I'm just going to sit back and take mental notes while you gurls play house.
how can you take metal notes when the majesty of gaga blows your mind?
I'm just going to sit back and take mental notes while you gurls play house.
Mad-onna said her tour will be stopping by Australia next year. Then again, she said the same thing about The Sticky & Sweet Tour.
Who can blame her though, that island is not particularly inviting.
I cannot
Koodo and Phono are officially my favourite Pop-GAFers.
and Marius.
Who can blame her though, that island is not particularly inviting.
how can you take metal notes when the majesty of gaga blows your mind?
koodo's marianas trench shade was so good
I'd rather OPT OUT of LIFE than be a Caca stan.
I love you too Nemesis
It was, but my opinion has lowered. Unless he's just shading our spiders, which is understandable.
ch-At the rate she's going, there's more chance of you seeing Madoldna in the afterlife than here.
i think madonna fans should probably pipe down a bit about gaga stealing madonna's show after how mad reductive the GGW video was of alejandro's
and i say that in full knowledge of the fact that alejandro was a shameless rip of madonna's oeuvre
dear madonna, the way to convince people that you've still got it is not to make copies of videos that are already copies of your older work
At the rate she's going, there's more chance of you seeing Madoldna in the afterlife than here.
Also, this just in. Nicki Minaj has deleted her twitter.
The video was almost entirely self-referential.
Caca stans looking for love in all the wrong places.
Let's not revisit that.This gif just makes me think of everything that could have been with Rugby Girl...;_;
Expressing my approval.What? I THOUGHT YOU HATED MADONNA.
The bigger stars tend not to bother with Twitter. A wise decision.
I would delete my twitter too if I completely lost all dignity like she did
#Amazon, the barbz are struggling college students!!! *puppy dog eyes* hook a sista up!!!
well of course it was self-referential if it was just a copy of a gaga video
The bigger stars tend not to bother with Twitter. A wise decision.
This gif just makes me think of everything that could have been with Rugby Girl...;_;
Also, this just in. Nicki Minaj has deleted her twitter.
Thank fuck. Hopefully she can take several thousand seats and remain forever off of Twitter. Hopefuly she quits singing and rapping altogether so I don't have to hear her voice on the radio anymore. I'm so glad the lord blessed us on this beautiful Sunday.
I just want to take this moment and thank all the monster that have been attacking Minaj on twitter since she tweeted that shade, I still like her but she is a stupid hoe
Dont come to Gaga's playground(twittet) and spill your sheisse
Now Dance
The monsters did this?
I might just have to start liking Lady Gaga for all the indirect good she's done today.
so are we all agreed that Monster definitely has subtext about a guy with a gigantic penis?
'i've never seen one like that before'
Britney Spears gave a waiter $100 after he helped calm down her five-year-old son Jayden. The Hold It Against Me singer was out eating at a restaurant in San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles with Jayden and six-year-old son Sean when her youngest began crying and wouldn't stop.
An onlooker told the National Enquirer magazine: "Britney just couldn't calm her tyke down. "But a sympathetic waiter, not one assigned to her table, helped save the day when he came over with a box of crayons and started drawing animation action characters. Jayden's tears dried up instantly as he and his brother got totally absorbed and happy." Britney - who became engaged to long-term boyfriend and manager Jason Trawick in Las Vegas last December - gave the money in addition to the tip for the meal.
That injustice still rests heavy on my heart, gurl
You have been bleßed.Confessions just got to Sorry and I thought 'I should post in the pop thread because I want Koodo to like me' and look who should be here already
Britney is ENGAGED to that old man?! O_O
yeah, he used to be hot like 10 years ago but now the meat has dried
Carly Rae Jepsenwho sings that song call me baby it's the girliest song ever but it's so catchy
it's true, thread does go to shit when we haven't got new robyn to discuss
it's true, thread does go to shit when we haven't got new robyn to discuss
it's true, thread does go to shit when we haven't got new robyn to discuss
it's true, thread does go to shit when we haven't got new robyn to discuss
it's true, thread does go to shit when we haven't got new robyn to discuss
it's true, thread does go to shit when we haven't got new robyn to discuss
who sings that song call me baby it's the girliest song ever but it's so catchy
Twice in her entire life.
Maybe she's posting in here.
Holy crap, that was complete and utter shit.
Listening to Body Talk after MDNA is a revelation. A one-way ticket from the land of struggles to the land of standards.
the version of cobrastyle that she was playing on her most recent uk tour (i guess us too) was the most killingest thing ever
saw her in london, the whole gig was amaze. so many hot guys.