The game's highest difficulty setting will be intense![]()
She needs to keep it cute since this meant for children and they need to be able to keep up with her

The game's highest difficulty setting will be intense![]()
It's ok gurl. At the end of the day, you stay playing Brit's tunes more than anybody else (except gaga). We have the receipts
I told you I am a fan of tech, the way they use autotune to construct her voice is inspiring
Should be a yoga instructor.
Gif needs to cut to liposuction footage.
Gif needs to cut to liposuction footage.
She needs to keep it cute since this meant for children and they need to be able to keep up with her
Hey, we agree that Britney is great!
Oh, we're sharing sad Britney gifs?
it just doesn't add up right hun.
I don't think Katy Perry should be judging anyone.
Ain't No Other Man was a terrible song. Perhaps an even worse single choice for Xtincta than Fighter.
I like the special misheard lyrics edition better.![]()
Godney stays eternally The Original Doll
Your faves could fucking never.
Well, then let me explain. I do not like Britney because of her singing (though it has its own appeal unrelated to her technical ability). I like her because she has some catchy, memorable songs, especially the ones that I grew up with (2000 - 2005-ish, which is when I was going to high school (plus a bit of eighth grade)). And for that matter, I also actually like some Christina songs, particularly from the same period - actually up through Back to Basics, I think. And it just so happens that a lot things that she does that really aren't good for her voice (and sound rather awful live and have contributed to her losing a lot of her belting range) happen to sound pretty damn awesome in studio.
But I just don't think that she's nearly as good a vocalist as her stans think she is, and I think that acting as if she's the "Voice of the Generation" ignores the real gap between her actual abilities and where she would need to be to hold that title. My shading Christina has always been about her vocal problems, not about her weight being up or down or her appearance or how successful she is or whatever.
this thread got amazing while i slept
[edit]except that bit where everyone started speaking spanish and i felt left out and cried
Link doesn't work![]()
This needs to leak.Just so it doesn't stay confined to the topic, here is a YouTube video of all the track samples from Marina and the Diamond's Electra Heart
How dare Kleptoriah steal the title of Kris Allen's flawless new cantata. Never an original thought of her own.
That was a nice attempt, though it really doesn't have quite the same ring to it as Kleptonce; it doesn't flow the same way.
But good effort!
I thought Mariah's shade name was Mooriah lol
Well my favorite Mariah shade name belongs to this youtube account. S/he comes up with the most hilarious videos.
That was a nice attempt, though it really doesn't have quite the same ring to it as Kleptonce; it doesn't flow the same way.
But good effort!
Watching this trainwreck was admittedly a painful experience. Obviously sick but she still tried to power through one of her hardest songs - poor gerl just needed some tea with honey :-(Well my favorite Mariah shade name belongs to this youtube account. S/he comes up with the most hilarious videos.
Watching this trainwreck was admittedly a painful experience. Obviously sick but she still tried to power through one of her hardest songs - poor gerl just needed some tea with honey :-(
The uploader would be an Xtincta stan.Watching this trainwreck was admittedly a painful experience. Obviously sick but she still tried to power through one of her hardest songs - poor gerl just needed some tea with honey :-(
The entire 90s was a particularly strenuous promotional schedule for her.Wasn't this performance during a particularly strenuous promotion schedule for her?
OOOOOOOOH, Mumei used COUNTERSHADE. It's Super Effective!
yeah, the crappier the shade name the better to be honest. like whoever it was complaining about all the messiah names being shoehorned it: they're better the crapper they are.
'Twas me!
And glad you like the video~
Haha. I should have clarified that that wasn't meant to be shade, really; I just happen to like that shade nickname for Beyonce. It's one of the better ones, I think. I like how it keeps the number of syllables consistent.
Yes, I am weird.
And as for the performance Leona linked to, she definitely sounds congested; she has a similar sound to when she was singing Emotions at the MTV VMAs (also congested). You can hear the congestion in the scratchiness when she belts in particular.
Though that definitely sounds worse there than it did at the VMAs, yeah. It's (probably) a combination of congestion and what you mentioned. She's always had a rather sensitive voice; this is her trying to sing Anytime You Need A Friend in a room that was a bit too cold for singing.
'Twas me!
And glad you like the video~
I wouldn't be surprised. Both Mariah and Leona have hit their highest live notes (G#7 and Eb6 respectively) while sick....I know this is somewhat urban legend, but isn't this true that people tend to sing better with colds? Something about the vocal chords being more rigid making it more effortless to project? I wouldn't know...surprisingly, I've never attempted to sing with a cold.
I wouldn't be surprised. Both Mariah and Leona have hit their highest libr notes (G#7 and Eb6 respectively) while sick.