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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Rickard said:
I listened through the newest movies soundtrack, couldn't find it.

Help me Trek-GAF, You are my only hope.
Freedom Fighters - Two Steps from Hell
I accept credit or paypal :p

Trailer 3


Jealous Bastard
they liked doing scenes in TNG season 2 in which people walked out of rooms but were somehow paradoxically looped back into the same room.



So it turns out two steps from hell is a company that only does music for movie trailers.

If someone had told me about this 10 years ago I would have made very different life decisions.
Teh Hamburglar said:
It wasn't Q who created the anomly in the finale, it was Picard. Q just gave Picard an opportunity to fix it.
But Picard only created it in the first place because Q was flipping him about to mess with him.


Jealous Bastard
speaking of picard, i wanted to confess that even as a primarily DS9 fan, watching the TNG episode "measure of a man" and comparing that to the DS9 episode in which sisqo defends worf it became abundantly clear that patrick stewart completely destroys avery brooks where dramatic oratory is concerned. i'm still a huge sisqo fan, but stewart has such a great ability to present a situation dramatically but also completely convincingly and with such conviction.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
beelzebozo said:
speaking of picard, i wanted to confess that even as a primarily DS9 fan, watching the TNG episode "measure of a man" and comparing that to the DS9 episode in which sisqo defends worf it became abundantly clear that patrick stewart completely destroys avery brooks where dramatic oratory is concerned. i'm still a huge sisqo fan, but stewart has such a great ability to present a situation dramatically but also completely convincingly and with such conviction.

I think Measure of the Man was the first bonafide masterpiece of TNG. All other subsequent copycat court dramas in the franchise pale in comparison not just because of the acting performances (Frakes was actually really good as well), but the subject material that was dealt with.


Kills Photobucket
While I think there's many great examples of TNG acting, I thought "Measures of a Man" was way to preachy and over the top.

Not to mention I always find it hard to take anyone seriously in the first two seasons because of the uniforms.


Court dramas in Star Trek go back a lot farther than Measure of a Man. That episode is basically a retread of Court Martial in TOS.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Teh Hamburglar said:
huh what?

It was Q who first started throwing Picard between the three time periods. If he hadn't done that, Picard would never have had the opportunity to fire that beam in the same spot in three separate time periods. Whole mess of causality issues.


BorkBork said:
I think Measure of the Man was the first bonafide masterpiece of TNG. All other subsequent copycat court dramas in the franchise pale in comparison not just because of the acting performances (Frakes was actually really good as well), but the subject material that was dealt with.
I like "Matter of Perspective" because of the different holographic testimonies.



The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
DrForester said:
While I think there's many great examples of TNG acting, I thought "Measures of a Man" was way to preachy and over the top.

Not to mention I always find it hard to take anyone seriously in the first two seasons because of the uniforms.

Star Trek? Preachy? GET OUT!
It is quintessential Trek, through and through.

maharg said:
Court dramas in Star Trek go back a lot farther than Measure of a Man. That episode is basically a retread of Court Martial in TOS.

Yeah, that's why I said all subsequent court dramas. Subject matter was completely different though.

benjipwns said:
I like "Matter of Perspective" because of the different holographic testimonies.


That was a fun little episode, ignoring the fact that it was completely impossible, even in the realm of the Trek universe.
DarthWoo said:
It was Q who first started throwing Picard between the three time periods. If he hadn't done that, Picard would never have had the opportunity to fire that beam in the same spot in three separate time periods. Whole mess of causality issues.

No. The anomoly was growing backwards through time. Q just allowed Picard to exist in all 3 time periods so he could stop it. IT wasnt the beam that ended humanity. It was the anamoly that stopped the origin of life from occuring on earth.


Kills Photobucket
Teh Hamburglar said:
No. The anomoly was growing backwards through time. Q just allowed Picard to exist in all 3 time periods so he could stop it. IT wasnt the beam that ended humanity. It was the anamoly that stopped the origin of life from occuring on earth.

It's a big time paradox. Because future Picard never would have gone to the location without Q's involvement and Future Picard is the reason the beam was used in that location. Not like the episode didn't have other ones. If the anomaly grew as it went back in time, why was the future crew able to see it if they created it when they used their magic beam.


