Watch and be entertained(?)Whew is this Lana Del Ray girl anyhow?
Whew is this Lana Del Ray girl anyhow?
Avril Lavigne
Just finished my record and now I'm going to take some time for myself before I embark on my next artistic journey. Can't wait for u all to hear the new music. So long Los Angeles!!
wand erection weren't even the hottest in that year's x factor
I changed my avatar back. Can't have people thinking I'm a Lana stan![]()
i know right those tattoos though....
Can you really call that shade though...?
I thought she would watch the charts after her album crashed but ah well.
IMMACULATE GODDESScan we just take a moment to appreciate natural beauty
stunning, why cant she look like this all the time
she doesn't care about current music thats why MDNA sounds like outdated TRASH
Super late but lol No.
Yeah, if only she covered half her face more often. /phono
he did say that
PS. AVRIL LAVIGNE STILL HAS STANS? I feel less embarrassed about Nelly Furtado now.
Has Anvil renounced her Canadian citizenship yet?
Let's not make this about you.Shame about the SAGGY TITS.
But not the charts. Lana Del Rey remains outselling her latest "effort."Meanwhile, Madonna still rules HEARTS AND MINDS.
I wonder where Hyoyeon will sit. Probably in the NOSEBLEEDS.
Phon, gurl... Even I know you are fighting a losing battle here when it comes to going against the Gaga stans.
I don't think a trip to the welfare center is in her schedule.I think the real question here, DEAR, is will Caca be at one of QUEEN HYOYEON'S shows
Waiting for a RECEIPT that does not include a song the Failure Generation plagiarized fromYET ANOTHER PLAGIARIZED SNSD song.
Super late but lol No.
Waiting for a RECEIPT that does not include a song the Failure Generation plagiarized fromMadonnaBritney SpearsAnvil Clarineanother Western artist.
The one from E-TRIPE that sounds like Express Yourself? That receipt might as well been issued by ARTHUR ANDERSEN.You were served a very HEFTY RECEIPT a week ago; it's still valid and the similarities between SNSD's 2010 Be Happy and Caca's 2011 Born This Way are startling, embarrassing and RELEVANT.
That's not a very flattering gif.
The album lacked cohesion and direction, but I still enjoyed it a lot. It's still better than the struggles released this year and the struggles that are coming.And to be honest, I agree with godelsmetric about Lady Gaga. I really enjoyed The Fame Monster, but BTW just did nothing for me.
The album lacked cohesion and direction, but I still enjoyed it a lot. It's still better than the struggles released this year and the struggles that are coming.
Another FORFEIT, another victory for the MONSTERS.
let's be frank for a second
BTW is not a GREAT album. it's not pop perfection. there's been better
Piers, let's not talk about being oppressed.Must have been a struggle for you typing that out with your fingers trembling because you're more pressed than a 3-piece suit
the only member of wand erection that's close is...EXCUSE ME WHILE I LOOK THEM UP BECAUSE THEY'RE SO FORGETTABLE...zayn
other than that aiden's hotter and his choons are better
Obviously you need your eyes checked. It's okay I know a good doctor![]()
LOL where is that quote from?