreadful from top to bottom. Every storyline is just a hot mess right now. Shade was used extremely poorly and just tossed aside. Snow's Killer Frost arc is rushed and increasingly ridiculous. And I'm not finding Alchemy the least bit interesting. I actually had to go back and rewatch this one because I fell asleep trying to get through it.
Ok, just a few thoughts:

Damn, Iris with that hook. More badass Iris please.

I just got around to the fact that Julian actually is Draco fucking Malfoy. I always thought that was just a weid gag because they look similar, but it's the same actor. I feel stupid now.

And just because some people here talked about Santa. Him being a speedster would explain so much. Think about it.


Savitar's intro was cool but I really hope they do something to differentiate him from all the other villain speedsters we have. Feels like we're about to go through the same song and dance again

I like the extra focus on Caitlin for the Killer Frost arc but... I feel like it hasn't been handled as well it could be so far. Since next week is all about it maybe they'll fix that


Which episode this season is the Kevin Smith directed episode?

Was surprised by the Savitar reveal last night since I hadnt really been looking at the recent Flash news online. Was actually happy with them not having a Speedster as the main villain this season with Alchemy. Hope they do him justice since there are a ton of Speedsters on the show now, which actually seems like why they choose him as the villain.


With yet another Speedster being the big bad this season (seriously, enough with that, please), I hope they don't use the exact same story arc that they used in S1 and S2 of Barry befriending someone who turns out to be the evil Speedster.


With yet another Speedster being the big bad this season (seriously, enough with that, please), I hope they don't use the exact same story arc that they used in S1 and S2 of Barry befriending someone who turns out to be the evil Speedster.

Seriously. Have this new evil speedster be a random person. Zoom went from "best villain" to "shitty villain" really quickly after the reveal and the damn dumb motivations....


Savitar looked better in motion than standing still. But I mainly liked he was so fast only Barry could even notice him.



Did I see Matt Parkman in there ? He's been in everything lately. Star Wars, Star Trek. Oh, and Heroes.

I thought the episode was good. Stuff actually happened and moved along. Caitlin's secret is out. Wally knows about Flashpoint Kid Flash. And it appears he'll be getting his powers. They all attacked Dr. Alchemy and his followers, and the more powerful "Savitar" shows up. I've already accepted that we'll never get back to the specialness of season1 and some of season 2 when Earth-2 was introduced along with Zoom and Jay Garett.

I never heard of Shade or Savitar, so their portrayals as unimportant freak-of-the-week and super-fast-monster, respectively, didn't bother me.
I think the Caitlyn plot is stupid. "Oh I've been good my whole life but then flashpoint happens and I'm developing superpowers and now I HAVE to be evil because of it."

Uh...no, you don't have to be evil...

I hate TV/Movie logic sometimes lol


The biggest counter argument to the becoming Killer Frost will make me evil claim is that Cisco didn't become evil when he got his vibe powers.
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