My two cents,
I would of liked a new series to be set 10 years after DS9, the Federation is in the process of accepting new worlds from the Delta Quadrant and has an established presence at the start of the Delta Quadrant near the wormhole. The treaty with the Dominion is still holding but tensions are high.
StarFleet believes the time is right for proper exploration of the Delta quadrant and sends out numerous ships, this series will focus on one and its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before.

In this series it would be one ship exploring the universe and generally leave Klingon / Romulan politics out of it and establish its own "universe" much like TNG did.
Chain of Command, to me, is Stewart's finest hour. Picard here shows that his willpower is his greatest strenght, and Stewart portrays his emotions in such a convincing way no "In the pale moonlight" Brooks could ever top. His voice is broken but firm, his eyes and body devastated, but nothing of this matters to him

when I think about a Starfleet Captain, I think Picard
DrForester said:
It's a big time paradox. Because future Picard never would have gone to the location without Q's involvement and Future Picard is the reason the beam was used in that location. Not like the episode didn't have other ones. If the anomaly grew as it went back in time, why was the future crew able to see it if they created it when they used their magic beam.

even though i really enjoyed the episode, it has one of the biggest plot holes in all of trekdom, Qs involvement or no.

The future enterprise goes back to the scene of the anomaly after they convince Riker, once there, they are able to do the whole static warp shell thing, the problem is that the anomaly travels backwards through time, this is specifically mentioned as the reason why they did NOT see the anomaly when on the Pasteur.

Since it travels backwards, there's no reason for them to have seen it on the future enterprise, which was not on the scene until later.
Anasui Kishibe said:
Chain of Command, to me, is Stewart's finest hour. Picard here shows that his willpower is his greatest strenght, and Stewart portrays his emotions in such a convincing way no "In the pale moonlight" Brooks could ever top. His voice is broken but firm, his eyes and body devastated, but nothing of this matters to him

when I think about a Starfleet Captain, I think Picard

But Picard was JUST ABOUT to break when the Cardassian entered and said they were returning Picard. Stewart said he actually did alot of research on torture for that episode. He watched tapes and really got into it.
Teh Hamburglar said:
But Picard was JUST ABOUT to break when the Cardassian entered and said they were returning Picard. Stewart said he actually did alot of research on torture for that episode. He watched tapes and really got into it.

ah, I donno about it man. He just stands there, yes, it seems like he's gonna tell him what he wants to hear but he could also be ready to say I SAH FOH LIGHTS again

Silent Death

lemme get one or two licks
beelzebozo said:
the fascination with bringing back tasha yar over and over on TNG is really kind of creepy.

WTF, they only brought her back once, proper in "Yesterdays Enterprise,", and once in a flashback during the series finally.


Jack Random said:
even though i really enjoyed the episode, it has one of the biggest plot holes in all of trekdom, Qs involvement or no.

The future enterprise goes back to the scene of the anomaly after they convince Riker, once there, they are able to do the whole static warp shell thing, the problem is that the anomaly travels backwards through time, this is specifically mentioned as the reason why they did NOT see the anomaly when on the Pasteur.

Since it travels backwards, there's no reason for them to have seen it on the future enterprise, which was not on the scene until later.
I always thought of it as it got created in that future timeline due to the time/anti-time explosion, but after formation always stayed the same size going forward. Again, it gets BIGGER as you go into the past.


Kills Photobucket
beelzebozo said:
the fascination with bringing back tasha yar over and over on TNG is really kind of creepy.

They only brought her back, what? 4 times (if you count 2 ep episodes as 1 episode). I thought they found really interesting ways to do it. "Yesterdays Enterprise" was great, as was her appearance in "All Good Things..." Bringing her back as Sela was a very creative answer.

Sela also tried to give a face for the Romulans, something I think was missing to make them really a good villain on Star Trek (Tomalak was pretty lame). Klingon's had Gowron, Cardassians had Dukat, etc. Romulans lacked a leader.


