So WEC is 6 seconds off a F1 car on a power circuit (Free pratice times)? Pretty amazing.
Fastest WEC went 1.54 in qualifying.
Honda underestimated the task of creating a winning F1 engine, they came too soon and they are too stubborn thinking it can be a testbed for their road cars, not to mention everything is done in Japan, so it makes it more dificult to recruit experienced personnel.
They don't even want to.
But Arai insists he has no intention of looking elsewhere for new staff to give Honda a helping hand.
Speaking to AUTOSPORT, Arai said: "It is a wonderful idea, but I think it would be very difficult to sign an engineer from Ferrari or Mercedes or wherever.
"For example, it would be difficult for them to work with us as the culture is quite different, the equipment, the simulation, everything.
"So they could be highly skilled, but it would take too long for them to learn how we operate.
"Also, we as Honda want our employees to work together with us for a long time, so when someone comes along for six months and then leaves, it is very difficult. It's not how we work."