Definitely a worthy topic, and rather interesting in terms of how the handheld tech at the relative fringes like this leapfrogged out the established tech trends at the time. I only ever ran into the odd bits of articles in gaming mags on the gp32 at the time, but after the fact the saga definitely got interesting. Rather odd/unfortunate that the disruptive rise of smart phones/mobile would wind up having such a homogenizing effect on the handheld scene with now only Sony and Nintendo still at it, and even then only hewing towards a more classical approach.
That, and hoping future attempts at similar gambits can learn from the missteps and fare better, like the upcoming Pyra which is just about the only modern day peer that comes to mind
That, and hoping future attempts at similar gambits can learn from the missteps and fare better, like the upcoming Pyra which is just about the only modern day peer that comes to mind