Jealous Bastard
maybe creepy is the wrong word. it's just really unusual watching an episode like "YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE" with this person who is dead in the main series timeline having such an effect on the alternate timeline, and the writers asking you to care a lot about a decision that eventually puts her right back on the injured list (so to speak). it's just interesting, i guess, that someone killed in the first season of the show continued to play such a big role for its duration.

and maybe i keep hitting episodes with her present so it just seems weird. it should be said that she's a constant presence in data's personal life (his little hologram portrait of her), and then the stuff from "YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE," "ALL GOOD THINGS" which i watched long ago and remember fondly, and a few other times i think she shows up in some form.

it's just not something i'm used to in a television series i suppose.


DrForester said:
Sela also tried to give a face for the Romulans, something I think was missing to make them really a good villain on Star Trek (Tomalak was pretty lame). Klingon's had Gowron, Cardassians had Dukat, etc. Romulans lacked a leader.
That comparison doesn't really work though, as Sela never appeared post-TNG right? Since she's really only in TNG, the only other proper faces is the Duras family for the Klingons. And the Cardassians never got a proper face until well into DS9 after TNG ended as Dukat wasn't truly representative as "the main bad guy" until the events leading up to the whole Dominion War.


Kills Photobucket
beelzebozo said:
maybe creepy is the wrong word. it's just really unusual watching an episode like "YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE" with this person who is dead in the main series timeline having such an effect on the alternate timeline, and the writers asking you to care a lot about a decision that eventually puts her right back on the injured list (so to speak). it's just interesting, i guess, that someone killed in the first season of the show continued to play such a big role for its duration.

and maybe i keep hitting episodes with her present so it just seems weird. it should be said that she's a constant presence in data's personal life (his little hologram portrait of her), and then the stuff from "YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE," "ALL GOOD THINGS" which i watched long ago and remember fondly, and a few other times i think she shows up in some form.

it's just not something i'm used to in a television series i suppose.

Still wasn't that often. She only showed up as Sela in Unification part 2, and Redemption part 2 (part 1 if you want to include the 3 second cliffhanger shot at the end). I never thought they relied on it, and thought it was some really creative writing to bring back someone the fans liked. Wasn't like they brought her back from the dead or something lame like that.

XiaNaphryz said:
That comparison doesn't really work though, as Sela never appeared post-TNG right? Since she's really only in TNG, the only other proper faces is the Duras family for the Klingons. And the Cardassians never got a proper face until well into DS9 after TNG ended as Dukat wasn't truly representative as "the main bad guy" until the events leading up to the whole Dominion War.

Well, that's why I said "tried". Sela was good, but I think the problem with the Romulans is they had no visible leader. Also the Romulans were just underutilized. They've been around since nearly the beginning of the series, yet they never really went anywhere.


DrForester said:
Wasn't like they brought her back from the dead or something lame like that.

speaking of which, have they ever given any explanation about the whole Tasha/Sela thing? I suspect they did but can't remember what it was about


Kills Photobucket
Anasui Kishibe said:
speaking of which, have they ever given any explanation about the whole Tasha/Sela resemblance? I suspect they did but can't remember what it was about

Tasha was a survivor of the Enterprise C when she went back in Yesterday's Enterprise. A Romulan General was attracted to her and agreed to space the survivors if she became his wife. They had a Daughter. Sela said that Tasha tried to flee the planet with her when she was a child but she screamed for help and they were found. Her mother was killed and all that was human in her died that day.


Anasui Kishibe said:
speaking of which, have they ever given any explanation about the whole Tasha/Sela thing? I suspect they did but can't remember what it was about
DrForester already handled it, but still check this site out for lots of detailed backgrounds on everything Star Trek: http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Sela

Good resource for figuring out these things they explained quickly or hinted at. (Plus it has BTS info on a lot of things.)
Sela is the daughter of alternate universe Tasha that got sent back into the regular TNG timeline.

Anyone else find it weird seeing Wesley as Tactical Officer in Parallels?


I liked Admiral Picard from "Future Imperfect" with his beard and sidekick Deanna.

Riker should have known he was in another "reality" since Picard had a beard.

Speaking of some cool episodes I saw recently, I really like the mystery ones for example: "Clues", "Cause and Effect" and "Conundrum". Even the with one Crusher and the disappearing crew is fun. (Even if all of them are letdown explanations.)

