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The Formula 1 2015 Season |OT| Formula E Feeder Series


I absolutely know it. It's great race starts earlier, but they should do the same with quali. Surely the fact that out of 7 qualis 4 were stopped because of rain, while before change we had 10 dry and uninterrupted ones should make them think about it?

It's nothing to do with rain, it's to do with the possibility of losing the light. Since qualifying only lasts one hour then there's far less chance of the session being too dark to run, compared to the race, unless there's a serious delay.

The rain is primarily caused by the fact Bernie insists on holding Grand Prixs during the tropical rainy season. There was talk after Japan last year, I believe, of moving some of the Asian Grand Prixs around to avoid this (it's why Korea moved from the season's beginning to the end, for instance) but I think that recommendation was scrapped.


Sad day in motorsport, that's a spectator chair under the car:




Horrible news above, ugh.

Anyways just caught up, pretty good qualifying session. Nice to see Vettel taking it to Mercedes, hopefully that trend continues!

Impressed with Verstappen, lolNico, and lolWilliams wet pace hasn't improved at all.

Hopefully the race is exciting.


Taki Inoue is being a classless prick at twitter saying "What a hell !!! It proves impossible for gamer to drives a race car at the real circuit. R.I.P one spectator !" . Everyone is jumping at him even known people like Will Buxton and several F1 mechanics.

There are times were you need to learn to shut up.
Yep just saw qualifying. If Rosberg does another piece of inventive driving and it ends up costing the team pole then Toto should yank Rosberg out the car and body slam him.


Wow terrible accident...

We need a gif of vettel doing a "Yayyyy" with his arms during the press conference to cheer us up a bit.


Taki Inoue is being a classless prick at twitter saying "What a hell !!! It proves impossible for gamer to drives a race car at the real circuit. R.I.P one spectator !" . Everyone is jumping at him even known people like Will Buxton and several F1 mechanics.

There are times were you need to learn to shut up.

It's not like we've not seen accidents like that with "real" race drivers ever...

That's a terrifying accident he was a passenger on a missile from before the crest watching that video. It's a sad day in Motorsport :(
If you want something to cheer you up, read this hilarious Q&A with Bernie on the state of F1.
Q: But the teams veto many innovations that you want to establish. Isn’t that annoying?
BE: The teams are egoistic. They do nothing for the sport, only for themselves. They only do what is good for them. It is frustrating to see that they just think about the present and have no visions for the future. I think there are people in the paddock who don’t think beyond the next race.
Pot calling the kettle black. It takes to lines to see that Bernie is living in his own universe, because he's not living in reality.


Didn't come straight home tonight. Qualies finished late, so I ran into 4 "English-Aussies" who were really good blokes and understood F1 on a passionate level. I just finished polishing off 5 rounds of beer and dinner with the boys. Really good people around this area.

A brief note, about my seating issue. If I rip bookf1.com with zeal, I should also note their efforts to correct the situation. Seems the ticket reissue thing is a Sepang Circuit thing. So, when I got to the track, I went to my designated area by showing my ticket, then I just walked through the grandstands to where I wanted to sit. A customer service rep searched the entire grandstands for me, and when he finally found me, he told me I could keep my original seat, and also sit anywhere on the lower deck that I wanted. This isn't what I asked for (moving my seat to a better upper deck location), but was better than what they originally offered me. He mentioned they'd received my email and were working hard to fix the situation. I thanked him. It's not what I wanted, but bookf1.com made a solid effort to correct the situation. It's not perfect, but I must note the effort.

