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The gaming community is an abomination.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I sense a message behind these words. I'm wondering who is this emotionally retarded fanboy fucktard you speak of...


Well, not to point the finger at anyone specifically. Just saying... If the shoe fits...

Look I personally couldn't give a toss if I play as a gruff white dude, a teen lesbian, or an attack helicopter*. I'm not and never have been hung up on the character I control needing to be representative of who I am in real life.

So people being so invested in that part of the fiction, to the point where changes appear to really hurt their feelings to the point where they start acting out online, creating moronic change.org polls (yes one exists) to alter the plot, etc. Really weirds me out.

Especially as these people (I assume) are adults. I mean TLOU as a franchise is solidly R-rated, it aint Star Wars or Harry cunting Potter... How can anyone mentally and emotionally together get so upset over the creative choices made in TLOU2?

Its mind-boggling.

*all of which I have played as over the years.


How many people here on neogaf who played the game for real would rate it 0/10? In my thread about this game they were indeed few people who were disappointed with this game, however even they have admited it's still 6-8/10 in the end, a far cry from 0/10.

Going in circles won't help your case. The problem is people going mad with low scores. The 0 is just to show how hypotrical some can be when they simply call out that number while ignoring the brainless 10 out there. Scores 0 and 10 are the same side of the coin no matter how you want to ignore. No game is a zero in the same way no game is perfect.

We reach a point where people can't show dislike without being called hypocritals and having "personnal" vendettas against this game.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, not to point the finger at anyone specifically. Just saying... If the shoe fits...

Look I personally couldn't give a toss if I play as a gruff white dude, a teen lesbian, or an attack helicopter*. I'm not and never have been hung up on the character I control needing to be representative of who I am in real life.

So people being so invested in that part of the fiction, to the point where changes appear to really hurt their feelings to the point where they start acting out online, creating moronic change.org polls (yes one exists) to alter the plot, etc. Really weirds me out.

Especially as these people (I assume) are adults. I mean TLOU as a franchise is solidly R-rated, it aint Star Wars or Harry cunting Potter... How can anyone mentally and emotionally together get so upset over the creative choices made in TLOU2?

Its mind-boggling.

*all of which I have played as over the years.

Ah. I see. Well I can't disagree with anything you say here. In general though, I think aggressive fanboys who defend their console/game/movie/whatever it might be, by lashing out & attacking anyone who dares voice a word of criticism, are pretty much all as bad as each other. They're the worst, like I said.

(thought you were having a dig at me, because I've spoken about how disappointed I am with the story in Last of Us 2)


Going in circles won't help your case. The problem is people going mad with low scores. The 0 is just to show how hypotrical some can be when they simply call out that number while ignoring the brainless 10 out there. Scores 0 and 10 are the same side of the coin no matter how you want to ignore. No game is a zero in the same way no game is perfect.

We reach a point where people can't show dislike without being called hypocritals and having "personnal" vendettas against this game.
Man, the problem is, these people who rate TLOU2 0/10 didnt even played this game, so their opinion is totally false. You guys arnt defending people with different opinion, but liars.

Based on videos I feel "ghost of tsushima" is not my kind of game, however I will not rate it on metacritic few minutes after launch without even playing it and not to mention I will now show my hate towards people who like it. That's however what TLOU2 haters have done and because you guys still cant tell whats wrong with such behavior then I better leave this discussion and let you guys continue hating.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Ah. I see. Well I can't disagree with anything you say here. In general though, I think aggressive fanboys who defend their console/game/movie/whatever it might be, by lashing out & attacking anyone who dares voice a word of criticism, are pretty much all as bad as each other. They're the worst, like I said.

(thought you were having a dig at me, because I've spoken about how disappointed I am with the story in Last of Us 2)

Said it before, gonna say it again. I really, honestly, do not give a toss if people like the same stuff I like. I'm not trying to convince anyone to change their opinion in that way, how would that profit me?

The only thing that bugs me is snidey shit like handing out 0/10's as some sort of emotional outburst or quasi-political protest. That's not cool, its being a dick in regards to something that evidently, undeniably has had a lot of love and effort put into its creation.

