The top half of that image is perfect for the next time someone criticizes a pop artist for being too sexy (not that such a thing would happen here).

Doesn't he know that the whole point of stanning is self-aware* absurdity?
* Self-awareness optional
Madonna is set to announce an Australian tour according to an article published on the Huffington Post today. The article, which reported on the amount she stood to earn in 2012, said: An Australian leg of the tour is being announced shortly suggesting she will head down under earlier than expected.
Is this the next Duffy?
The picture from the article was carefully selected to bless the world with ample view of her LUCKY STAR.
you libelous wretch
Is this the next Duffy?
Have your heard her songs?
POP-GAF doesn't care for Duffy?
This is possibly the most unflattering of shot of Madge that someone could produce.
The rest are boring as well?
That's disappointing. She has such a great voice, too.
POP-GAF doesn't care for Duffy?
You can tell how old she is by counting the rings around her vadge.
You can tell how old she is by counting the rings around her vadge.
I'm bi, so I have no issue with this new vagina-oriented line of discussion.
Except Madonna. I want no part of that gaping maw.
Wait, are there actual "born this way" girls in this thread? And I know I am not the only straight guy who hangs out here.
MAD HYPE, itz! Mad hype! Rihanna looks great all dressed up and Christ Martin is just too damn sexy. Dayum, so fine. I am pretty hyped for this video.
wow this is literally what I was going to post. gaping maw shade and all
No, but definitely the most solid band out there.
so friggin hot
so friggin hot
Please. Straight? There's no such thing.Wait, are there actual "born this way" girls in this thread? And I know I am not the only straight guy who hangs out here.
Please. Straight? There's no such thing.
While I agree with your assessment, at least Duffy managed to put out a diss track about Adele before being sidelined by her. Not many artists are bold enough to take a diss track and make it the first single off their album.Her debut album is better than Adele's debut album. But the second album was pretty baaaaaaad, while Adele raised to heaven after her debut.
Who are the scissor sisters?
What's with the Sistors pandering to the pedo demographic with that video. Creepy...
You don't want to know
I think this says more about you than it does the video.