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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN

Htown said:
So after watching all of Enterprise again, the whole series from "Broken Bow" to "Terra Prime"*, I gotta say it was pretty good. I can understand why people would've tuned it out at first, as it wasn't actually showing a lot of "prequel" stuff at first, aside from the occasional Vulcan/Andorian episode.

Also, like half of season two was terrible. But from the end of the second season on, I'd say it's a good Star Trek show. Not the best, not the worst. Better than Voyager at least.


believe me mate, the fact they weren't showin prequel stuff is the least of ENT's problems. Glad you liked it, though


Jealous Bastard
watching "QPID." they're ruining Q. he's just some goofy retard. i have trouble believing after the last episode he was in (i forget the name) that he'd just so randomly play more games with picard. i mean, where's the motive here? i know Q is mischievious but this is pushing the limits of believability for me
beelzebozo said:
watching "QPID." they're ruining Q. he's just some goofy retard. i have trouble believing after the last episode he was in (i forget the name) that he'd just so randomly play more games with picard. i mean, where's the motive here? i know Q is mischievious but this is pushing the limits of believability for me

Did you miss the first 10 minutes? Q feels indebted to Picard for saving his life when Q was human. So hes trying to help Picard by showing him that love will bring him down.

VOY ruined Q. He completely contradicts himself in Q and the Grey when he tries to mate with Janeway and have a baby.


Jealous Bastard
yeah, i guess it just still seemed. . . ridiculous. i donnu. maybe i'm just tired of Q's antics. he's just sort of a joke at this point in the show.


Kills Photobucket
beelzebozo said:
watching "QPID." they're ruining Q. he's just some goofy retard. i have trouble believing after the last episode he was in (i forget the name) that he'd just so randomly play more games with picard. i mean, where's the motive here? i know Q is mischievious but this is pushing the limits of believability for me

Q was made more a comic relief character with every subsequent appearance (except for All Good Things...).


Jealous Bastard
as far as villains go, though, they've done a very nice job with the borg in the past couple of seasons, i think. their initial introduction to the show was particularly nice: guinan ominously telling picard that they needed to get out of there, because they weren't ready for what was out there. gave goldberg a chance to do some pretty decent acting.

i also appreciated the end of that two-parter, where picard was left standing at his window pretty obviously deeply disturbed by all he'd experienced, and for them to leave that emotional scarring open paid off in a big way when FIRST CONTACT came around. i think they even echo that scene of him standing at the window.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
beelzebozo said:
as far as villains go, though, they've done a very nice job with the borg in the past couple of seasons, i think. their initial introduction to the show was particularly nice: guinan ominously telling picard that they needed to get out of there, because they weren't ready for what was out there. gave goldberg a chance to do some pretty decent acting.

Q-Who is probably my favorite Q episode. The borg were excellent villains because they eliminate the two primary solutions Star Trek generally has towards dealing with enemies. By their very nature, they cannot be negotiated with, and they are vastly superior in technology. They are an unstoppable threat, terrifying in their ability to adapt and relentless in their pursuit to literally and figuratively destroy humanity. They just worked so well.

Until they got neutered later on obviously.


Jealous Bastard
very well-put. what makes them really frightening is that there's no room for negotiation as far as their intentions for your fate. they have a singular agenda as this massive immovable force.

ultimate space zombies just keep on comin'.

MC Safety

beelzebozo said:
very well-put. what makes them really frightening is that there's no room for negotiation as far as their intentions for your fate. they have a singular agenda as this massive immovable force.

ultimate space zombies just keep on comin'.

Unless you put them to sleep. Then their ship mysteriously blows up.


Jealous Bastard

it's like the big button you press on boba fett's back to make him fly into the sarlacc pit

BorkBork said:
Q-Who is probably my favorite Q episode. The borg were excellent villains because they eliminate the two primary solutions Star Trek generally has towards dealing with enemies. By their very nature, they cannot be negotiated with, and they are vastly superior in technology. They are an unstoppable threat, terrifying in their ability to adapt and relentless in their pursuit to literally and figuratively destroy humanity. They just worked so well.

Until they got neutered later on obviously.

The Borg overreached and messed with the wrong woman.


Though Lore and Hugh are also to blame.
beelzebozo said:
one day i'm going to watch VOYAGER. i swear.

I watched when it was on because I was into all things Trek. But if you're just getting into the series you're totally 100% not missing anything.


beelzebozo said:
welp, there goes that idea :lol

maybe instead i'll just rewatch DS9. profit
You'll thank them later. I sat through the wreckage that is Voyager about a year ago (after watching the TNG and DS9 series back to back). It got to the point where I just wanted everyone to die. The only good thing that Voyager ever contributed to the ST universe is the "Year of Hell" two parter, and even then they did a reset, so technically that never happened.
Teh Hamburglar said:
Did Archer EVER win a brawl? Kirk and Sisko would lay him out with one punch. Hell, I bet Picard could win.
It wasn't exactly a punching victory, but he sliced off one of Shran's antennae.



He also beat the Xindi Reptilian commander at the end of season 3 by attaching an explosive to his back during a fist fight and then blowing it up. Bad. Ass.