Thinking of it reminds me of some others like Data's crazy dreams, or Riker losing his mind, or the one where the whole Enterprise is frozen in time and Picard draws that smiley face in the exhaust, and so on.

Silent Death

lemme get one or two licks
Anasui Kishibe said:
speaking of which, have they ever given any explanation about the whole Tasha/Sela thing? I suspect they did but can't remember what it was about

WTF did you even watch the show?
yeah I did watch the show, in 1987. Sorry if I can't remember all of it after 22 years

thanks for the posts guys, quite a big backstory indeed

Let me in

Acid08 said:
I saw Wrath of Khan for the first time recently. Goddamn the movie sucked, and I'm a huge fan of TOS after powering through most of it on YouTube :lol . Ricardo Mantebaun is such a shit villain.

Huh? You're entitled to your opinion, but it's one of the best written, directed and scored out of all of them. Not that these movies are academy-worthy anyway, but as far as Star Trek is concerned it's the best. Most emotionally evoking, anyway.

Oh, and Montalbán, while campy at times, provided a very compelling villain.


For the Cali Trekkies, if you missed it in San Diego earlier in the year the Star Trek exhibit is coming back!

For SoCal, Star Trek: The Exhibit opens at the Hollywood & Highland Center this weekend (Oct 10).

For NorCal, Star Trek: The Exhibit opens at the San Jose Tech Museum on Friday Oct 23.

Highlights include

* Recreation of the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, featured in Star Trek: The Next Generation
* Shinzon’s throne featured in the film Star Trek: Nemesis
* A replica of the sickbay from Star Trek: The Next Generation. The ship’s sickbay was the setting for many of the show’s most important scenes.
* Recreation of the Engineering Room from the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
* Original Series Captain’s chair recreation
* Genuine Props and costumes from the entire Star Trek franchise, including JJ Abrams Star Trek
Exhibit's main website.

General reaction to the exhibit in other cities earlier in the year since the San Diego show are mixed. Lots of complaints about not being able to take your own pictures (apparently people were selling photos taken at the SD show on Ebay), some sets showed significant wear-and-tear in some cities, and very high prices for shots taken by professionals at the show itself. But still, it's Trek props! :D


Teh Hamburglar said:
LOL seeing Crusher go crazy was fun.

"Just you and me, roaming teh galaxy without a crew."

"We've never neede a crew before."

That's one of my favorite episodes actually, though I haven't watched it in so long that I have no idea whether the "warp bubble" thing makes any sense either in real life or in the Star Trek universe physics.

"Computer, what is the primary mission of the Enterprise?"

"To explore the galaxy"

"Do I have the necessary qualifications to carry out that mission alone?"


"Then why am I the only crew member?"

*bzzzzt buzzzzzzzz beep beep*

"Ah hah, got ya there."


So after watching all of Enterprise again, the whole series from "Broken Bow" to "Terra Prime"*, I gotta say it was pretty good. I can understand why people would've tuned it out at first, as it wasn't actually showing a lot of "prequel" stuff at first, aside from the occasional Vulcan/Andorian episode.

Also, like half of season two was terrible. But from the end of the second season on, I'd say it's a good Star Trek show. Not the best, not the worst. Better than Voyager at least.



Jealous Bastard

perhaps nothing quite as much as their loose puffy flowing sleeves renders romulans completely unintimidating and impotent.


XiaNaphryz said:
For the Cali Trekkies, if you missed it in San Diego earlier in the year the Star Trek exhibit is coming back!

For SoCal, Star Trek: The Exhibit opens at the Hollywood & Highland Center this weekend (Oct 10).

For NorCal, Star Trek: The Exhibit opens at the San Jose Tech Museum on Friday Oct 23.

Exhibit's main website.

General reaction to the exhibit in other cities earlier in the year since the San Diego show are mixed. Lots of complaints about not being able to take your own pictures (apparently people were selling photos taken at the SD show on Ebay), some sets showed significant wear-and-tear in some cities, and very high prices for shots taken by professionals at the show itself. But still, it's Trek props! :D
I saw it and its really not impressive at all. Really disappointed to be honest. Could have been waaaay better.
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