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The GAF POP |OT| of Diversity, Hidden Talent, and Stan Wars

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It is such a terrible movie huh? Vintage Mariah

It's kind of prophetic though; Mumu's music is still playing as the credits roll and everyone walks out of the theater, with the exception that some cinema venues probably had higher ticket sales than her shows.


It's kind of prophetic though; Mumu's music is still playing as the credits roll and everyone walks out of the theater, with the exception that some cinema venues probably had higher ticket sales than her shows.

The girl should've retired long ago. *sip*


Don't make me bring up "Glitter"

Eh, though a cult classic to Mimi fans, that era was a necessary sacrifice to bring us this:


The commercial and critical darling that put Mimi back on top and proved that she was capable of staying relevant with new music and no trend-riding. Tell me, how many flops is it gonna take Madonna? She's at strike two now.



Those bung eyes just aren't doing it for me.

Also the fact she can barely walk in those clothes that obviously don't fit her and the way she's pushing her tits together.

I'd still stick my dick between them though

Let's be honest though, after this, the only way is up.



I admit she had the young girl-next-door look better than her pop peers at the time, but Christina blossomed into a glam goddess and Broken Spearit's youthful glow quickly dimmed down (along with her stage presence, personality, sales.....a shit-tier in every category)

Baby Jane outranks all in the looks department.
Post any pic of your fav all dressed up looking their best at an event, and I'll trump it.


dont try it, your favs can never.

Brit looked great here sis :)





Let's see.


What an embarrassingly delusional pic.
Denying her voice wont help you overcome your bitterness.


and I like your answer as to where Broken Spearit's voice went.
Nowhere on that chart, nonexistent.



Still copying Madonna.

Gaga isn't a copy of madonna, Gaga is taking the idea that Madonna had, rather than follow her career to the letter, she's gone and taken it to a bizarre new direction of her own being.


ok Kyon, you're right. Brit seems in fine condition


I think the best thing here is that Gaga will never hit the two lows that Xtina and Britney hit.

Gaga's low is selling upwards of 6 million copies, four Top 10 hits, and lodging multiple stadium sell outs across the globe.

She does not understand the word low, despite prayers to the contrary.


Last time somebody said that to her face she actually started crying

A bit of it does sound quite a lot like ‘Express Yourself’, though, doesn’t it?

“I don’t think… I swear to you. I am not stupid enough to put out a record and be that moronic.”

The reference seemed so obvious that it had to be intentional because, as you say, you’re not stupid…

“No. Listen to me. Why the fuck…? I’m a songwriter. I’ve written loads of music. Why would I try to put out a song and think I’m getting one over on everybody? That’s retarded. What a completely ridiculous thing to even question me about. I will look you in your eyes and tell you that I am not dumb enough or moronic enough to think that you are dumb enough or moronic enough not to see that I would have stolen a melody. If you put the songs next to each other, side by side, the only similarities are the chord progression. It’s the same one that’s been in disco music for the last 50 years. Just because I’m the first fucking artist in 25 years to think of putting it on Top 40 radio, it doesn’t mean I’m a plagiarist, it means that I’m fucking smart. Sorry.”

The criticism did seem to take the wind out of the song’s sails.

“There’s a lot of people who want to see me fail. The minute they see something to shoot at, they shoot, and the bigger I become the bigger target I am. Nobody in this room at any point looked around and said ‘Oh my God, it’s ‘Express Yourself’. ‘ Not once. Listen. I swear to you. I can only be honest with you about it.”

What will people say about ‘Judas’?

“I dunno… I think they will really love it. (Starting to well up) I just don’t want my fans… I don’t know. This is exhausting. I just don’t wanna perpetuate that shit. I’m sure you want to address it but it’s just so ridiculous. I was just fucking shellshocked by it. It’s so funny to hear you say, ‘It must have been a homage’, I’m like, NO. When I homage, I fucking homage with a big sign saying I’ve done it. Why would I not do that now? (Sighs) I just like… I just have to say… (Starts crying) I feel like honestly that God sent me those lyrics and that melody. When you feel a message to give to the world and people are shooting arrows at it… there’s no way for something that pure to be wrong. (Reaches for Marilyn Monroe lighter) I need a cigarette.”

^LOL, she really is a reductive little NUTCASE, isn't she.

Remember what God did last time people started worshiping false prophets?...

There can only be one



I think the best thing here is that Gaga will never hit the two lows that Xtina and Britney hit.


Give it time. I mean, nobody saw Brit and Xtina hitting the lows they hit when they were in the peak of their careers. Everybody has the potential for a career-setback, and Gaga seems closer to a breakdown by the day...

Even though I love Britney's tone as is, part of me can't help but wonder what could have been if she actually developed the somewhat impressive (for a little girl) chest voice she had, instead of trading it in for the whispy tone of a pop princess.

Can you a imagine? Someone who looked, performed, had swag like Britney, but belted songs like Liza Minelli? lol


sputum-flecked apoplexy
i think the reason i like gaga now more than madonna now is that gaga genuinely seems like she's having a lot of fun as a popstar and madonna seems like she's doing it because it's not as though she's got anything else to do (please don't direct any more films madonna)


^LOL, she really is a reductive little NUTCASE, isn't she.

She may be, but that's what makes her live performances so great.


She's visited and performed for me in one of the most isolated cities in the world twice (three times if you count my visit to Sydney) in only three years! With a fourth in just under two months ;)


When will your fave return?


Let's hope she breaks the 20 year drought and doesn't cancel again.


Am I getting better at shading yet GAF?

i think the reason i like gaga now more than madonna now is that gaga genuinely seems like she's having a lot of fun as a popstar and madonna seems like she's doing it because it's not as though she's got anything else to do (please don't direct any more films madonna)

This is generally how I feel about the whole MDNA "era". The lack of promotion coupled with the effortless album offering.


Mad-onna said her tour will be stopping by Australia next year. Then again, she said the same thing about The Sticky & Sweet Tour.

Who can blame her though, that island is not particularly inviting.

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