Saturday notes:

- There was a dude in a Ferrari shirt near me, with a huge telescopic lenses, taking nothing but diffuser shots through T9. I thought it was interesting, but he might just be a regular photog trying to get a nice shot of the cars climbing the hill through that hairpin.
- Lewis' first lap in Q3 was super committed. Obvious by the fact that he was 1.6s clear of anyone, but it looked it. That unusual line he was taking through T9 in the dry was the same as in the wet. I think he's found a line that carries the most speed through that corner. I don't think hitting the apex maximizes that turn.
- As qualies was starting, you could see the clouds rolling in. Rain wasn't a question of if, but when. At the end of Q2, I looked down the back straight and you could see the rain filling in the gap between the mountains in the backdrop. As soon as the guys started their out lap, I pointed into the distance for a nearby fan, and we both shared the same grin. Incoming rain on this circuit is crazy.
- I was counting the seconds between lightning and thunder, and I don't think any of the lightning strikes got within 5 miles of the circuit. It made for s nice light show though.
- The grandstands on the straight leak like a mofo. There are tarps over the whole thing, but all it does is funnel the collected water down to the support pillars, where it just sprays gallons of water all over the place.
- The water and rain was welcome. Ambient actually got chilly for literally a few minutes. LOL.
- Vettel's lap was impressive. The track was drying, but he put together a phenomenal lap, whereas Lewis never improved on his first.
- Kimi was a victim of circumstance. Q3 was determined by the order guys left the pits. Lewis was so close to the car in front, he never had a chance of putting in a good lap. He got lucky. The rain hit T8 on the sole hot lap of Q2. It was nuts.
- This was a very dramatic qualification session. More so than I can remember in a while.
- LOL McLaren. That car and engine is bad. They're not running much down force as evidenced by the lack of sparks on the straights...and their slow ass times.
- Who is this guy in the #3 RBR in saw today with a serious face? Where's my grinning Danny Ricky at?
- Contrary to what I assumed yesterday, the Mercs were braking earlier into T15 than most other cars. I found this surprising, given how they demolished other teams on dry pace, and how good Lewis is under braking. I've no idea where they're making their time if it's not under braking. It's probably just that corner though.

- While I'm sweating more than anyone else I see, I'm not smelling as bad.
- All 5 of us tonight agreed that the sport is headed in the wrong direction, revenue sharing needs to be implemented in F1 and privateers are an essential part of motorsports. (We're not alone, GAF)
- We also agreed that GP2 needs to be a bigger part of F1, so we can watch the progression and development of future F1 drivers. Feeder series should do more than fill in gaps in the weekend schedule.
- The Supras I wanted to win the MSS series, didn't do that well. One of them got taken out at the first corner, and the other gained a few positions in the first few laps, but faded after that. The car was lacking in power. It explains why they didn't grab pole despite being significantly better on brakes on their flying laps. Best brakes in the field, but the Integras and Evos were far superior in overall package.

- My boy F. Yu in the TCR series was dog slow. A minutes off the pace after the first lap, but looks like he closed time to the leaders overall. This series is new, so I expect good things over time.
- The Malaysian Super Series race was awesome. The winner was some fat Asian dude who had to be giving up at least 50lbs to the next driver. He dusted the field, and not on some car advantage. Very impressive. The guy who finished 3rr in an Integra deserves a tile sponsor. If he didn't have a poor start, he would've run down the leaders. Very impressive driving from him.
- The safety car has a really cool sounding horn. I've never heard it once before, but today it got stuck behind a barrier in the support paddock and released this musical-sounding horn a few times. Very cool.
- Aussie accents >> British accents
- Malaysia serves huge beers. 660mL each. I'm sloshed right now.

Meeting up with the guys tomorrow. I'm very glad to run into these guys. They not only gave me company to discuss F1 and sports in depth, but also directed me to a good restaurant near my hotel that'll make the rest of my stay much more palletable. I'm warming back up to the idea of buying fix to CoTA. Here's to a great race tomorrow. PEACE.

EDIT: Walked right past Will Buxton today. I'm taller than him. I didn't say hi, as I realized who he was too late. I also used to consider him a muppet, but I would've thanked him for that awesome Lewis article he wrote.
- As qualies was starting, you could see the clouds rolling in. Rain wasn't a question of if, but when. At the end of Q3, I looked down the back straight and you could see the rain filling in the gap between the mountains in the backdrop. As soon as the guys started their out lap, I pointed into the distance for a nearby fan, and we both shared the same grin. Incoming rain on this circuit is crazy.

I was at the race back in 2001 and it was the weirdest weather I've ever encountered.

A couple of hours before the race the speaker said it was something like 43 degrees. We had the cheapest tickets available in turn 3 and found a good spot but after sitting there for about an hour we had to move around to avoid certain death.