Dismissing the work of hundreds of talented people just doesn't sit right with me. Sorry.


Man, the problem is, these people who rate TLOU2 0/10 didnt even played this game, so their opinion is totally false.

And what makes you think who rate 10 even played? A member here even showed people giving max scores for this game without being near the launch. How they did know the game was good?

We're going circles with that same point.


Hold onto your panties
It’s a pretty good game, Great graphics, engaging story, and the gameplay elements that are present are satisfying. It just feels very polished.

It’s apparent that the primary reason it’s being bashed so much is that angry alt right men are upset that this game has so much female and LGBT character representation in it. Heterosexual men took a backseat in a video game for once and it put young men up in arms. They’re not used to taking the backseat in a story and it’s scary to them.

I don’t think it’s kids. I think it’s mainly upset heterosexual white men ranging in age from their teens to their 30’s making up the legion of trolls spamming sites like Metacritic.
The arrogant presumption of all-right hetero white male is statement that shouldn't be coming from anyone in the gaming community (unless it's a joke...then I get it). The fact that the rebuttal statements of the majority in this thread contrast you woke views set off a trigger. I would not put it past me at all that you're a troll from ReeeeesetEra. Next time, try posting something like this in the politics forum or just don't do it at all.


It’s a pretty good game, Great graphics, engaging story, and the gameplay elements that are present are satisfying. It just feels very polished.

It’s apparent that the primary reason it’s being bashed so much is that angry alt right men are upset that this game has so much female and LGBT character representation in it. Heterosexual men took a backseat in a video game for once and it put young men up in arms. They’re not used to taking the backseat in a story and it’s scary to them.

I don’t think it’s kids. I think it’s mainly upset heterosexual white men ranging in age from their teens to their 30’s making up the legion of trolls spamming sites like Metacritic.
ResetERA is this way =>


Unconfirmed Member
Said it before, gonna say it again. I really, honestly, do not give a toss if people like the same stuff I like. I'm not trying to convince anyone to change their opinion in that way, how would that profit me?

The only thing that bugs me is snidey shit like handing out 0/10's as some sort of emotional outburst or quasi-political protest. That's not cool, its being a dick in regards to something that evidently, undeniably has had a lot of love and effort put into its creation.

Dismissing the work of hundreds of talented people just doesn't sit right with me. Sorry.

I get what you're saying. Guess I just don't think it's that big of a deal.

What do those 0 out of 10 user scores achieve, at the end of the day. We all know user scores or reviews are mostly bullshit at this point. They don't affect sales. Fans of the work just ignore them. It's an empty protest that does nothing.

But I do agree with the sentiment. Whatever I think of it's story, Last of Us 2 is not a 0 out of 10. It's a damn masterpiece in almost every other measurable way.


A contemporary, male, adult opinion.

Apparently adults are just “out of touch” and just don’t like the new generational direction because “it strays to far from what they grew up with”.

Have you ever considered that not all change IS for the better? That maybe the way we got to this vulgar, hyper sexualised (almost pornographic) culture started with Elvis swinging his hips on public television (it actually started prior to that). That maybe the generation who recoiled from that perceived something like we have now?

I think the idea that only the young should have their finger on the pulse is preposterous.

Society use to respect the wisdom of their elders and use to look to them to guide right action and right moral choices.

All I see these days are individuals who are lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty and having a form of goodness but operating against the good.

No offence to you Convicsik, i don't know you in anyway and am not judging you personally but the opinion that adults are “out of touch” and by logical conclusion should stop complaining because we are scared of diversity of cultural norms is utterly juvenile, unthoughtful, lazy and a horrid lesson to impart on younger people.

Society use to respect the wisdom of their elders.

Your post kind of proves my point though. “Society used to respect their elders” .... when ? If society ever respected their elders they wouldn’t have liked Elvis. They would have said “our elders are right, we shouldn’t follow this Elvis character”.

And I by no means am saying that ONLY the younger generations should have their finger on the pulse of society, but historically when hasn’t the younger generations been those who dictate society.

