O outunderthestars Banned Dec 2, 2016 #6,056 God I wish Nintendo made more powerful hardware. This looks rough.
M MoonsaultSlayer Member Dec 2, 2016 #6,063 Hahahaha he's wearing a Zelda themed "take this" shirt as advertised earlier.
S Sephzilla Member Dec 2, 2016 #6,065 I'm honestly not a fan of this art style and that frame rate isn't great
Insane Metal Member Dec 2, 2016 #6,066 The art style is gorgeous but the game is running at 20fps or lower...
T truly101 I got grudge sucked! Dec 2, 2016 #6,067 Ha! its still coming out for the Wii U, you fuckers.
N NateDrake Member Dec 2, 2016 #6,068 My Internet went out as soon as Zelda started. Nintendo broke my Internet and I can't watch.
O Obliterator Member Dec 2, 2016 #6,072 Zelda on Wii U looks rough man. That framerate is sooo choppy
LordOfChaos Member Dec 2, 2016 #6,073 Why does every Zelda video look like the screen recorder and game RGB values are mismatched? The offscreen videos of it looked far more colourful, all the ones from Nintendo directly look less well recorded
Why does every Zelda video look like the screen recorder and game RGB values are mismatched? The offscreen videos of it looked far more colourful, all the ones from Nintendo directly look less well recorded
N Neoxon Junior Member Dec 2, 2016 #6,075 Yeah, I'm getting this on the Switch. I get that it's still in development, but the Wii U version is looking a bit rough.
Yeah, I'm getting this on the Switch. I get that it's still in development, but the Wii U version is looking a bit rough.
E enzo_gt tagged by Blackace Dec 2, 2016 #6,076 Looks decent (character model looks fantastic, environment textures not so much) but looks like the framerate is ass.
Looks decent (character model looks fantastic, environment textures not so much) but looks like the framerate is ass.
B Blackleg-sanji1 Banned Dec 2, 2016 #6,077 ..this doesn't look very good. How'd it look in person for ppl who played? But than again thats from e3 several months ago it should look better
..this doesn't look very good. How'd it look in person for ppl who played? But than again thats from e3 several months ago it should look better
B bananafactory Banned Dec 2, 2016 #6,086 Chezzymann said: I hope the framerate is just the stream Click to expand... It's not. Every other game looks fine
Chezzymann said: I hope the framerate is just the stream Click to expand... It's not. Every other game looks fine
A Aspiring Member Dec 2, 2016 #6,088 Really want this game but boy does it look terrible and it runs even worse.
T Toad.T Banned Dec 2, 2016 #6,091 So... the Twitch chat is basically going nuts over the FPS. Is this going to be the major talking point about the game that gets brought up even past release date?
So... the Twitch chat is basically going nuts over the FPS. Is this going to be the major talking point about the game that gets brought up even past release date?
K killu4what Member Dec 2, 2016 #6,093 They have successfully found the most boring way to show off a game.
A Already Torn Banned Dec 2, 2016 #6,098 Strong Dark Souls vibes, especially Blighttown 😂😂 When that big pig man took a swung at him I rolled forward in my mind for a backstab.
Strong Dark Souls vibes, especially Blighttown 😂😂 When that big pig man took a swung at him I rolled forward in my mind for a backstab.
R Rocketz Member Dec 2, 2016 #6,100 RoKKeR said: Silky smooth framerate... good lord lmao Click to expand... dragonflys545 said: Lmao... That frame rate. Click to expand... SmackAttack said: It's beautiful! Click to expand... Quonny said: yikes that framerate Click to expand... Neogaf.gif
RoKKeR said: Silky smooth framerate... good lord lmao Click to expand... dragonflys545 said: Lmao... That frame rate. Click to expand... SmackAttack said: It's beautiful! Click to expand... Quonny said: yikes that framerate Click to expand... Neogaf.gif