Back at almost the same spot before the start the clouds started to move in really quickly and the thunder and lightning started just beside the track. The temperature dropped to 27 degrees and I actually started freezing - at 27 degrees!

Soon after the start it started to rain - and it REALLY rained - everywhere except turn 3. By some kind of miracle we didn't get wet. You could see walls of rain all around but somehow it never moved closer than a 100m from where we were. I will never be able to understand how it can rain so much all around and somehow avoid one small area in the middle of it.



I dunno about you guys, but I'd rather not come into this thread and be met with photographs of fatal accidents. Link to that stuff, please.
This is the reality of our sport. There was nothing graphic about the pics. We need to be reminded of the hazards of our passion. It helps keep perspective. F1 has gone 21 years without a fatality, and more and more each year you have people questioning the commitment of these drivers. It's too easy to forget that even in this age of safety, the men we support each race weekend are still risking their lives every time they step into the cars. I think we have to be able to view and process these sorts of images if we're devoted race fans so we never lose perspective. I've seen far more drivers die in my years of fandom than I'd like to remember, but I'll never want to hide these non-gorey images. We can't hide the truth. PEACE.


I didn't saw anything dodgy about Rosberg, he aborted his lap on turn 2, and a couple of turns later Lewis aborted his, that's why they were close...

Mercedes sent their drivers out too soon imo.

Lewis immediately aborted after setting a purple in ideal conditions coincidentally just at the same time he found a pensioner doddering around on the racing line?

Juicy Bob

Glad to hear you're having fun, Pimpwerx!

Really hope you get to enjoy a good race tomorrow.

Also, I'm shocked to see what happened at the Nurburgring today. Especially as it involved Jann, someone who I'm a big fan of. Can't imagine how anybody affected by the accident is feeling right now.


I was at the race back in 2001 and it was the weirdest weather I've ever encountered.

A couple of hours before the race the speaker said it was something like 43 degrees. We had the cheapest tickets available in turn 3 and found a good spot but after sitting there for about an hour we had to move around to avoid certain death.

Back at almost the same spot before the start the clouds started to move in really quickly and the thunder and lightning started just beside the track. The temperature dropped to 27 degrees and I actually started freezing - at 27 degrees!

Soon after the start it started to rain - and it REALLY rained - everywhere except turn 3. By some kind of miracle we didn't get wet. You could see walls of rain all around but somehow it never moved closer than a 100m from where we were. I will never be able to understand how it can rain so much all around and somehow avoid one small area in the middle of it.

As someone born and raised in the tropics, I might've been one of tnbr least surprised non-Malaysians there today. I was like, "It's raining...so what?" We get freaky storms like that in Miami. But that 2001 race was particularly nutty. The amount of water that collected in such a short period of time was phenomenal. The 'rarris queued up in the pits had me legit shook that weekend. If I remember correctly, I cursed Rubens to hell and back over the course of 10 minutes for daring to slow my beloved Schuey. LOL. PEACE.
The 'rarris queued up in the pits had me legit shook that weekend. If I remember correctly, I cursed Rubens to hell and back over the course of 10 minutes for daring to slow my beloved Schuey. LOL. PEACE.

For some reason they don't show that in the video I posted. It felt like Schumacher had to wait for about a minute behind Barrichello in the pit when they came in for wets.

Edit: They actually do show it around 3:20


I was at the race back in 2001 and it was the weirdest weather I've ever encountered.

A couple of hours before the race the speaker said it was something like 43 degrees. We had the cheapest tickets available in turn 3 and found a good spot but after sitting there for about an hour we had to move around to avoid certain death.

Back at almost the same spot before the start the clouds started to move in really quickly and the thunder and lightning started just beside the track. The temperature dropped to 27 degrees and I actually started freezing - at 27 degrees!

Soon after the start it started to rain - and it REALLY rained - everywhere except turn 3. By some kind of miracle we didn't get wet. You could see walls of rain all around but somehow it never moved closer than a 100m from where we were. I will never be able to understand how it can rain so much all around and somehow avoid one small area in the middle of it.