Slavery, segregation, women voting, gay marriage ... these changes weren’t brought about by old people while the majority of the younger people in that society were against those things.

By all means, stand your ground, voice your opinion, put your finger on the pulse of society , all I am saying is that it’s a losing battle and your going to be miserable for the rest of your life if you can’t adapt to change.

You can shit on SJW culture all you want, but companies don’t care about your feelings, they care about money, and young hip kids and young adults are the demographic. If you hate today’s society but demand someone make a video game for you, maybe try calling Rupert Murdoch and see if Fox News or My Pillow wants to get into the gaming business because they are about the only two companies that don’t care what is cool or what is hip.

And btw, I’m not even defending every single social change that is happening, I’m just pointing out that it is what it is, and I personally understand that becoming the sad old man standing outside the Marilyn Manson concert telling people to repent is not going to change anything, so I just have to accept it.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Your post kind of proves my point though. “Society used to respect their elders” .... when ? If society ever respected their elders they wouldn’t have liked Elvis. They would have said “our elders are right, we shouldn’t follow this Elvis character”.

And I by no means am saying that ONLY the younger generations should have their finger on the pulse of society, but historically when hasn’t the younger generations been those who dictate society.

Slavery, segregation, women voting, gay marriage ... these changes weren’t brought about by old people while the majority of the younger people in that society were against those things.

By all means, stand your ground, voice your opinion, put your finger on the pulse of society , all I am saying is that it’s a losing battle and your going to be miserable for the rest of your life if you can’t adapt to change.

You can shit on SJW culture all you want, but companies don’t care about your feelings, they care about money, and young hip kids and young adults are the demographic. If you hate today’s society but demand someone make a video game for you, maybe try calling Rupert Murdoch and see if Fox News or My Pillow wants to get into the gaming business because they are about the only two companies that don’t care what is cool or what is hip.

And btw, I’m not even defending every single social change that is happening, I’m just pointing out that it is what it is, and I personally understand that becoming the sad old man standing outside the Marilyn Manson concert telling people to repent is not going to change anything, so I just have to accept it.

You make a good point, but my concern is that a lot of what passes for youth culture these days isn't coming up organically. Its the product of marketing and PR and propagandizing by powerful vested interests.

Now, more than ever the flow of information, the "reality" we perceive via the internet is being managed. Most of the time for profit. The end result is a plethora of youth movements who care less about free speech than a feeling of safety. This generation wouldn't exalt Elvis, they'd berate him for appropriating the music of the marginalized and oppressed!
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You make a good point, but my concern is that a lot of what passes for youth culture these days isn't coming up organically. Its the product of marketing and PR and propagandizing by powerful vested interests.

Now, more than ever the flow of information, the "reality" we perceive via the internet is being managed. Most of the time for profit. The end result is a plethora of youth movements who care less about free speech than a feeling of safety. This generation wouldn't exalt Elvis, they'd berate him for appropriating the music of the marginalized and oppressed!

I agree with you on that, but also want to point out that it goes both ways. The majority of the rallies and protests for America to re-open the economy were organized by business / political interest groups and posted on social media under the guise of an organic movement.


It’s apparent that the primary reason it’s being bashed so much is that angry alt right men are upset that this game has so much female and LGBT character representation in it. Heterosexual men took a backseat in a video game for once and it put young men up in arms. They’re not used to taking the backseat in a story and it’s scary to them.

"It’s apparent that the primary reason it’s being bashed so much is that angry alt right men are upset that this game has so much female and LGBT character representation in it."

LOL. How big do you think the alt-right actually is?

Plus why the hell would they care about female and LGBT representation is this ONE game for some reason?

The Last of Us: Left Behind has an 8.0 user score so either that game came out before misogyny and homophobia were invented or you are completely full of shit.

Life is Strange has an 8.6 user score.

So on one hand the "alt right men" are this massive group of villains who are bashing this game but on the other hand they seem to have missed a whole bunch of games.

Almost like they are a convenient scapegoat here.

The game is just amazing, honest. It's just this shadowy organization that happens to hate this one particular game. Riiiiiiight.
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