Oh. And remember the time he stabbed a Xindi in the throat with a miniature statue of Zephram Cochrane? Good times.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Just saw DS9's Trials and Tribble-lations again. I've forgotten how fun that episode was. Dax gaga over McCoy and Spock, Bashir's great grandmother checking him out, O'Brien mistaking some yellow shirt for Kirk, Worf hush hushing the weird Klingon looks. :lol What an awesome tribute episode.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Have been watching the entire ds9 series again over the last 2 months. Im up to to halfway through season 7 and the whole experience has reminded me why ds9 is my favorite sci fi show ever made. And that ezri is so ridiculously hot.
Dani said:
90% of that show is just mind numbing trash. I've sat through it all and many episodes multiple times, and I still want my time back.

It's certainly rife with throw-aways. It seems like the writers would cobble together a holodeck episode here and there just to take a week off.
bengraven said:
Yeah, you also remind me I need to get the first season of TOS on DVD like now.

bah, forget the DVDS and get the BR, like now

gotta love Archer. I still remember that Vulcan chap slamming his ass to the wall with one hand, I loled at him and at Enterpirse
I liked the beginning of season season 1 of Enterprise, and all of season 3 except the last few seconds. Season 3 was just damn good trek, whether or not you were predisposed to not like the foundations of the show. Everything up to
Nazi alien
, glad that was over pretty quick though at the start of season 4.

Even season 4 was solid if not as good as 3, and certainly was enjoyable enough to not deserve it's wretch-inducing finale, nearly two seasons of a solidly written show murdered via asphyxiation, choked out of existence by Berman and Braga's feces. That episode was a fucking disgrace by any standard, final proof that those two assclowns deserved to have the entire Star Trek franchise torn away from their tactless grasp
and gently settled into the loving embrace of the co-creators of the greatest science fiction television program ever made.


There's nothing wrong with liking Enterprise and Voyager.

It's when you say they're better than the previous shows that we have an issue.
FWIW and at the risk of getting a nerd bloody nose, I'd put Enterprise right in the middle, above TOS. Watching most of Voyager and TOS over the last few years, possibly my biggest enjoyment was writing down my complaints afterward.


JoshuaJSlone said:
FWIW and at the risk of getting a nerd bloody nose, I'd put Enterprise right in the middle, above TOS. Watching most of Voyager and TOS over the last few years, possibly my biggest enjoyment was writing down my complaints afterward.
I don't know...
The best episodes of TOS were better than the best ones of Enterprise, for the most part.

But the worst episodes of TOS were like DAAAAAMN.


I am Korean.
user_nat said:
Am I the only person who likes both Voyager and Enterprise?
I didn't mind either show. I never got the impression that they were especially good though. I could never get past the alien space Nazi's from the future in Enterprise.

Voyager, it just crapped up Q, the Borg etc. Paris and Janeway had lizard babies, and all that hoodoo about Data being a huge advance in artificial life was somehow matched by an algorithm and a holo-emitter with the Doctor.


Jealous Bastard
i actually don't think TOS holds up well at all. it has kitsch sci-fi value, but i think TNG, DS9, and pretty much all the movies destroy it. even the most timeless episodes have great ideas, but come across with a considerable layer of cheese. now, i'm not one to scoff at the cheddar, and i appreciate that something that forges new ground will inevitably have more snags than the refinements of that ground in future endeavors, but i don't get major urges to watch TOS episodes, unless i'm telling someone about a specific one and think they need the back story.

i'm much more interested in the films with the TOS crew, which i enjoy so damn much. i'm also really glad to see those great characters back in the new movies, even if i had some niggling problems with the abrams STAR TREK.


I'm watching the whole of TNG in order for the past couple of months - first time I've really seen it other than catching it on TV over the years. I was kinda shocked how old fashioned the first episode looked. It felt like I was watching the original series with the costumes and the sets.

I really wasn't enjoying it that much till later on, probably season 2 - into season 6 now, just watched the episode where Picard, Guynan etc get turned into kids.

I read on here so much that Q got nerfed in Voyager, but there was a really weak episode with him in TNG I watched just the other day where he comes on the Enterprise because of some teenage girl Q. Seemed like he was turning into a pastiche of himself before Voyager.

On a similar note the more they brought back Tasha Yar, the more I rolled my eyes. When the actress came back as her Romulan daughter, that character had definately jumped the shark.

I don't know how the series ends (don't spoil it for me!) but I hope it's better than Voyager, which I thought had a really weak final episode.
random observation, but I watched Star Trek IV for the first time the other day. When they find out that they were going to San Francisco, the camera immediately focuses on Sulu and he gets all happy and says "I was born there!"

Was that some kind of inside joke at the time? It made me chuckle, at least.


I am Korean.
BitchTits said:
I'm watching the whole of TNG in order for the past couple of months - first time I've really seen it other than catching it on TV over the years. I was kinda shocked how old fashioned the first episode looked. It felt like I was watching the original series with the costumes and the sets.
Similar scripts too. They were pretty much rehashing TOS until Roddenberry died. Then things picked up.
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