Do you live in Malaysia? Because Brunei was like that all the time. It would be pissing down and you'd be sweating even in the rain. But then you look at the other side of the road and it's bone dry and the sun is shining.

Just watched quali then. Vettel did really well, that Ferrari is definitely quick. I don't think Fernando is surprised because he likely knew it was, but I think he is playing the longer term gain. I don't think even with the improvement theres enough in it to win this year, and his move is probably a bit like Hamiltons to Merc; ride out the year in a car he knows isn't really going to deliver brilliant results but expect that the year after that after they have worked out all the kinks, that it will be a good machine. I'm sure he is bummed out, but I reckon he expected this and is hoping once Honda get their shit together they'll have something to show for it later.

Rosberg definitely put in a dick move today, he unquestionably blocked Hamilton on a lap he was going even faster, then asked about the racing lines of 'the guy in first' when he obviously knew who it would be, he might have as well have just asked for Hamiltons line directly even though he knows they can't tell him.

Rosberg looked royally pissed in the post quali interviews and Hamilton seems like he is playing the passive aggressive stance. He basically shrugged off the question about being blocked; I suspect because he knows Rosberg is blowing up inside and with Hamilton just playing cool and ignoring any of his shit Rosberg is slowly eating away at himself. He's been making Rosberg look bad on the track for the better part of the last half of the season last year and seems to be coming out this season exactly the same so if he keeps his cool and does what he does, if Rosberg does eventually explode and start losing his shit if Merc ever look at replacing one of their drivers because of problems within the team between them, Hamilton will look the better option to keep.


Another angle of the accident:


Damn, that Nissan just takes off, without any apparent reason like turbulence from the car in front.

Its easy to see why, its coming up over a crest at full acceleration, the shocks are at maximum rebound on the front with the nose in the air exposing the flat underside to incredibly high air pressure underneath; imagine air rushing underneath a piece of cardboard at 200km/h and you suddenly put about 30-40 degrees of angle for the air to push on, what do you think its going to happen? It's going get thrown in the air like a signpost in a cyclone.
Do you live in Malaysia? Because Brunei was like that all the time. It would be pissing down and you'd be sweating even in the rain. But then you look at the other side of the road and it's bone dry and the sun is shining.

No, I'm Swedish. That F1-race in Malaysia (well, the hours before the race anyway) is probably the hottest natural heat I've ever experienced.

I did find another video that captures the chaos at the start of the 2001-race a bit better: https://youtu.be/OfzGzG5-AhE
Nice write-up Pimpwerx. I'm glad bookf1 are trying to help you out. I've always found them to be particularly good from the customer service side of things.

The ticket situation you've found yourself in is just another reason F1 can be a bit of a farce sometimes.


so the race starts two hours earlier than the qualy and we get to sleep one hour less today... great...

RIP spectator
Charlie whiting won't allow races or qualifying to take place until the track is ready for inters, what the bloody hell are full wets for these days? Safety car laps?


That crash looks horrible. Terrible to hear of a fan being killed at an event.

Insane how the car just takes off over that rise.

I also want to add that I bloody hate the new F1 website.


That crash looks horrible. Terrible to hear of a fan being killed at an event.

Insane how the car just takes off over that rise.

Considering the level of downforce GT3 cars generate, the fact that the GTR NISMO GT3 is front weight biased and how I cannot recall a car ever flipping at the flugplatz this is a very strange crash. I wonder if Jan's front splitter was damaged.
Awesome thanks guys!

Such a shame about that crash. Must've been damage to the front of that car. Front heavy car which creates a fair amount of downforce lifts up from the front?



So not worth it
Awesome thanks guys!

Such a shame about that crash. Must've been damage to the front of that car. Front heavy car which creates a fair amount of downforce lifts up from the front?


Happened before, it actually makes sense with how aero works.

It's kind of like a plane, car hit a bump, hits the air and then instead of being pushed down by the aero, gets lifted up instead and flips.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
What the fuuuuuuck.....Australian Tv aint showing the Malaysian gp live.

What services could i pay for to watch it live, ive never needed to do this but now i gotta.
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