Haha oh manOMG!!!! THIS FUCKING MUSIC!!!!!! I WANNA KILL!!!!
Here is an idea.
Why don't you show these awards giving in the main show?
I thought Geoff said he was going to allow more time for awards after the first show's complaints?
This is 10x better than the rapping.
Omg that music hurts my ears.
Yeah wtf, there aren't any ads during the Oscars.
Is this the new Metallica album?
......Why aren't some of these awards on the actual show? They seem kinda big.
I agree. People have not just been lacking heart lately - they've become venomous and revel in their schadenfreude.
"Why are you yelling" LMAO 😂
And her answer hahaha 😂
How do they decide which awards get an actual proper presentation and which get the 2 second one offs?
For real. Rap and... whatever genre Doom's music is, I don't want to piss off any resident music nerds by calling it something it isn't.
This should've been on MTV seriously it would be more fitting than anything that channel has had in like 10+ years.