yeswtf is going on???
Was last year's this bad with product placement??
iJustine?What was her name ?...didnt cach that.
Uncharted 4 literally at times looks like concept art.
Inside is black, white and grey.
Muh "subdued", "mysterious" indie game is so much more deserving than a AAA shooter of a prestigious hipster category like Art Direction.
What was her name ?...didnt cach that.
Ah, the memoriesi "I can't get past the first Portal 2 level" Justine!
No matter how many times Geoff tells me he's cleaning it up there always some wtf is even happening moment.
Eye Justin
Also an immensely popular YouTuber.She's an immensely popular YouTuber. He's...also a YouTuber.
I guarantee someone would have said the same thing no matter who they choseAre... you serious? These two? Like, two of the most annoying youtube personalities within the gaming community? There are so many they could have chosen