J JigglesBunny Banned Dec 2, 2016 #913 The performance and aliasing on Zelda, woof. Game looks hype as fuck though.
dickroach Member Dec 2, 2016 #925 Zelda confirmed to be in Zelda BOTW... that really didn't show much :\
M Morfeo The Chuck Norris of Peace Dec 2, 2016 #937 sixteen-bit said: Day one on this BotW Click to expand... Day Zero!
V vinnygambini Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs??? Dec 2, 2016 #940 DAT PRINCESS ZELDA TEASE OMG
M MrOogieBoogie BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination Dec 2, 2016 #942 Meh trailer.