Kelly is like the sun in the sky.
How odd to have a talent in Pop GAF that can actually sing...

Kelly is like the sun in the sky.
How odd to have a talent in Pop GAF that can actually sing...
In terms of mass and diameter? Absolutely.Kelly is like the sun in the sky.
Kelly is like the sun in the sky.
How odd to have a talent in Pop GAF that can actually sing...
Oh, it's not that odd.
Even taking the most recent generation (people whose solo careers got started post-2000), we have Beyonce, Kelly, Adele, Leona, Lady Gaga, and Florence* to namea fewall the ones I can think of offhand.
I think that Beyonce's probably the best of the group, then Kelly, though I prefer Kelly's voice.
* And I don't even like her goat vibrato
I know most of you probably don't give a shit about Michelle Branch, but she's probably my second favourite female vocalist after Kelly, and they both performed together last night!
Admitted more Michelle than Kelly, but it's just great for me to see them both on stage together!
He's talking about careers that started post-2000, not careers that ended.*Ahem* You're forgetting a name there...
I love Michelle Branch. Been waiting for that solo album for a while now....
I know most of you probably don't give a shit about Michelle Branch, but she's probably my second favourite female vocalist after Kelly, and they both performed together last night!
Admitted more Michelle than Kelly, but it's just great for me to see them both on stage together!
They are refugees dispelled from the Beyhive that got deported to forehead island
He's talking about careers that started post-2000, not careers that ended.
WTF?? is that a real life/glam shot contrast?? SCARY
Artist Bio
Punched out of the game by Britney
Re-punched out of the game by Beyonce
Re-re-punched out of the game by Gaga
Now hosts a reality TV show.
But in all seriousness, even if she weren't just outside of the cut-off for solo careers (1999), I wouldn't put her up there with the aforementioned outside of raw talent.
Nikki about to flop? And for lols:
Lets redo this Artist Bio:
More awards than Britney.
Higher selling records than Beyonce.
Showers more often than Gaga.
And really, if Christina doesn't belong in the list that Leona DAMN SURE doesn't.
Why not? I'm actually asking; I don't know.
Leona has her weaknesses (e.g. her upper belts really don't impress me and sound a bit whiny, she has almost as bad in her lower register as Kelly Clarkson), but I don't think she has anything as bad going on as Christina occasionally sounding like a cross between Jessica and Hollie's bad habits. There are lots of things Christina does that are just flat out bad technically - almost entirely as a result of her poor breath management and her extremely high larynx belting that have damaged her voice and resulted in her doing those bad things at even lower notes than she used to as she starts straining earlier in her range than she used to.
Obviously within that list, I think some are better than others, and there are definitely aspects where Christina is better (e.g. I think her midbelts are as good as Adele's), but I think her weaknesses put her out of the running, and their weaknesses that are entirely of her own making.
Christina has her flaws, but I don't think they put her under Leona - with her screechy and unsupported upper register, unpleasant tone, completely lack of versatility, and one-note catalog. Not even close.
Well I wasn't really talking about catalog or tone (though obviously most singers (don't ask me about Taylor or Rihanna) who make it tend to have at least somewhat pleasing voices).
Can you link me to stuff? From what I've heard Leona's upper belts, while I'd put them below singers like Whitney or Mariah or Beyonce or Kelly, she's not comparing unfavorably to Christina. She sounds like she's straining a bit above E5 and starts sounding a bit shouty around there, but Christina sounds strained much lower than that. I do think Christina's mid-belt (say G4 - C#5) sounds much stronger, but Leona starts catching up around there and that's a result of Christina having a naturally bigger and more powerful voice.
Madge tells Perra to be in the audience while asking Godney to join her on stage. #clockedt
Well, it can't just be about range alone, or else these conversations would always begin and end withKelly ClarksonGeorgia Brown. As much as I think she's a boring, uninteresting, creatively-bankrupt, hypocrite of a vocalist with no conviction who I'd never have the time on my day off to check for, even I have to admit she has the most impressive range in the Pop game right now.
Leona does have a slightly more impressive range at this point, but within their mutual comfort zones Christina is just a much more comfortable and technically proficient singer. Raw improvisation skills, interpretive ability, richer tone, more capable melismatic technique (yeah yeah, I know she overdoes this a lot, but she can also use melisma to beautiful effect when used sparingly), etc. Not to mention her ability to match her vocals to a wide variety genres and tempos, something Leona seems to be completely incapable of.
It's the sheer amount of weapons Christina has at her disposal when she's resting in her comfort zone that puts her over a lot of singers in my opinion - many of whom really only have the advantage of slightly better range against her. I definitely count Leona among that lot.
ADELE will be doing that next week.She also sent a private twit to Gaga to take out her trash.
Ooh lala, the cupcake shop I bake at is catering desserts for Ellie Goulding's stop in Seattle next week.
ADELE will be doing that next week.
I think you mean 1D will.
The Wanted's new single 'Chasing The Sun' - written and produced by Example
Released in the US on April 17 and the UK on May 20.
Interesting why Lily Allen retired from pop music, just after 2 albums. She gave many fair reasons why leaving the riches to bring up her own clothing store in the Channel 4 documentary ("Lily Allen: From Riches to Rags").
Not many pop stars have that oversight and control. Good on her.
The Wanted's new single 'Chasing The Sun' - written and produced by Example
Released in the US on April 17 and the UK on May 20.
pressedT rats resisting ID's success, not surprised
Yes, that’s right, two gay young men in one popular group. (Although one does have a beard to maintain that desirable image)