oh no rock band VR
Award? What award?Kojima was mentioned with MGSV reward nomination? Time for Konami to wipe this reward from history.
Not caring would be being silent. Being a dick on purpose when people are paying tribute to someone is just wrong. Stop.
Kojima was robbed
I haven't bought a Nintendo product in 10 years .
Why are you trying to force people to care about something just because you care about something.
Very strange, I thought we are supposed to have independent thoughts and free will.
I want SMM to take GOTY just so it upsets people.
I mean it's From Software, but I'm ok with CDPR.
To be fair you can't give an award to a studio that doesn't exist
I don't buy Nintendo games , you can't expect people to get sad about a guy they don't care about , just because you do.
I hear the words Nintendo , Wii , DS , Mario and go whatever.
Some people don't care about Naughty Dog , SONY or CD Projekt Red . I'm not going to feel angry that other people don't care about anything bad happening to the company or the people associated.