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The game I had the best moments with: GAF let me introduce you to Tremulous.


Some may know it already, since it's an incredibly old Q3 mod. But let me explain myself first before asking

Why the hell I'm making this thread?
(If you dont care about this, scroll down to the game description, if you will)

I'm really sad today. A friend of mine told me some days ago to enter our old Tremulous forum because there were some news, today I remembered it and went in.

I must say that that game and that forum gave me my most precious gaming moments.
I've met incredible people, had lots and lots of fun and lots of laughs, and it even helped me to grow up in some aspects. I cant tell you enough about how I enjoyed my time there.

For some years now, the game is dead, and so was our community. But the forum was always online and our little circle of friends have been always getting back to it to post something, or checking some older threads for the sake of good gOld times.

So, today I went into the forum expecting news, good news in fact (dont know why), and what do I find? The forum is going to close and go offline. It will be gone. Vanished. All of my happiest memories will only rest as that, memories. I wont be able to go back and remember how dumb I was when I started there, and all the amazing gaming moments we had, and all the stupid threads that always gave me a wide smile.

I'm sad, really.

I could live with the game being almost dead, even if I spent a lot of time trying to make something to make the game gain some popularity, but this was something I was not expecting. Then I remembered that now I can make threads here. And I will make of this my last effort to make people aware of the game I enjoyed the most on my online gaming life.

So, what's this Tremulous game you are talking about and why should we check it out?

First of all, official links:
What is Tremulous about?
Gameplay explanation

Tremulous is a Quake 3 mod (so it means it's open source) featuring Alines vs Humans matches, with RTS touches.
The objective is to take down the enemy base and kill all of them that remains alive.

But it's not just an "fps more on the market". Is a very interesting one because you can build/move your base anywhere on the map (with its risks), and you must balance your ofensive forces with the defense. The games (if there are no extreme campers and theres enough people on the server) are intense and fast paced with a good ammount of action, since spawning after death is almost instant (as long as you still have spawns).

Human gains more powerful weapons killing aliens, and aliens can evolve into more powerful cratures killing humans. Both teams gets reinforcements after certain number of kills. Humans get more weapons/armours and aliens get more clases to evolve to.
Both get more buildable structures.

I cant explain everything, but believe me when I say that the game can bring lots of amazing moments. It's like an arcade version of Narutal Selection.

The game itself is pretty customizable, since it's open source. And making maps is relatively easy. The community already did an insane ammount of them.

Also server admin commands gives a lot of freedom on server and rules customization allowing a wide range of configurations and weird things to happen.

I would be extremely happy if some GAFers would be willing to give this a shot.
If anyone is interested and wants to know more about, PM me or post here, I will answer everything.

This isnt a game that is easy to get into, you will need some will, but it's really fun when you start to understand how it works.

I'm currently at work, so I'll update this thread later with videos or screens if needed.
Getting this game some population is my last wish. On gaming at least.

For the interested, you may download the vanilla 1.1 and the 1.2 gameplay preview from

There's a popular mod on http://new-edge.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=3
(I'd recommend playing some vanilla/gpp before going into edge)

And there's also a branched clone called unvanquished:
It have better tech but gameplay changes are not of my taste.

Sorry for the wall, and sorry for the thread I really felt like I had to do it.

EDIT with screens and video.

First a serious gameplay video:

And some funny screens:


Wow. I actually played this when I was younger and had a lot of fun with it but couldn't remember its name for the life of me. This is amazing, thanks a lot OP!
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