If Red Bull are ready to sell up after a difficult year or two then good riddance to the wankers.
I won't miss their incessant moaning, their feeling of entitlement or their complete lack of humility or class. They can flaunt their wad at another sport and preferably also fuck off out of football.
Maybe some hilarious idea like extreme chess or naturalist paragliding would be a better fit.
They may not have a choice, they've backed themselves into a position where Renault are sick of them constantly talking shit about them so they no longer want to be an engine provider.
Redbulls plan was to get rid of Renault and get a Merc or Ferrari unit and I would say they were hedging their bet that the FIA would force either of them to supply engines whether they wanted to or not. Merc already told them to take a hike and now they have to rely on Ferrari. If Ferrari says no, only Honda is left, a proposition even worse than Renault, so they definitely don't want to go there and they'd be better to stick with Renault, but after all the shit talk, Renault have been so soured over the whole ordeal they don't want anything to do with them either.
Personally, I wouldn't supply Redbull either. They never said jackshit about Renault when they were winning, never heard a peep about them despite the fact Renault powered them to 4 WDC and WCC. Then the second they aren't winning we've been hearing about nothing but Renault. To be fair, the Renault engine hasn't been terrible reliable or as powerful as the Merc or Ferrari units but Renault have always had to work around a really compact Newey chasis so they've had to make a square peg fit a round hole so you can't really scream at them 'make us an engine as powerful or more than the opposition and it must be bulletproof, oh and it must fit within these specifications.'
So yeh Renault have had enough, they've decided ugh fuck these guys, we'd rather run our own team than do this shit again and if you were Merc or Ferrari why would you supply Redbull? Redbull have already demonstrated they won't credit you when they do win and when they aren't winning they'll throw you under the bus.
Can you imagine if Merc or Ferrari did power Redbull and they didn't win? How many weeks before Redbull start getting the lawyers out and accusing them of supplying B-Spec engines? It's not worth the drama.
Redbull have cornered themselves now. Renault want nothing to do with them. They need Merc or Ferrari to stop up and Merc so far are laughing at them and the alternative is Honda and you can imagine how well they would go down after Redbull.
Their tantrum throwing is going to cost them. Every manufacturer goes through down periods. Ask Ferrari. Ask Mclaren. Ask Williams. All have dominated and then fallen and had to work their way up again. But that's not good enough for Redbull.